Hi all! :wave:
Catching up after a little while away from B&B
First of all MAHOOSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to kerrbear - shed a little tear of joy for you, am so happy and wishing you a H&H 9 months
Hope everyone else is doing ok

to those of you who have seen AF arrive again and extra

for those finding their TTC journey hard work at present
AFM I saw the gynae-oncologist yesterday.... good news is there was no tumour return on my MRI, yay! He thinks the endo has come back but is keen to progress down the getting me knocked up route rather than concentrate on that! So being referred to the fertility clinic (which happens to be run by my old consultant who I was under for the endo before the cancer cells became an issue) to start the basic testing for me and DH - from my cycles he doesn't think I'm ovulating which I agree with really. He says as part of the fertility testing I'm likely to have another lap (he says with known endo they rather do a lap&dye than an HSG) so when they do the lap he would like to be present also so that one of them can check for fertility type issues and he can double check that I'm tumour clear and will get rid of any endo at the same time.
So we're on our way to getting this thing sorted hopefully! In the meantime I'm going to try and switch off a little and just enjoy myself - I have a great xmas with lots of

coming up followed by a week's skiing in France so going to try and forget TTC and concentrate on other things.... if I can!! My ticker's coming off as I'm going to ignore my stupid cycles and though I'll check in on you all and update every so often, am going to try and not update unless I have some definite news...
Thought I'd find it really depressing to get the confirmation that we need help conceiving and we're not going to manage this on our own but actually I'm managing to take it quite positively that help is on its way! Wish me luck ladies