i got my BFP yesterday, and i swore i would update this thread with my symptoms, so here goes:-
lil bit of background first, this was our 8th cycle trying and i have been having irregular cycles since stopping bc, my average cycle length was 39 days!
This was also our 2nd cycle using conceive + but only AFTER bd'ing cos hubby hated it lol
my last period started on May 31st and we only bd'd 4 times ths cycle, on 7th june, 8th 12th & 15th got my BFP on cd 27!
so i clearly ovulate a lot earlier in my cycle

probs where we've been going wrong!
i dont know about dpo so will just list what i can remember:-
constant feeling of being wet down there LOL
Extreme hunger, & i mean extreame!
Sore nipples at first which then led to sore bb's but only really at the sides
Heartburn & indigestion, which is something i never get, so a big clue for me
Tired like you wouldnt beleive, i can sleep ALL the time!
Lower back pain
Af type cramps
The odd dizzy spell & feeling of nausea
feeling very bloated
Also a lot clumsier that usual, keep bumping into things
so as you can see, quite a lot going on wth me, i know you here this all the time, but i honestly did just 'know' that i was, suppose its kinda obvious given all my symptoms
good luck to all those ttc & congrats to all who have got their BFP
if anyone has any questons i'll be more than happy to answer them!!
this board has been such a support to me over the months and i cant thank you all enough! xx