I also got my bfp today!!!

Even though I was convinced that it wasn't my month, the main things that I noticed were:
Sore (.)(.)ies - in fact they were incredibly painful for a couple of days, then just a bit tender for the rest of the 2 weeks
Weird food aversion - I made myself a bowl of all bran as usual for brekkie at work, after 2 mouthfuls I started gagging and just couldn't eat any more!!
The next day, I had an apple at about 9am, after 2 bites - same thing, it tasted really weird and I just couldn't stomach it so it had to go in the bin.
Weird dreams that were really vivid - full on colour & surround sound
Tired generally, falling asleep on the sofa at 8.30pm when normally I'd be full of energy until 11pm
General bloated feeling - hungry but feel full / slightly bloated all the time if that makes sense...
Peeing a lot... although not much comes out when I go, I just feel like I really need to go!
Being extra thirsty although I already drink a lot of water each day