The BFP Before The 'Would Of Been' Due Date Thread - Any Joiners?

Islander, can you plan anything fun for that day? My date is a Friday - I'm thinking of trying to take off work that day and having a bit of a pamper day, or hopefully I'll be lucky enough to be pregnant by then and I can do something baby related like doing a registry or working on the nursery. I'd try to make it a day where you can focus on the wonderful little one you have in you now. :) I'm sure it will be hard, but we'll all be here for you. :hugs:

Good advice kategirl. Islander, hang in there! Yes, we're all here for you! My date is a Friday too. June 15th. I like the idea of taking the day off for pampering if i'm not pregnant again by then!
I'm starting to resent girls getting their BFPs on the monthly threads. I know that's totally wrong, and I'm happy for them as well, but I can't help feeling jealous. :( And I feel like a bad person because of it.

I'm almost considering stopping TTC for this month because I feel like I'm way too wrapped up in it and I'm just getting really depressed when AF comes, but at the same time I want to get pregnant again so badly. But I know I can't keep this up for too many more months before it drives me nuts. :( In March and the start of April I felt like my BFP was going to be in June for some reason.... Now I feel like it will be in October. I know that's just my saddness making me feel like that and I don't know when it will happen, but I still have that feeling.

In better news, one of my good friends is a chiropractor and said she has some vitamin and herb concise that have worked well with some of her patients TTC. I'm going to check it out.
Kmae - sorry that AF got you :nope: i thought it was your turn! I sure hope clomid works its wonders for you! Yay for the positive opk! Is that usual for you if AF arrived? xx

Kelly - yay for one more injection only! Can't believe how much you have to go through but like Kmae said, you deserve a bfp! xx

Sam - with this pregnancy I had spotting twice and VERY bad cramps, but baby has stayed put :) And I literally had hardly any symptoms too xx

Islander, it is hard hunny but keep yourself smiling that you have your little one now, and Im sure your other baby is happy for that :hugs: keep shining xx

kategirl, its normal to feel like that - I sure did! It all turns around though when you get your bfp! And you will soon! It's always around the corner just as you want to give up :flow: xx
I think thats where we were but not sure, I stopped posting in it cause no one else was posting anymore. So will you be doing another IVF then?

We're coming to the end of our first FET, transfer is monday, not sure how I feel about it all I mean I want it to work but I'm so scared it won't.

You're right that thread might be dead. I don't get updates on it anymore. I got a 2nd opinion and they actually want to try an IUI or 2 on me first before moving to IVF again. So that is the plan.... Probably going to get that started here in a few weeks. Already have my meds! :thumbup:
Thanks jess. I know that cramping is pretty normal but it just seems like this much is too much.

I've had a pretty crappy day, me and OH got into a HUGE blowout this morning because his tooth hurt and I wasn't doing anything about it. (Since when did I become a dentist?!) He went to the dentist to try and get in and there is some state dental convention today (go figure) and so he came home and flipped the hell out. I told him to get out and that if he couldn't learn to control his temper we were done and he wasn't going to be allowed around baby. When he came back I told him thanks for stressing me out enough to MC (god, I'm an evil person) because I was sure I would start bleeding after the whole episode. Then I had to spend the whole day cleaning the house top to bottom and doing all his laundry because he accused me of "sitting on my ass all day" even though I work full time and take care of EVERYTHING in the house. Ugh, so irritated, and I'm sure the crazy pregnancy hormones aren't helping. I seriously wanted to punch him in the face. I mean what man can't do one freaking load of his own laundry?!?! So apparently I'm supposed to be a pregnant, full time working housewife or he isn't going to be happy. FML.

Sorry for the rant, just had to get it out so I could feel a little better.
Bloody hell Sam, men just don't get it. Poor duck. As if you need this stress :hugs:
Crap now i forget all I was going to say.

mrskg I have a hard time thinking about my one due date let alone 4, I hope you get your rainbow soon.

You ladies are so nice and supporting even to me being a newbie and I appreciate it. I'm still finding it very hard to be positive about the FET but am hoping come monday when I have my babies back inside me that that will change.

I guess that makes my due date on a friday as well since it's also june 15th, I had planned to sleep the day away and have no responsibilities at all that day but we'll see, I may do something different. We'll be on vacation back home visiting family so I'm planning on taking Hannah's ashes with me so that I can have her with me while I cry and sleep and do whatever else that I'll do.
kmae, I hope clomid works for you!! what cycle days do you take it?

jess, a teen midwife?? seems kind of silly seeing that you're 20 but I guess technically it's just past being a teenager.. I get what you mean, I never was a party animal or into all that stuff... a mature teenager :haha: do you think they will do a scan or give you a scan date??

and kate, you're not a bad person for being jealous of the BFP on threads. god knows I was, it's just an uncontrollable reaction when you want that to be you so badly.

sam, around 6 weeks I noticed a lot more cramping. I'm assuming it was stretching because I didn't stretch much at all the time before. likely just growing pains, but call your dr and ask, that's what they're there for :)

islander, my due date is around yours.. May 5th.. it's going to be a rough day, but I will try to keep as busy as I can.

kelly, hoping time flies by for you! waiting is such a pain in the arse.. hoping you get the BFP at the end of that wait that you deserve!! :dust:
girl! those sore boobs sound like you're heading for a BFP! when are you gonna pee on something?? :haha:
Haha stephanie - it's because we're awsome ;)
Gosh 36 days sounds like nothing!!!! That's crazy!!
Erm I have no idea :shrug: Got a letter through the other day saying I've got an appointment with one :dohh: xx

xxx jess xxx We are soooooo awsome lol ;)
I know 36 days to a lot of people seem like nothing to me it still seems like forever:wacko:
It is strange having a teen midwife at 20. I had a really horrible taxi driver yesterday, when i told him i was expecting, he asked me how old i was straight away, when i told him 22, he looked at me and said in a really horrible way " ohhhhhh wellll, thats not tooooooo bad is it" then he went on to ask me if i worked, what i was going to do when the baby comes and that i should work and let the nanny look after my baby :growlmad::growlmad:

Stupid taxi driver :growlmad:

I sooo did not tip him lol xxx
Lomelly - Yeah it annoys me, my midwife said I don't seem like I'll be needing any extra support or help as I seem like I've got everything good :shrug: Ahh well see how it goes I guess!
I've already got my next scan date, for 20+5weeks, on the 28th May :) Hopefully going to find out gender then :D Are you going to find out? xx

Sam - Im so sorry to hear your OH is being a complete arsehole! How is he going about it now? Has he apologised. My OH loses his temper very easily too, and when I tell him to stop stressing me out, out of spite he'll do something that stresses me out even more. I hope things go ok, don't overwork yourself sweety. If he doesn't listen to you about how you feel about stuff - would it help writing it all in a letter? I find that helps with me as he'll read it all instead of interrupting me if I'd of told him.
And yeah I had very bad cramping, there we're times when I thought I was losing it, I got really bad crmps last week :nope: I hope things get better hunny, and your always welcome to rant to us :flow: xx

Stephanie - Oh my god what a horrible taxi driver!! I would of been so nasty to him :haha: I think it's worse for me as I don't look nearly 20, everyone says I look like 14 :dohh: Which isn't so great when I act like a 30 year old lol. I know I'll be judged by people, but at the end of the day Im going to be the best mummy I can be :) DO you know yet if your OH is coming with you to your antenatal classes? xx
Age is irrelevant. My mum was 17 when she got pregnant with me, which in 1972 was a BIG deal. My grandparents pretty much made her stay in the house so people wouldn't see her bump, and they insisted she have me adopted when I was born. My grandparents weren't horrible people, they were just old fashioned and that's how people were. I was adopted but then when I was 6 months old mum couldn't go through with signing the final papers so I was brought back to her and my grandparents. And they doted on me.
My dad has been in my life but not full time and my mum more or less brought me up by herself. She was strict, insisted on politeness and instilled good values into me, and did an amazing job. Certainly not people's misconception of a teen mum, or a young mum. And now we are really close. She did miss out on a lot of socialising and fun when she was young as she simply didn't have the opportunity, young mums were rare then so she had nothing in common with her friends anymore and lost touch, but she made up for that in her 30's and 40's when I was older. I would have liked to have my children young too, but my life didn't pan out that way.
Sorry for the waffle, the point I'm trying to make is that just because you are young doesn't mean you are not capable of being a fantastic mum and it annoys me when people assume young mums are incapable. The most amazing mum I know was a teen mum.
My sister conceived at 19 and had her daughter at 20 and she never went without and now everyone comments on what a lovely girl she is and how well behaved she is.
Mrs Miggins, what a sweet story. Your mum should be proud :flow:
I agree age doesn't matter. I always knew I wanted kids young. My mum knew I did too as she also had her kids young, and by the time she was 19 she had a 1,2 and 3 year old and raised us on her own.
My mum has made up for it too, she goes on biker rally's and has her time now :)
I agree about how people frown upon young mums and how wrong it is :nope: I just know people will probably frown upon me. My family know how much I adore kids and how good of a mum I will be, I just worry about other peoples views although I really shouldn't!
I have friends, who have young children - and as bad as it may sounds, one of my friends makes me see why teenage mums get a bad name sometimes xx
Sam - Im so sorry to hear your OH is being a complete arsehole! How is he going about it now? Has he apologised. My OH loses his temper very easily too, and when I tell him to stop stressing me out, out of spite he'll do something that stresses me out even more. I hope things go ok, don't overwork yourself sweety. If he doesn't listen to you about how you feel about stuff - would it help writing it all in a letter? I find that helps with me as he'll read it all instead of interrupting me if I'd of told him.
And yeah I had very bad cramping, there we're times when I thought I was losing it, I got really bad crmps last week :nope: I hope things get better hunny, and your always welcome to rant to us :flow: xx

Thanks, I like to rant here because I either get good advice, or find someone who is in a similar situation. He grunted out a "sorry" and went about his day basically, and I stayed pissed all day. :nope: He wouldn't read a letter but when he's not being all Incredible Hulk he does listen to me once in a while. So if things don't start to change I will just have to sit him down and talk to him. My cramping seems to have lightened up a bit now too.

I loved all the stories about young moms. They are so looked down apon here too. Honestly, I'm 23 and everyone says I'm too young to be having kids. Well, I certainly don't want to be grandma age when my kids are graduating high school!
I will certainly be :cry: but it can't be helped. If I had had her young I would have been with a different bloke and she wouldn't have been my Edie.
Exactly :) and Edie is clearly so special. And with modern medicine and such age really is just a number these days :)
Lomelly - Yeah it annoys me, my midwife said I don't seem like I'll be needing any extra support or help as I seem like I've got everything good :shrug: Ahh well see how it goes I guess!
I've already got my next scan date, for 20+5weeks, on the 28th May :) Hopefully going to find out gender then :D Are you going to find out? xx

Sam - Im so sorry to hear your OH is being a complete arsehole! How is he going about it now? Has he apologised. My OH loses his temper very easily too, and when I tell him to stop stressing me out, out of spite he'll do something that stresses me out even more. I hope things go ok, don't overwork yourself sweety. If he doesn't listen to you about how you feel about stuff - would it help writing it all in a letter? I find that helps with me as he'll read it all instead of interrupting me if I'd of told him.
And yeah I had very bad cramping, there we're times when I thought I was losing it, I got really bad crmps last week :nope: I hope things get better hunny, and your always welcome to rant to us :flow: xx

Stephanie - Oh my god what a horrible taxi driver!! I would of been so nasty to him :haha: I think it's worse for me as I don't look nearly 20, everyone says I look like 14 :dohh: Which isn't so great when I act like a 30 year old lol. I know I'll be judged by people, but at the end of the day Im going to be the best mummy I can be :) DO you know yet if your OH is coming with you to your antenatal classes? xx

xxx jess xxx He was really was a horrible person!! i wont be using those taxis again for sure. Sometimes i worry about people looking at me thinking im a young mom because i dont look 22, i always get told i have a baby face :blush: But like you i have wanted to be a mom since i can remember and my mom had my sister when she was 17 and she is the best mom anybody could ask for. Age is just a number. I act like im 50 sometimes lol.

Nope oh isnt coming to antenatal classes next week :cry: I hope im not the only one without a partner, iv got no one else that can go with me. kinda sucks!! xxx

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