The Am I aren't I Story... Latest Update: Lost my bean :(

Oh I totally know what you mean about the snow! We got three feet of it! Went right up to my hip! But uhhhh... I'm Canadian so, you know ;)

Good luck on Friday! Sounds like your eggo is still preggo! I actually have an appointment on Thurs to see if falling down the stairs had affected baby and why I'm not growing! Fingers crossed to the both of us!! :)
Oh I have everything I can cross crossed for you!!! Xxxxx
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I'm so happy!
Today is the first time in over a month I've had no bright red clots.
All my pee has been pee coloured and I've had no pain!
I just had a slight pain which I personally thought was growing pain.
Had another BFP again with a weak pee.

I really hope I can get into the hospital for my scan, I'm dying to see the little blob and hopefully a heart beat.

So today, we made a snowman with Cameron and his little girlfriend :) they loved the snow. I've been taking him outside everyday, not only does it get us both fresh air and vitamin D but it totally wears my little man out. We both had a 3 hour nap today as we were shattered.

So I'm starting to get signs!
Increased hunger,
Increased tiredness,
Growing pains,
Ever so slight tender boobs.

Line progression:
I did a test, and te lines came out super dark. Darkest I've seen them tbh.
The lines came up straight away too.

BUT If you have an empty sac do your hcg levels still rise?

Yes they do while it's still growing. I had some clots with my MMC. The placenta that passed was totally different looking than the clots. I think the sac was buried in the placenta as I never saw it, and captured everything in a cup to inspect before dumping.
Yeah the biggest clots I've passed have been collected and shown, I passed one in a bed pan so they could see too. I never knew what they said but the A&e nurse said they looked normal?!
They were literally the size of my hand, thick and just rank.
I might have a photo some where but I don't really want to put it on here, as I don't want to upset anyone.
I found that when I passed clots, they just sort of fell apart. When I passed the placenta, it was much harder. It didn't come apart. At first I thought maybe it was baby until I actually saw the amniotic sac. And I will definitely update you!
u can put the pic of ur clot into a spoiler so ppl can choose to look xx, but im not a doctor so wouldnt know what was normal or what was not lol

when is ur appointment?
Ok, I'll post the clot

This is one of the clots, the only one I got a photo of.

Anyway, I got some symptoms this morning.
Woke up feeling sick,
Went back to sleep,
Woke up again feeling sick.

My boobs are really tender, and feel like they've swollen up about 5 sizes!!
oh gosh tht is big. it doesnt look fatty or anything tho. :hugs:

symptoms sound great x
It was, trust me! Lol it didn't break up either. It was so disgusting :(
Oh yeah! I had one like that! I can post it after school! It wasn't the placenta though. The placenta was like really hard. Which is good that you didn't because then there could be problems!
Wow honey, I just read this whole thread...How odd that you can have such large clots yet your cervix is still shut tight?? Possibly losing a twin or something, hence why your tests got lighter and now looking darker again??
Good luck and keep us posted!!

Colormefamous - So sorry to hear you fell downstairs! Hope your beanie is still sticking!!

Yeah everyone seems to think it was twins (the family not doctors).
Ill be heart broken :( I want twins more than anything. But if it wasn't meant to be its done the right thing And hopefully my current bean is stronger because of it.

The doctor removed a few clots from around my cervix when she said it was shut tight too, so I have no idea where it's from,
I'm gonna ask the doctor frizy I think x
Had symptoms all day,
Sickness, tiredness and tender boobs.
Only a skid of blood too! Yay!
I'm moving back to liners!!!!
Oh wowzers that's a crazy sized clot! I hope u get really good news hun x
oh my.
Worst nausea ever.

I can't even drink water without feeling like I'm going to throw up!
That's good right?
update ~ I cannot catch a break.

I had a letter come through the post today saying basically I had an "infection" and the pills are ready for me to collect.
What infection?
Can I take the pills?
Is it what's causing the bleeding?

I rang the doctor and asked him all of the above.
I have bacterial vaginosis. I've had it before, but not while pregnant. It's basically where you have too much bad bacteria and not enough good, down below. I have absolutely NO Symtpoms so I'm so glad they've found it.
It can be fatal in pregnancy, and cause second trimester loss. So I'm not going to stop panicking :(

I can take the pills, and I've googled alot of story's and alot of people have taken them before. I'm on metronidazole 3 times a day. I've taken one already and oh my they are horrible. Apparently they are mega rough too :nope:

As for the bleeding, the doctor said "proberly not" and that's when I stopped listening.

:cry: I WILL NOT cope if I lose this baby second trimester. No way, not at all.
I've told Chris this (the boyfriend) and he understands.

Today I've had the sore boobs, sickness and I am constantly peeing.
But now I'm dreading Friday (appointment day) :cry:
I'm so sure I'm going to loose baby.

I've not seen a positive pregnancy story with BV either yet :cry:

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