I am about 6 weeks pregnant and just found out. Have read this forum so many times, so figured I should contribute now. I apologize in advance for the length, but I used to really appreciate details when I was looking before, so hope someone finds this useful!
The only thing that was consistently and noticeably different from this cycle and all the others where I was "sure" I was pregnant was that my breasts started to get sore immediately (the week after my period), starting with incredibly sensitive nipples without the breasts themselves being sore (after a few days the nipple sensitivity went away and my breasts just hurt), and have stayed that way the entire time. Other cycles I would have a few days of soreness and then a few days where I wasn't sure if they were sore, etc. This time, there was no debate at all - they hurt all the time! The soreness changed - for the first few weeks it was the whole breast and really sore, then it kind of moved to the sides and got sharper, the last two weeks it has been sharper and more felt like there were harder pieces inside the breasts, so when I lay down on my stomach it felt like I was being poked. Crappy.
Other symptoms:
1) around conception/implantation, I was sitting down to pack a suitcase and suddenly felt this weird thing in my uterus - couldn't even describe it (a burrowing? a scrape? a tug?) - that passed within a moment but I thought - well, if I were pregnant, that was definitely the baby digging in.
2) around week 2 I spent an entire night vomiting; figured I had a stomach bug because I slept the next day and wasn't sick anymore
3) around week 4 I had a terrible headache for about 2 days. Never get headaches unless I am about to get sick but I wasn't getting sick, just had this aching head.
4) from week 4-5.5 was pretty dizzy all the time. I get that sometimes but haven't had it for a while so was kind of surprised
5) around week 5, had a few days of being totally, completely, loopy. Couldn't concentrate, felt like the world wasn't real, tried to make coffee but forgot to put the coffee in and poured myself a cup of hot water instead before I realized my mistake
6) week 4.5-6, totally went off alcohol. Not a huge drinker but like to have some occasionally. Went off beer first - completely! it tasted disgusting - so I opted for wine instead, which was fine. Then went off everything. Tried to drink a rum punch the other day and couldn't get past 2 sips. barf.
7) week 5/6, more vomiting. But I was on a tiny overnight boat in choppy waters - never been seasick before, but it sure made sense for that occasion. Still, a bit unusual.
8) week 2 and week 4, had weird food dreams and I don't think I have EVER dreamed about food before. First one I was chowing through some vanilla ice cream like there was no tomorrow. Second one I was helping my aunt buy huge pans full of gooey delicious foods - cherry cobbler and mashed potatoes with gravy - all very excessive and indulgent kinds of things. When I woke up both times I wasn't craving the foods themselves.
9) weeks 2-6, the dreams. Aside from the food thing, every night I have been having unusually intense and specific dreams and remembering them. I tend to remember my dreams usually but this was more consistent and the dreams were odder and more precise than even I am used to.
10) weeks 2-6 but varying - smells. Not too bad but couldn't stand smoke (which I usually don't like anyway), meat (again, I'm vegetarian, so not a huge fan) and my boyfriend (!) (who usually smells just fine but starting around that first vomiting episode, I've had multiple days of feeling nauseated from his normally nice smell. blagh. Have not shared this with him.
11) week 5-6, craving carbs. I wanted a huge plate of pasta the other night. Then pancakes. Then craving rice. Hungrier in general week 5
12) week 6, nausea. All the time. Thanks, little half-pea.
13) other random things - week 3/4/5, my knees felt oddly wobbly and out of joint. Random. My exercising routine was harder than normal - I just felt generally weaker. I could still make it through but wasn't able to go as hard and didn't feel as good after-wards as I usually do. Weight gain of about 10 pounds but pretty sure this has way more to do with my completely excessive food intake the past two months than the pregnancy. That being said, even with exercise, the extra pounds don't seem to want to go anywhere, when normally I can get them off more easily. And weeks 4-6, pretty emotional/pissy, though chalked it up to the period that in fact...did not come. Also had a day of dark bleeding (not even a third of a tampon's worth) week 6, with plenty of light cramping. Week 5 and 6 in general had cramping and achiness that could have been period coming...