Temp question


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2011
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Hi, popped in from WTT, a question you ladies might be able to help me with. i am waiting to do OPK and temp charting. i am concerned that because i do night shifts at different times in the month how much it will affect my results. would it matter if i mostly did my temp in morning but then days that i am doing nights to take my temp at like 4pm after i have woken from sleeping?

Hope this makes sense xxx
Gosh Lozb good question. The way you are looking at it makes sense I think, I always did it immediately when my alarm went off in the morning (before moving from bed) I found that on the days when I'd wake bursting for the loo then do it when I got back upstairs my chart would look different. I will say that its something you need to be doing for a while to see the picture anyway. I did do opks on my last few charting months, it was so interesting seeing how accurate the tempting was. Good luck.
So I did chart when trying for my first baby and know roughly what day I O on as I did opk too confirm it. Due to pandemic I currently Cnt get my IUD out so pointless charting right now. On nights I wud get in about 8.30am ish and most time straight to bed as my husband has got little one off to nursery before his work. I try have breakfast at work before leaving so I dnt wake hungry and try sleep through until 4pm. I am jst hoping it doesn’t affect my charts too much. From previous charts I always O between 13D to 16D. I feel pregnant before I we DTD on D 13, 15 and 17. Hoping to Jst do that again every month this time and get my BFP quicker. Took nearly a year last time and I ended up finding out my tubes had been blocked and the dye X-ray test started fertility clinic unblocked it.
I've heard before that the dye test can unblock tubes, hopefully you won't have that problem this time and it will all go smoothly. The big thing I realised when I was charting was that I could feel my follicles ripening and releasing, still can, so it became much easier. Shame about the coil, but good that you're able to take this time to get your head round the logistics.

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