Hi all,
I'm a little scared to post this. It just doesn't feel real yet! I feel so unprepared. I got my BFP November 2nd. I think I was a late implanter, and I also think my ovulation date is one day early. I really had no idea that I would get a +. I thought for sure I was out. My temp only started to rise after that late implant, so I was sure I was out. I am pretty sure I got that implantation dip now with hindsight. Also, that one big temp spike I was sick as a dog with what I think was food poisoning.
My DH was a little shocked. I walked in the door after coming home very late from a trip and I just flat out told him what I saw on the IC and that I might be pregnant. For those of you who speak Spanish, his immediate response was "Puta madre".

He's such a romantic.

Anyhow, I whipped out my freshly purchased FRER, closed the door and did my business, then I invited him in to watch the magic. He was glued to that stick. He immediately said, "But there is no line." I explained to him that it takes a minute. He kept saying, "But there's no line". And then all of a sudden, he says, "Oh, there's a line."
So, it's had a couple of days to sink in. I have no idea what is next. I feel a little paralyzed. My GYN who I like no longer delivers babies, so I feel high and dry all of a sudden. I don't really know what to do next. I want to keep this info close until we see that everything is going well, so I don't want to arouse any suspicions by asking my friends questions. Should I go see my GP or just wait until I pick an OB? I am already asking for help on here

As for any symptoms, the only thing I have been feeling is a stabbing sensation on the left side of my lower abdomen. I am trying to convince myself that this is normal and not an etopic. No bleeding at all.
We are both really pleased.

I am not sleeping well because I am a little overwhelmed. How that is possible I don't know since we were on full assault. I think the Preseed helped us out. This was my first time trying that. Thanks everyone for all your help. You ladies have been amazing support for all my niggling doubts. I'm so excited and I am praying for you to get your BFPs and join me and Indigo and SuperAwesome! I need bump buddies!