The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Well I got my BFP today! So here are my symptoms...

- Sore boobs in the beginning (like around 5 dpo), now they are just sore off and off
- Hungry more often
- Creamy CM...and more then normal
- Tired
- Vivid dreams...and very strange ones
- Hard time sleeping

Didn't have any implantation bleeding and nothing for cramps...a few little twinges and a feeling of being full, but that's it!
Bump bump!!
Are there any others whose symptoms I can obsess over???
well ive heard the increase in CM but i am unsure, i think OVULATED ON 15th/16th not 100% sure, anyway i have been getting alot of what looks like pale yellow discharge but i am putting this down to the sex as we have been having sex on and off for a week or so now.

would it be down to sex?
I also got my bfp today!!! :shock: Even though I was convinced that it wasn't my month, the main things that I noticed were:

Sore (.)(.)ies - in fact they were incredibly painful for a couple of days, then just a bit tender for the rest of the 2 weeks

Weird food aversion - I made myself a bowl of all bran as usual for brekkie at work, after 2 mouthfuls I started gagging and just couldn't eat any more!!
The next day, I had an apple at about 9am, after 2 bites - same thing, it tasted really weird and I just couldn't stomach it so it had to go in the bin.

Weird dreams that were really vivid - full on colour & surround sound

Tired generally, falling asleep on the sofa at 8.30pm when normally I'd be full of energy until 11pm

General bloated feeling - hungry but feel full / slightly bloated all the time if that makes sense...

Peeing a lot... although not much comes out when I go, I just feel like I really need to go!

Being extra thirsty although I already drink a lot of water each day

I got very little (I hope this helps people who get nervous for not feeling anything) Here are my minimal symptoms:

4dpo felt like I had flu coming (could have infact been flu)
5dpo felt exhausted and looked rough
8dpo chart looked MAD- huge leaps and dips
9dpo headache from hell
10 dpo two tiny ( i mean tiny) little red dots when i wiped
11 dpo serious bad mood. fuse like a match stick. put this down to pms
12 dpo BFP (Jaw hit floor)
13 dpo temp rocketed up. felt sick all night and tummy cramps like AF

Although I have a list this is only notable on reflection and most symptoms could be linked to fighting a cold. i really felt more the month it didnt work!

I hope this helps you out if you are worried that you dont have sore boobs and sickness andall the classic symptoms. I was jealously reading other peoples lists and thinking i felt nothing.

well just thought i would pop in and add mine!!
these symptoms have been from about 6DPO to now 12 DPO
HOT flushes basically every after noon and night time.
tender BBs but not like normal
blue weins on my BBs
heart has been beating irregularly...weird i know lol
im eating more, very hungry.
im very grumpy, i have had a short fuse this week....i can snap at any time lol
and then today at 12 DPO i have had weird pinching sensations in my tummy

but im nervous to test hahaha cause i know when i get that BFN i wont feel one damn symtpom haha
i am 17 dpo ive had watery yellow cm for about 1 week now no sore boobs a bit itchy and extremely tired gonna test on the weekend if AF doesnt show
I know crazy I am.
I have a 31-32 day cycle. I use the month supply of ovulation tests just because I am a poas addict. I normally feel ovulation along with being an avid studier of my CM and CP! For nearly 6 days I had very positive opk's :wacko: then negative after that. I am going with 11-6 as my ovulation day due to it being the darkest positive (and yes I am certain they were all positive). Since 11-10 I have had very sore (.)(.)'s which I don't normally get this soon before my Af (Af is not due until 11-23)!!! For a few days I had some mild cramping along with feeling very tired. So tired I feel like napping everyday before noontime (I don't nap though). A few days after cramps went away I had a sharp quick pain on my left side into my back and then the following day the same thing thing just on my right side. (.)(.)'s still are sore just not as much as a week ago. Had some cramping last night (12DPO) and I was extremely tired. 2 nights in a row I woke up at 3am with a strong urge to pee then I couldn't fall back asleep for an hour! Of course lots of back pain also. My CM is just slightly creamy only notice when I do a CM check, panties are fairly dry. And normally around noontime and then in the evening I get extremely hot. Today I feel ok just sore (.)(.)'s still and slight back pain, had a little belly twinge earlier this morning, I hope the :witch: stays away. BFN's....have been testing since 7DPO b/c of strange symptoms (I know too early).:shrug:
Good Luck and Positve Reinforcement to all of us TTC ladies!
Finally I'm able to add my symptoms :)

-I had a implantation dip at 4dpo this was followed with pretty strong AF type cramps that lasted 3 days - this was very different ofr me which is why I tested early (8 dpo :blush: and got my first faint postitive)

- sore bbs - different soreness to other cycles - I remember someone on here saying that it felt like galss in the nipples? brilliant description.

-Strange cm the day before my positive - it was like wet tissue paper

-Skin break out

-Dark nipples - it was the base of the actual nipple that went dark
Well i got my :bfp: this morning on a cb digi & all the symptoms i had were;

* Really hot at night, and sometimes in the morning too.

* Being REALLY hungry ALL the time!

* Being VERY Tired!

Thats all i had and got my :bfp: today at 14dpo
ooo! i hope being hot is a good sign....i was boiling and uncomfortably hot all night last night in particular....11dpo today, just hanging on in there until tomorrow/sunday...the wait is killing me :haha:
My only symptoms so far are mild cramping (from 5dpo to present-13dpo) and sporadic shortness of breath (which someone said was due to increased progesterone)
Congrats! It is an amazing feeling!:thumbup: It's 14dpo for me today and I tested this morning with a frer and I got a BFN! The :witch: must be on her way (due monday 11/23), I'm already planning my strategy for next month. I have been ttc for 3 cycles and this month was the first time I had such pain in my (.)(.)'s from 4dpo along with light cramps until today still, weird. This was a total weird month for me even my ovulation tests said I was very + for 6 days!!! I mustv'e missed it!! I normally get pain in them w/ cramps a day or two before :witch: arrives! I keep trying to tell myself to relax next month, we'll see! And again Congrats! Awesome!:happydance:

By the way what brand of test did you use? 8dpo? Wow, Holy Canoli! Thats Fantastic!!!
Im so confused... :wacko: Today is only 2dpo or 4dpo(more than likely only 2dpo) and within the last half hour iv started having very slight cramping really low and to the center of my tummy. Iv never noticed this before on any other cycle. :wacko: I know its way too early to be implantation cramps. But im still confused at to what may be causing them!!!?? :shrug: :flower:
got 5 bfps at different times this week here are my 2ww symptoms
2-4 dpo cramping (very mild), nausea, tired
4-7dpo nothing
8-15dpo nausea, sore boobs, mild cramps, dizzy, starving,clumsy, thirsty, peeing alot, funny taste in mouth, exausted, moody
took test at 10 dpo it was a very faint pos, took 2 more at 14 dpo more faint pos, took 1 more at 15 dpo still faint took another at 17 dpo good strong line. fingers x'd it's a stick one
My AF was abnormal, so I think I'm still in the running. :happydance:
My flow started off as spotting for 1 1/2 days and then a medium flow for two days and back to spotting for 3 days. I had heavy cramps on day two and then no more, until today when I had stopped spotting. I have been extremely sluggish. I have been eating like a pig (Constantly Hungry), I have been having bad headaches on and off, I have had hip, lower back and knee pain, I have been experiencing nausea, constipation, poor concentration, hot flashes, chills, frequent urination, extreme thirst, slightly elevated temps, bad gas, mood swings and bubbles in my lower abdomen, and really dry lips.

I honestly thought I was out until yesterday when I was complaining on the bus about someone eating onions and me having a bad headache and someone asked me if I was pregnant. I called my doctor and told her about my symptoms as I thought at first I might have endometriosis, but after that I think I'll get her to due a pregnancy blood test and ultrasound as well. My appointment is on Dec. 7th. Sooooooo long to wait!
got my bfp at 12dpo, symptoms were extreme hotness, dry mouth, nausea but not severe just sort of there all the time, couldnt sleep properly (dunno if it was cos i was thinking about being pg before it was confirmed by digi) more wee'ing and a funny stuffy head feeling
Im convinced this isnt my month

but lately I have been feeling kind of light headed.. especially when I am out and about on my own, I just sort of feel like Im floating around. Dunno if that is a sign of Pregnancy or not. Ive had small headaches on and off the past few days also. I never have headaches.

AF isnt due for about another week and a half to 2 weeks. We'll see.

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