Temperature and charting


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2007
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I dont know if anyone else has the same issues as me but I am trying to chart my cycle. I am taking my temp every morning (with a bbt thermometre) and cervical stuff :oops: but my cycles are just not the same every month so finding it really hard to work out when I ovulate. The software that I use cant even work it out!! My temp does not have a "thermal shift" and there doesnt seem to be any sort of pattern to it really. I think maybe I am just being paranoid but I went to the doctors and had blood tests to see if I was ovulating coz I was very irregular last year and missed a few monthlys but they said all was ok (but you still worry dont you .. lol)

People have just told me that my time will come .. but its hard while you are ttc aint it.

Although I am getting married in 12 weeks so should be glad I will still fit into my dress... lol.
Have you tried Fertility Friend? thats what we all use for our temp taking.
Hi Trinity :wave:

Congrats on your wedding, hope it all goes well for you!

I chart my cycle every month, my AF's were normaly on a 36 ish day cycle, but last year they all went hay wire (which lead me to chart) i didnt have the temp shift thing either so i didnt ovulate for a few months, last month i finaly got it so im hoping my body has settled back down.

It will be great to chart with someone again, add your chart to teh stalker thread! :D

Do you use OPK atall?

Hope you get your BFP soon

I use software called Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I recognise the name Fertility Friend but not sure why .. lol

Fertility Friend looks good though .. will have to have a proper look when Im not so tired. Thanks.

Thought charting would be easy though with this software but it isnt at all!!

Also .. the chart also asks for cervical discharge observations but I dont seem to have any at all .. well maybe very occasionally but not on a regular basis. Does this sound normal to you? Sorry for getting all technical .. lol. I know you arent all doctors but sometimes helps to know if someone else is the same !!

Many thanks :D
Sorry Layla .. I wasnt deliberately ignoring you .. lol.

No I havent actually used an OPK .. maybe I should before I start moaning eh .. ha ha.
Trinity said:
Also .. the chart also asks for cervical discharge observations but I dont seem to have any at all .. well maybe very occasionally but not on a regular basis. Does this sound normal to you? Sorry for getting all technical .. lol. I know you arent all doctors but sometimes helps to know if someone else is the same !!

Many thanks :D

I think that you only get the EWCM on your most fertile says, which is only about 2 or 3 days a month.

I could be wrong but thats how i understand it, so i wouldnt worry that your not getting alot.


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