Hi girls I haven't been on here in ages as I couldn't cope with the stress and took a break..
After 13 1/2 months,we finally got our BFP.
We were NTNP since November as it put us under so much stress.
For last couple months I just check with CBFM a couple days to see if I am ovulating.
This month I only had one stick and tested day 14 and it was high,didn't
to day 16 as I had the girls over on day 15 and was what you say a bit drunk..LOL
So we
in the morn of day 16 and that night.
No symptoms until yesterday when my OH squeezed me and my boobs were sore so thought uuum maybe,so tested with my cheapie Ovulation stick and test line came up darker than control line..I just knew I was pregnant
Sorry this is so long..
Congratulations to everyone who got their BFP and
To everyone.. xxxx
ME 41 OH 40 our first...