tens machine?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2014
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hello ladies

i am hoping for a natural birth and wondering whether to get a tens machine. anyone got any experience with using them? do they work? can anyone recommend a good one?

whats everyone's opinion on them? enlighten me!

I used one in my last labour. I used it in the later stages because I laboured in the shower before then. It worked well as a distraction from the pain as well as pain relief. I'm hoping for a water birth this time but I have my tens machine ready in case that doesn't help. I will say it was great for contractions but did nothing in the pushing stage. I actually forgot mine was still turned on.
I loved mine, I had a back to back labour and it really helped, also let dh feel like he was helping because he was in charge of the boost button!
I have heard they don't help as much for a normal labour, but I'll have mine ready to go just in case.
Just make sure you buy one for labour, there are two different kinds of tens. Maternity ones have four pads and a boost function :)
I couldn't find my one from last time and have bought one second hand off eBay and bought new pads. Saved tons of money that way!
I used one last time from very early labour (induced so was long process) and I will use one again this time. I really liked the soothing sensation it gives yOU. I just used that and gas and air last time.
I rent mine from Tesco. Not sure where your from but Tesco, mother care etc do Rentals. I have got the tesco one again because. That's what I used last time and I know how to use it.
Ah thanks ladies nice to hear you had positive experiences using them. I will look into rentals, thank you.

I also like the idea of using the pool but there are only 2 rooms with pools at my hospital so would like to take one incase.

Should you use them in early labour or try and wait til you're progressed a bit before putingit on?
Yes, definitely get one! If you decide it's not for you, it's a small expense. But I found mine was great. I had an all natural home birth with my first, using just a TENS machine and practicing natal hypnotherapy (which I also really recommend) and I was really comfortable. Labour wasn't really painful for me. Intense and tiring (I squatted and pushed for 4 hours, I didn't know my legs could actually be that tired!), but it wasn't really that painful, maybe just uncomfortable. I had the TENS on from the start of strong period type cramps until I started to push (I should have left it on, but actually I didn't I wanted to get in the pool, but I didn't like that, so I got out and didn't put the TENS back on after that). The key to it working though is that you have to put it on when you're still comfortable. The electrical current stimulates the nerves to make your brain produce natural endorphins which block pain sensations, but it takes your body about 2 hours to do this. So don't wait until you actually feel discomfort to put it on. I think if you're getting anything like a faint contraction, slap it on and use it just in case. I put mine on just as I started to have period like cramps, but not actual contractions.
I'm definitely trying one this time after a back to back labour last time
They tell you to put them on as early as possible but I was in very established labour when I put mine on and still found it beneficial.

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