The **1+ and still not walking** thread

Not walking here either. Eloïse pulled to a stand and cruised at just turned 7 months and I was absolutely certain she'd walk before her first birthday. I walked at 10 months! I must admit it is starting to worry me a little bit. I think I'm so used to her being "advanced" that her being a bit late with this bothers me. Not only that but she doesn't say any words either.
Andrew is only now "walking" at 21months, but that's his actual age and he's 18m corrected so it sounds like he's not that much behind everyone else.

(I say "walking" because it's more that he's finally switched from majority crawling and some staggering, to wanting to move around upright and only resorting to crawling when he loses his balance. )
Hi Nicola!

If he is taking 3/4 steps alone, it really won't be long!

Isabella started taking the odd step unaided at 12 months, this built slowly and by 13 months she was doing a lot of unaided steps. Now she speed walks and she's not even quite 13.5 months. So it's been about a 4 week turnaround really!

She was walking holding a fingertip for a long time, so it was mainly about confidence and a bit of balance - it sounds like Isaac is the same. So I don't think he will last til 15 months. But if he does, as you said, easier for you!! And don't worry about it at all - any of you! NHS states between 10-18 months is the normal range, and in my time working with children (over 10 years), and as a mum going to baby groups I would put the age most seem to walk, at about 15 months!
Not walking here either. Eloïse pulled to a stand and cruised at just turned 7 months and I was absolutely certain she'd walk before her first birthday. I walked at 10 months! I must admit it is starting to worry me a little bit. I think I'm so used to her being "advanced" that her being a bit late with this bothers me. Not only that but she doesn't say any words either.

Ollie doesnt speak at all either he says Baa all the time but hes not a lamb so dont think it counts lol

He used to say mum but has stopped xx
Emily is 15 months and show's little signs of getting up to go..
She took two tiny steps on her own last weekend but nothing since..
She will walk like a pro with her walker toy, cruise the furnature, walk holding BOTH our hands..but not with one hand..
She was a late crawler too..everyone says not to worry till 18 months... so that's what I'll do !
Wow, I feel so much better! My son is 13 months, and all my friend's kids his age (some even younger!) are walking already and have been for a while! I was really beginning to feel bad, like there might be something wrong with him! I still hope he'll walk soon, but at least I don't have to worry that he's really that behind!
Rebecca's in the "not yet walking" club as well. She'll cruise, crawl, walk holding 1 finger but she won't do it on her own! It'll come - just when?! :wacko:
Hiya everyone not been on BnB for a while My Jessica is 13months going on 14 and not walking nor crawling..she is very lazy takes after her mother as far as I can tell from my mum and dad lol. If you put her on the floor she does the biggest steps ever while holding onto you and loves it. I don't think she is gonna crawl at all think she will go right to walking
My daughter isn't walking either. She cruises along furniture but thats about it. She's more interested in chatting though
This thread has made me feel better about Evie not walkin yet.

Friend on Facebook who have 9 month olds are posting videos of their LOs walking :(
My daughter isn't walking either. She cruises along furniture but thats about it. She's more interested in chatting though

We've definatley got a 'talker' too ;)

Everything is 'what's that' especially when eating she says it with her mouth full :dohh:
hehehe, well I feel MUCH better now!! Thank you all xx

Isaac does walk well with holding hands and with his walker, but yeah it must be a confidence thing..he'll get there, afterall, how many 30 year olds do we see crawling?? :haha:

As for talking, he's ok with that; he says Dadda, Daddy, Mamma, Pubbo (one of our cats Pebbles), Buloo (Waybuloo) and Ta..he also points at things and asks "der"?

Its just I bought him some lovely reins, lol, a little tortoise and I'm desperate to use them :happydance:

Nicola xx
Haha! Glad you feel better! I always used to say that to people when she was like 9 months old and they'd say 'oh isn't she walking yet?' Erm nope, she just started crawling/standing/whatever lol. And yeh, if she hadn't been walking by the time she was ready for primary school, I'd have a chat with the HV!!

Also, what is it about cats? Isabella is in total adoration of our cat Tigger. Every animal with 4 legs is in fact called Ticter lol. Even our horse and our other, nose-firmly-out-of-joint-cat, Flossie!

Also, I am convinced that during my membership of BnB, at some point, probably not long from now, a three week old child of a BnB member will walk. :haha:
My nephew who is 16 months old only just recently started to walk free handed, although he can't walk that far yet ^^.
hahahaha, thanks Lanky! Any recent pics of your beautiful little one?? About the cats, we have 3 but it is only Pubbo that Isaac is really bothered about!

I thought he'd walk sooner based on him crawling and coasting at 7 months...6 months later!!

A 3 week old walking and talking lmao!

Hope you're well??

Nicola xx
Thank you ladies :hugs: This thread has made me feel better too. I've shed a few secret tears about this recently (proberly the pregnancy hormones!) as I've come to the realisation that Grace will not be walking by the time her little brother comes along. I wasn't worried so much about the not walking aspect, more the fact that she still can't stand (even with me holding her waist or under her arms) for more than a second.

She only started bum shuffling at 12 months, crawled at 14 months and learnt how to roll from back to front and push up to sitting shortly afterwards.. so I guess it's not surprising she's not pulling up to stand yet.

She's seen every few months by a consultant at the hospital though he isn't worried as she is on track (if not ahead) with other key milestones... She's currently laying out bricks on the floor and counting them one to six!

Can't help worrying though :nope:
Nicola where did you get your reins?

Was thinking of getting a Little Life Backpack but looked in Boots at them and I'm not sure now
Eloise has just turned 17 months and is still not walking. She will walk with her walker and if we hold he hands but not on her own x
my lo is just over 14 months and not walking he cruises climbs up everything climbs up and down the stairs has just done a few steps with his walker but wont walk holding hands x
Imogen was coming up to 16 months when she walked. She just stood up one day and walked from one side of the living room to the other. The next day she was running. I was never worried that she did it late, she's a bit of a lazy so and so ;) She didn't crawl til she was 10 months old and didn't sit up unaided until 8 months. She doesn't talk yet either, but we're not worried, just a touch frustrated!

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