The BFP Before The 'Would Of Been' Due Date Thread - Any Joiners?

I've never been to a Black Friday sale. I know some ladies IRL who are willing to drive south of the border to go (I'm Canadian) but I just can't do it. I'm not an early morning riser and don't like lines. Never mind that I don't have my passport. lol

This year the Canadian stores are claiming to have Black Friday sales as well but we don't have the day off as it's not a holiday, the sales aren't as good, and I just hate crowds. I think I've been Boxing Day shopping once...and that wasn't even real Boxing Day shopping. It was the day after and it was still way too crowded for me.

I hope that you're OK and the shopping didn't tax you too much. Did you find what you were looking for?
I find all the Canadian Black Friday sales really interesting. Trying to keep Canadian dollars in Canada, I guess. I don't mind the sales, and the crowds weren't too bad the other day when I went. I like that The Gap was advertising a "Bright Friday" sale. Haha!
Sam that was a brave move!! I have to go to the bank in a bit so might hit a few stores if the parking lots Aren't too full lol
I was too scared to go out. Last year someone got shot, a lot of fights and it was a mess all around....I'll pass. I guess that is the plus side in living near a big city full of moronic idiots. I remember someone got shot over a good sale on some sneakers....for real?! I rather pay more and be safe. I might peek at CyberMonday deals, but when it comes to going to stores, DH won't let me go alone bc he is afraid someone might hurt me...I don't mind, he can come with lol He already knows he is getting a PlayStation 3 haha That is all he asked for. Might get him his own TV to go with it, bc lord help me if I have to fight him for the TV......I thought about really tunring his "man cave" into a man cave....not just a garage
I did get everything I wanted, and I only went to Walmart this year. Needed a new laptop since mine took a poop on me earlier this week (how convenient?!). I didn't stand in line too long, only about 45 minutes but at least it was inside and not out in the cold! Still pretty tired though as my dad took me back to Walmart this afternoon to get my car seat and a few other odds and ends, and then it was our town's version of the "Holidazzle Parade" ... only in Minnesota do people stand out in the freezing cold to watch floats covered in Christmas lights. Exhausted!
Well it is official....I am scared to go shopping this year lol I just was watching the news...

2 people shot over a PARKING SPACE
many people trampled
A lady arrested for disorderly contact after cutting in line
fights over $5 headphones

It is ridiculous!! I am too scared some idiot will hit me in my stomach bc they are not paying attention or are just pissed bc I bumped into them. What the hell ever happened to the true meaning of this season? When did people become so damn materialistic? I swear if Canada was not so darn cold I would move there....
We're not that cold, come on over! Just live in BC its the warmest lol.

I went out for our black friday sales first I've really seen Canada make a big fizzle over it but i got up at the ass crack of dawn and was inside the mall by 8 and out by 8:45 and it wasn't very busy at all! Got some amazing deals at the disney store outlet for my sweet little man. Then "Violet" a leap frog toy that interacts with the kids for baby tulip when she makes her appearance. Bought nothing for myself as it's been since I've had my son but hey it's fun shopping for them and seeing their little faces light up at the sight of a new toy or treat. Actually I think I have enough for my son to cover this christmas and next and all because I shopped the ridiculous bargain deals all year around. That'll make next year easier :)

We don't usually shoot people over parking spaces and headphones etc but I've heard of the odd verbal assault etc, most people are pretty good here with being polite, except the d-bag behind me today honking his horn because I didn't make my left hand turn fast enough because I couldn't see if there was any oncoming traffic but meh didn't dampen my day I just wanted to be safe.

Oh and Xander and Willow totally remind me of BUFFY! Loved that show.
Wal-mart is the only store I braved--it was POURING down rain so all the bigger things I got were soaking wet from the trek from the store to my car--such a bummer, but got lots done as I don't know how many shopping trips I will be making after little man arrives. They had almost everything I wanted in stock at 5pm so that wasn't bad. Wanted to get DH a new surround sound system they had for $128 but it was sold out--My mom said she will check around and most likely get that for us--so It was a win win in the end. I didn't even have to wait at the check out line--a gal was ready when I rolled my cart up---such a rarity!!!
Great! I was in the express lane at walmart here and it went quick and I went in the afternoon.
My goodness, getting shot over a parking space!! My city is so safe, it's considered a riot if somebody tuts at another person.
My goodness, getting shot over a parking space!! My city is so safe, it's considered a riot if somebody tuts at another person.

:rofl: this is how my town is too. People are still (for the most part) respectable.

I did hear about the story of the man leaving his girlfriend's 2 year old in the car to go shopping, how sad. He's being charged with child endangerment now.
In fl someone left 2 kids under the age of 2 in the car at Kmart bc they wanted a TV....*shakes head*
That is sad, no one needs a tv that bad.

I live in a smaller town, and it wasn't super busy when we went out shopping, but people are just so determined to get their shopping done, that they don't pay attention to anyone else. My friend and I were shopping and I was right behind her and some old lady cut me off with her cart because she wasn't paying attention. Someone also stole the coupons off the top of my friends cart. Civility is dead, especially around the holiday time when you would expect people to step it up on the being kind to others part. People are too wrapped around the material aspect of Christmas.
My DH and I hit Walmart too for some early Black Friday shopping on Thursday night (which is sad b/c those workers aren't enjoying their holiday). We got a new laptop (since ours broke last week) and a guarantee card for the iPad 2 (should be in before Christmas) for the boys (they constantly steal my phone to play with their apps, lol). All in all a great experience, we got what we went for and without much hassle...crazy crowds but for the most part people were pleasant and courteous. And we got our shopping done before going to bed so we didn't have to wake up early :)

Trying to occupy myself as I am 9 DPO and analyzing every symptom or nonsymptom!!! This is my last cycle before my would have been due date of December 4th...
We don't have anything like black Friday over here I don't think :( So jelous of you guys! I'm sticking it out till the Christmas sales!

Fingers crossed this is the month for you Blessed when will you be testing?

Had my gender scan today and we're having another beautiful boy :cloud9: x
Fingers crossed and lots of :dust: 3xBlessed when do you plan on testing??

Congrats on team blue MissMummyMoo!! :blue:
Congrats on team blue MissMummyMoo!!! I am usually an insane POAS girl, starting on 8DPO...this month I just don't have the heart to see the BFN...trying to hold out until at least Tuesday which will be 10 early...I'm having a mild backache and slight cramps...but no spotting...since my D&C I've had spotting from 6 or 7 DPO...still trying to sway the symptoms to BFP!

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