Teen moms, do you support teen pregnancy?

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I did not mean to offend. As I stated. But... Sorry if I did! :)

I t is okay I am not offended. I am quite used to it now. I get it a lot. I know it may not sound right me being with someone that age but if you were to meet him in person then you would see. He really is one of those guys that will do anything for their girlfriend.(Technically fiance) He is so supportive and he works two jobs a day. This equals out to around 16-17 hours a day. He really is wonderful.
i don't want to sound like really horrible but i don't think its irresponsible for a teen to plan their kid

1. i have a room for the baby
2. my mum was alright with me planning this baby cause of previous loss
3. my oh wanted this baby aswell
4. i have a job, maybe not getting as much money as some but its still something
5. oh has a job, again maybe not getting as much money as some
6. we both have savings. my mum's been putting away for me. so has my dad
and oh's parents have been doing the same. i also have saved alotta money myself.

but anyway i don't want to sound rude or anything xxx

You don't sound rude. But most teenagers aren't in as good of a situation as you are. Your parents support you which is GREAT because that will help you out LOADS financially and emotionally. I'm in the same situation, I have room for the baby, both OH and I have jobs and both sets of parents are extremely supportive. Thankfully I still live w/ my parents while I go to school and work, therefore I'm not forking out as much money as I could be if I had to live alone with him. I hate to think that without my parents and with my OH, I financially would NEVER be able to live on my own making the money I make right now. I also hate to think that without my OH and with my parents I would never be able to go to college and better my life. Could you? Thankfully we're both lucky that we have such supportive families and a supportive OH, but not everyone has that which is why it's irresponsible for teenagers to have pregnancies.

i get what you mean now , i thought yous just ment it was irresponsible just because they were teens, my bad:dohh:. no i honestly couldn't imagine doing this without the support of my family they have been amazing through my loss and everything. xxx

Oh nonono. :hugs:
I'm exactly the same way, we are so lucky!
My family were extremely supportive and still are, it's amazing! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
tasha41 ~ i get what you mean, my mum was more supportive because she herself went through a loss before me and knew what it felt like to want a baby after a loss. she was also supportive because she had gotten to know my bf etc and knows we are in a very commited realtionship (even though we are taking a break at the moment) she was also happy that i was honest with her about wanting to try. but i do get where your coming from xxx
I did not mean to offend. As I stated. But... Sorry if I did! :)

I t is okay I am not offended. I am quite used to it now. I get it a lot. I know it may not sound right me being with someone that age but if you were to meet him in person then you would see. He really is one of those guys that will do anything for their girlfriend.(Technically fiance) He is so supportive and he works two jobs a day. This equals out to around 16-17 hours a day. He really is wonderful.

That's great hun :hugs:
I heard a lot of crap when I was 16 because I was with a 24 yo, which is different because you're considered an adult, but I can relate.. people used to talk about us all the time! That's great he's supportive :thumbup:
I do wonder what 27 year old man wouls want with a teenager... Do not take offense but that strikes me as strange!

I hear it a lot so it is okay.We met at work so we knew each other for awhile. He thought that I was older and I thought he was younger. He does not look his age tbh..lol He is not one of those perverted guys or anything. He is really sweet and he is one of the most hardworking wonderful guys I have ever met. I do not think anyone would look at it as strange if I was 25 and he was 34. That would be a normal thing for everyone...
Yes, because a 25 year old has more life experience and a fully developed brain. :thumbup: i understand that not all situations are cookie cutter though.

I canot understand it but I do not act the same as an 18 year old. I turn 19 years old this year. I am almost finished with my associates degree in psychology with a 4.0 I had to grow up much quicker than I should have. I have had many things happen in my life that had forced me to grow up. So I am sure I have enough life experience :haha: I do not think I could handle anymore. I believe that since I am 18 almost 19 that I am considered an adult. I understand if I was 13 or 14 and he was that old but I am of legal age.

Seriously? Who are you? What she does with a 27 year old man is her damn business. Who are you to pass judgement on her or any of us. Whiether you agree with it or not everyone on this TEEN PREGNANCY FORUM is pregnant. Why are you even on this part of the site starting commotion? Im sure most of us will make better mothers than half the 25-35 year olds having children.

I don't think hot tea was trying to be rude, she was just stating an opinion which is always expressed through forums whether you're in the teen pregnancy section or not.

well this is teen PREGNANCY. Meaning your suppose to be a TEEN and PREGNANT. Not some random person judging people. Im sorry if I dont think its right that the girls that come here for help are getting judged. Im sure everyone has their opinion but I dont care if she was a 35 year old yeahh alot of people would think thats wrong but I dont think she wants to hear it. and the whole "yeah a 25 year old has a fully developed brain" thing was ridiculous.
Yes, I honestly did not intend to offend, I am just an upfront person.
I did not mean to offend. As I stated. But... Sorry if I did! :)

I t is okay I am not offended. I am quite used to it now. I get it a lot. I know it may not sound right me being with someone that age but if you were to meet him in person then you would see. He really is one of those guys that will do anything for their girlfriend.(Technically fiance) He is so supportive and he works two jobs a day. This equals out to around 16-17 hours a day. He really is wonderful.

That's great hun :hugs:
I heard a lot of crap when I was 16 because I was with a 24 yo, which is different because you're considered an adult, but I can relate.. people used to talk about us all the time! That's great he's supportive :thumbup:

Yes he is very excited for the baby and has been putting one full paycheck from each job into savings...lol
Yes he is very excited for the baby and has been putting one full paycheck from each job into savings...lol

as long as your happy i really don't see what the big fuss is about. i personally think that if what a person chooses makes them happy then it is the right thing for them :D
I do wonder what 27 year old man wouls want with a teenager... Do not take offense but that strikes me as strange!

I hear it a lot so it is okay.We met at work so we knew each other for awhile. He thought that I was older and I thought he was younger. He does not look his age tbh..lol He is not one of those perverted guys or anything. He is really sweet and he is one of the most hardworking wonderful guys I have ever met. I do not think anyone would look at it as strange if I was 25 and he was 34. That would be a normal thing for everyone...
Yes, because a 25 year old has more life experience and a fully developed brain. :thumbup: i understand that not all situations are cookie cutter though.

I canot understand it but I do not act the same as an 18 year old. I turn 19 years old this year. I am almost finished with my associates degree in psychology with a 4.0 I had to grow up much quicker than I should have. I have had many things happen in my life that had forced me to grow up. So I am sure I have enough life experience :haha: I do not think I could handle anymore. I believe that since I am 18 almost 19 that I am considered an adult. I understand if I was 13 or 14 and he was that old but I am of legal age.

Seriously? Who are you? What she does with a 27 year old man is her damn business. Who are you to pass judgement on her or any of us. Whiether you agree with it or not everyone on this TEEN PREGNANCY FORUM is pregnant. Why are you even on this part of the site starting commotion? Im sure most of us will make better mothers than half the 25-35 year olds having children.

I don't think hot tea was trying to be rude, she was just stating an opinion which is always expressed through forums whether you're in the teen pregnancy section or not.

well this is teen PREGNANCY. Meaning your suppose to be a TEEN and PREGNANT. Not some random person judging people. Im sorry if I dont think its right that the girls that come here for help are getting judged. Im sure everyone has their opinion but I dont care if she was a 35 year old yeahh alot of people would think thats wrong but I dont think she wants to hear it. and the whole "yeah a 25 year old has a fully developed brain" thing was ridiculous.

She's not random, she's pregnant! LOL. She's posted loads here before!
And the teen pregnancy part of the forum does not mean you're supposed to be a TEEN and PREGNANT, per the forum = Young and pregnant? Come and talk to other teen mothers-to-be and helpful adults who can give support and advice on issues relating to teen pregnancy. Also, I think she's already apologized and things have been settled.. :D
Yes he is very excited for the baby and has been putting one full paycheck from each job into savings...lol

as long as your happy i really don't see what the big fuss is about. i personally think that if what a person chooses makes them happy then it is the right thing for them :D

Thank you... I feel like i started an arguement on here though by mentioning OH's age. :shrug:
I do wonder what 27 year old man wouls want with a teenager... Do not take offense but that strikes me as strange!

I hear it a lot so it is okay.We met at work so we knew each other for awhile. He thought that I was older and I thought he was younger. He does not look his age tbh..lol He is not one of those perverted guys or anything. He is really sweet and he is one of the most hardworking wonderful guys I have ever met. I do not think anyone would look at it as strange if I was 25 and he was 34. That would be a normal thing for everyone...
Yes, because a 25 year old has more life experience and a fully developed brain. :thumbup: i understand that not all situations are cookie cutter though.

I canot understand it but I do not act the same as an 18 year old. I turn 19 years old this year. I am almost finished with my associates degree in psychology with a 4.0 I had to grow up much quicker than I should have. I have had many things happen in my life that had forced me to grow up. So I am sure I have enough life experience :haha: I do not think I could handle anymore. I believe that since I am 18 almost 19 that I am considered an adult. I understand if I was 13 or 14 and he was that old but I am of legal age.

Seriously? Who are you? What she does with a 27 year old man is her damn business. Who are you to pass judgement on her or any of us. Whiether you agree with it or not everyone on this TEEN PREGNANCY FORUM is pregnant. Why are you even on this part of the site starting commotion? Im sure most of us will make better mothers than half the 25-35 year olds having children.

I don't think hot tea was trying to be rude, she was just stating an opinion which is always expressed through forums whether you're in the teen pregnancy section or not.

well this is teen PREGNANCY. Meaning your suppose to be a TEEN and PREGNANT. Not some random person judging people. Im sorry if I dont think its right that the girls that come here for help are getting judged. Im sure everyone has their opinion but I dont care if she was a 35 year old yeahh alot of people would think thats wrong but I dont think she wants to hear it. and the whole "yeah a 25 year old has a fully developed brain" thing was ridiculous.

Okay... It is very good of you to stand up for someone else. But she seems pretty understanding herself. No harm done. As I said I am also a teen mom. I have dated men a lot older than myself too... Let us call it bad communication.:shrug:
angeleyez hasn't seemed to have taken any offence to anything that has been said so i don't see why anyone else should :shrug:
I think its a personal thing some girls might plan it when they are not ready but thats for them to decide everyone is dif and some people are ready for kids yonger then others :D
I honestly do not support a young teens planned pregnancy. No matter how good of a situation you are in, you are still a baby! Your so young. You have so much to live for. Go to school and get an amazing job. Live a little bit. Save up some moolah. Get an apartment or home. I'm 19 years old and pregnant. Trust me, being pregnant in a situation with no money is one of the most stressful things. If I had it my way I wish I could be more prepared for this. I love my baby though and I wouldn't trade he/she for the world but I wish I could be more prepared. I'm still a baby! I have my whole life ahead of me. But now I have a child. You don't realize how much your life is gonna change with a baby.
I don't support it unless the person is at least 18 and financially and emotionally ready. One of my closest friends had a child age 18 and now age 20 is due her 2nd any day now. Her and her OH are financially stable, emotionally ready. Both have jobs and a home together.

But then on the other hand you get teens that plan their pregnancies and don't have anything to fall back on, no education, no money. There were reports that the girl that was on 16 and pregnant recently (most recent episode I think) did it for fame and money. THAT IS SICK. To have a child to get money and fame? She's got some problems and then the idea comes that will her child get the best life they deserve?

Obviously if your pregnancy isn't planned then to have the responsibility to care for your child is amazing. Me and my OH didnt plan my pregnancy, we found out really late and within 2 months we had found a place and sorted everything out for the arrival of our child.

Another point I'd like to make is women are in their fertility prime between 18-24 years old. So a planned pregnancy within those ages would be ideal. As long as you have the right backing.
I personally don't agree with planned teen pregnancy... I honestly think... WAIT!!!
I had my little boy at 18, I love him so much and would be completely lost without him, he's my right arm. He was an unexpected miracle as I fell pregnant on the pill. Luckily enough, I had a well paid job, my partner did and we had supportive parents after the couple of months bollocking subsided. But to plan a pregnancy when you don't have decent wages coming in, don't have your own home, can't do it without parents/on your own then why should you class yourself as responsible for a child?!?!? I don't mean it offensively, it's my opinion. Being a parent, as well as rewarding... is sooo hard, NOT AS A NEWBORN, BUT AS A TODDLER! Newborns (the waking up during the night, the constant worry, not knowing always what they want) is honestly a walk in the park... but when a toddler is honestly throwing the biggest tantrums ever and basically being a little shit at times... that's the hard part! I think I've been a brilliant mum and my fella has been the best Dad ever! He wants for nothing and has all the love in the world! But good parenting can't take the terrible two's away. If teens think they're stable enough to get pregnant planned, why aren't most of them stable enough to live/provide without their parents? I completely understand when the baby isn't planned, I would never have got through it without my parents but if you plan a baby knowing your parents are going to pay for most or after a certain amount of savings have gone... why not wait? xxx
Hmm I don't think it's as black and White as 'I agree' or 'I don't' I mean, no 14/15 year old can be ready. Planning a baby at that age is just ridiculous, but by the time you reach 17/18 you can have finished school, and it's quite easy to be financially stable with 2 Full time incomes, rent a home, pay bills ect, and if you emotionally ready then yeah, why not?? I know if I'd have fallen pregnant at 17 I would have been fine.

I know most peoples pregnancies in here are not planned, but I wouldn't judge any 17+ girl TTC as long as she was in the right situation... X
I am a fellow young mom, had my first at 17, so please do not take offense! :thumbup:

So, my question for all you ladies is... Do you support teen pregnancies? Or I should specify, planned teen pregnancy? Obviously things happen and all children should be cherished, but a planned baby for a young girl of say 16 to 18?

I love my son more than life itself and he absolutely saved my life. He lives a very normal life and wants for nothing. This did not come without cost of myself... But that is the choice you make when you have sex at a young age. :thumbup: I do not support teen pregnancies, though. By not support them I just mean planned teen pregnancy. Maybe because I believe moms like me are a minority, not the majority. Most teen moms I know... Actually all I know in person, I would never associate with because of their parenting standards.

Please note there is NO judgement for any of you individual ladies, I just wanted to hear your thoughts and your aspirations and your beliefs! Thought it might be an interesting topic. :winkwink:

I planned my first at 16, but to me age is nothing its the person not the age.
I think it really depends on the person, their situation and where their from (its just I know Australia's alot different than UK/USA).

I mean, school in Australia isn't really a big deal unless you want to be a lawyer or a doctor. For a simple career that will have you and your family looked after for the rest of your life and not leave you struggle, it doesn't take much. You can drop out at 16, then go off to TAFE (its like, a local college). Or you can do a course over the internet, easy as. I don't support teen pregnancys, but I don't not support them. So over here its just so much easier by the sounds. I mean, I think the most important part in Australia would be being in a stable relationship, with a supportive boyfriend with a good job, girls wouldn't even worry one bit about working or school. This is really sad but after we have a baby over here, especially if we're young, theres no stuggle at all with money, we're so supported by Centrelink that we would possibly even be better off being a single mum with no job! Sad I know.

I still think you know, it's something that can wait. So many girls think their in love when their not, I think if you waited a bit longer, actually found the right guy, then it wouldn't be such a bad thing. I'm not really sure what I'm saying, I'm rambling on and hoping it makes sense to you guys :haha:

I think the irresponsible side of planned teen pregnancies to me is when your still living at home, your parents are still supporting you, you've got no path in life sort of thing, it's like why not wait until you and your OH are well off and you have your own place sort of thing, if you get me?
But in saying that, its responsible for girls to fall pregnant as well, of course every situation is different of course. Not trying to offend anyone at all :flower: I'm just saying, I was very aware that I could fall pregnant, I was on no form of contraception and my OH wasn't even pulling out (even though aparently that doesn't always work of course, lol) but hows that any more responsible than the girls that are set and plan it? Do you know what I mean? Obviously some girls are using contraception at the time they fall pregnant, thats just unlucky I guess. I'm really not trying to offend anyone, I was one of them girls that fell pregnant because I didn't use contraception, so any girls that fell pregnant the same way I did should understand completely! :flow:

And as for Angel.Mummy, I believe you TTC after a loss? I do understand this, I mean even if its not the most responsible thing in the world to do, I guess you would have adjusted to having a baby, then had a m/c, it would have been heartbreaking so therefore you wanted another baby. You sound like your well off compared to others your age, good luck honey.

I understand when girls are saying 'but your boyfriend could walk out,' completely true, I have huge faith in my OH, I believe with all my heart, and I know he does that we'll be together forever. He's amazing and I know he loves me. But anything at all could happen, I'm not scared of it happening to me because I'm just so confident, but theres so many girls that felt the same way, then their OH's have walked out, so be careful that's all, especially if you rely on your OH's income, I do at the moment, but I wouldn't when the baby was born, but he'll be around anyways :flower:

Wow sorry, that's really long, maybe a little bit pointless, I know what I was saying I'm not sure if yous do though :haha: pregnant brain kicking in!
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