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***The April bunnies thread. For those due April 2012. *****

hi guys

not been about as hubby finally had some time off work.
We told our parents and his mum went and put it on facebook straight away when i hadnt even told work or my best friends! She did this with my son and we had a huge row so to avoid more rows as she hasnt learnt i just said i was pregnant!
Was annoying but hey. Just hope he/she sticks or i have to tell the world i misscarried.

No signs of any symptoms to report but got first m/wife app on 16th Sept.
Mrs q that's so annoying especially to do it on Facebook ! We told my oh grandma when we were out fir a meal and at 11.00pm she phoned oh auntie straight away so now the whole family know. Oh also went out for a drink last weekend and we had discussed not saying anything he told his mates!! I don't think they get the waiting bit x
well i had to buy a present for a friends baby shower next weekend and messed up the shipping address cuz i thought it picked up my address off of paypal, anyway i had to let her know the gift was going to her mom's house (alternate address for out of town guests) Her first words to me were "maybe you've got baby brain,lol" (she know's we've been trying) That was the hardest i've ever bit my tongue EVER!!! lol

Anyone else have any close calls? Oh and my sis said my boobs look bigger and wanted to know what the new bra was :rofl: if only she knew i'm just fallin out of my old ones :rofl::rofl:

ONE MORE MONTH TO GO :yipee::yipee:[-o<[-o<
Mrs q that's so annoying especially to do it on Facebook ! We told my oh grandma when we were out fir a meal and at 11.00pm she phoned oh auntie straight away so now the whole family know. Oh also went out for a drink last weekend and we had discussed not saying anything he told his mates!! I don't think they get the waiting bit x

DH doesn't get it either and i think he's told 1 or 2 just by the way they talk to me now:dohh: I'll just have to keep him busy for the next mth :haha:

BTW your daughter is adorable!
hi guys

not been about as hubby finally had some time off work.
We told our parents and his mum went and put it on facebook straight away when i hadnt even told work or my best friends! She did this with my son and we had a huge row so to avoid more rows as she hasnt learnt i just said i was pregnant!
Was annoying but hey. Just hope he/she sticks or i have to tell the world i misscarried.

No signs of any symptoms to report but got first m/wife app on 16th Sept.

:yellow:happy & healthy 9mth sticky bean:yellow:
Mrs q that's so annoying especially to do it on Facebook ! We told my oh grandma when we were out fir a meal and at 11.00pm she phoned oh auntie straight away so now the whole family know. Oh also went out for a drink last weekend and we had discussed not saying anything he told his mates!! I don't think they get the waiting bit x

DH doesn't get it either and i think he's told 1 or 2 just by the way they talk to me now:dohh: I'll just have to keep him busy for the next mth :haha:

BTW your daughter is adorable!
Thank you, she had a princess makeover at Disneyland the day before and her hair was still up from that, can't believe she is 8 gone very quickly, can't wait to see her with the bubba she has wanted a brother or sister for years
Do any of u feel guilty about having another? Sometimes I do cos my little one won't be centre of attention anymore and have 100% of my time? X
We told my OHs parents the other day as tonight were going to a party and i normally would have a drink and don't want to be put on the spot as to why i'm not drinking, were trying to avoid telling ppl until after the scan which is in just under 4wks, i'm counting down now lol! MrsQ i have 2 girls already and we do things all together so neither of them feel left out, its hard to balance but you will get in your own routine, my daughter was 2.5 when my youngest was born and took to being a big sister brilliantly i think i'm more worried about how my youngest will take to having a baby around she will be turning 4 nxt yr around my due date and is not really use to babies x
Do any of u feel guilty about having another? Sometimes I do cos my little one won't be centre of attention anymore and have 100% of my time? X

ME ! Even though this one was planned im scared, i love my daughter so much im not sure how i can split my love. I worry i cant love anyone as much as i love her :nope: Although i do love this lil bean just as much. Argh im confusing myself and probably you (i blame baby brain) My daughter literally has ALL my attention, im hoping she will love a baby bro or sis, she kisses 'baby' now, i just plan to get her involved as much as i can
Do any of u feel guilty about having another? Sometimes I do cos my little one won't be centre of attention anymore and have 100% of my time? X

Love the blonde on your lil man, so cute!
This is my 1st so not so much with sibling issues more my DH who already said he's scared of becoming #2. For 8yrs HE has all my attention so I think that's gonna be the biggest adjustment in my house. He did laundry the other day for the 1st time in probably 6-7yrs and said he has to get used to it at some point:haha:
Lol thank u.

Yea dh's do tend to find it hard. We nearly split up over it when our son came along as my husband turned really nasty and would shout at him all the time so I ended up saying you shout at him one more time I am leaving!
He has the odd stress here and there but nothing like he used to. It did affect him quite badly. But he says he wouldn't have it any other way. X
hi ladies i am in the march mummys well was still in there but i am a april mummy now i went for my 12 week scan and got put back 4 weeks i was due 14th of march now the 4th of april :D x
Hi ladies ,
I'm also due in April , around the 18th I think . I already have a little girl who is 19th months . I was wondering if any of you ladies would like to buddy up with me ??
Anyone is free to join hun although it has Been a bit quiet last few days
Hope everyone is ok. X
hope you dont mind another april mommy! I am due April 5th (according to LMP) with my first! I have my first appt. tuesday and am praying we get to have an ultrasound! It took us a year and a half to concieve due to me not ovulating for unknown reasons and my first round of clomid we got pregnant! So excited and very curious to see if there is more then one baby in my belly! (Im a twin and twins run in the family plus using clomid, ya never know!!)
Hey ladies, just wanted to check in! Still feeling no m/s or nausea really & it kinda worries me even though I know I should just feel lucky! I do however have very bad indigestion sometimes, waves of fatigue, constant pee'ing and crazy insomnia some nights along with being an emotional wreck so I think I'm ok...just wish my first appointment wasn't still 2weeks away!

How are you all feeling?
Hi ladies, glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Have had a pretty busy wkend (its the last one before the end of the summer hols) my girls will be back at sch and nursery tomorrow morning so today will be spent running to town gettin last min bits and sorting out uniform. Haven't had must nausea over the wkend but started getting heartburn lol, hope everyone has a good day!
Hello to all the new April mummys x
Ahhh I keep seeing threads in the the first tri section about people going for their 12 week scans and finding out the baby stopped growing at 6 or 8 weeks. I'm so freaked out!
I know it can be nerve racking Wilsey, but just think good, positive thoughts! Stress is so harmful to a growing baby!

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