Feel like I'm doubling up but posting my

here also (as well as O35s June testers thread).
Tested positive on CBDigi on Saturday morning and (in true POAS addict fashion) did another on Saturday afternoon (faint line) and Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings which have got gradually darker. Resisted this morning as yesterday's not doubly darker than day before so thought I should give my HCG levels time to get cooking!!
I'm 37 and have been TTC number 2 after 18 months trying. I have endometriosis and am due a laparoscopy next Wednesday to check out whether my left tube is blocked and the state of endo (conceived DS 2 weeks after 1st lap to investigate and remove endo in June 2008!!! I thought my Gynae had put him there!!

). I am putting off making the phone call to cancel the operation as long as possible as I tested early (10-11dpo) so will prob leave it until tomorrow or Friday. I am on CD27 (normally 26 day cycle) and 15dpo today.
I have been using the CBFM, preseed and legs in the air method for the last 3 months. I would highly recommend all three!

Don't give up ladies, your dreams can come true!

all round! xx
and congrats despie, teri, padrat and glow!! xxxx