Finally I get to post on here after 10 long months ttc after my last mc!!! This was also our first month on clomid and I was taking: baby aspirin, juice+, prenatal, B complex, bee pollen and royal jelly. I also exercised more
I got my first

Tuesday at 12dpo
1dpo- nothing really... maybe a few cramps
2dpo-crampy, super sore (.)(.) and increased sex drive
3dpo-same as 2dpo with fatigue
4dpo- same minus increased sex drive
5dpo-bloated, cramps, sore (.)(.),gassy
6dpo-same as above but cm was creamy with white "clumps"
7dpo-"pinchy" cramps, sore (.)(.), extra thick creamy cm with "clumps"
9dpo-fatigue, super sore (.)(.), increased sex drive
10dpo-fatigue, super sore(.)(.), nose bleed in am, stabbing/pinching pain on left side.
11dpo-fatigue, occasional sharp pains in (.)(.), nose bleed in am, "brain freeze" headaches on and off, felt like I was getting a UTI.
12dpo-occasional sharp pains in (.)(.), "brain freeze" headaches on and off,bloated, big globs of creamy cm, heart burn and nausea on and off

13dpo-same but also noticed my veins were more prominent on my chest and arms. also blood when I brushed my teeth
Before I took and hpt I started with opks on 10dpo. The test was super faint that day but 11dpo was nearly positive and today at 14dpo it is as dark as the control line
Good luck to those waiting for a