The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Here goes my first post! :hi:

Hello All! I have spent the last 2 hours reading loads of posts and feeling very well educated now! well a bit more than 2 hours ago anyway! Its nice to feel "normal"

I am currently 5 dpo and my symptoms have been:

1-2 dpo - nothing - just an odd feeling
3-4 dpo - lethargic, funny feelings in my abdomen and on my left side where i imagine my ovary would be, and feeling the need to pee lots, feels like there is pulling right behind my belly button
5 dpo (today) - feel crappy, dizziness, slight nausea after eating and totally no appetite, piercing headache on left temple, yawning all day despite getting my usual 8 hours :sleep: last night, watery mouth, cold nose and raised blue veins on hands (unusual), tacky cm, peed about 8 times today! some heartburn on and off all day. gentle twinging/ pulling/tugging in tummy/abdomen continues.

No sore bbs at all, but plan to check them out tonight!

Trying not to get too carried away yet... only been trying since I had implanon removed last November. DH not sure whats going on, just doing what he's told :sex: and falling asleep whilst i watch tv upside down with my legs in the air (TMI?!!)

Congrats to all the BFPs out there, how wonderful and to all the TTC's our time will come xxx
Magic pg dust for all the ttc's xx :hugs: :dust:
Here goes my first post! :hi:

Hello All! I have spent the last 2 hours reading loads of posts and feeling very well educated now! well a bit more than 2 hours ago anyway! Its nice to feel "normal"

I am currently 5 dpo and my symptoms have been:

1-2 dpo - nothing - just an odd feeling
3-4 dpo - lethargic, funny feelings in my abdomen and on my left side where i imagine my ovary would be, and feeling the need to pee lots, feels like there is pulling right behind my belly button
5 dpo (today) - feel crappy, dizziness, slight nausea after eating and totally no appetite, piercing headache on left temple, yawning all day despite getting my usual 8 hours :sleep: last night, watery mouth, cold nose and raised blue veins on hands (unusual), tacky cm, peed about 8 times today! some heartburn on and off all day. gentle twinging/ pulling/tugging in tummy/abdomen continues.

No sore bbs at all, but plan to check them out tonight!

Trying not to get too carried away yet... only been trying since I had implanon removed last November. DH not sure whats going on, just doing what he's told :sex: and falling asleep whilst i watch tv upside down with my legs in the air (TMI?!!)

Congrats to all the BFPs out there, how wonderful and to all the TTC's our time will come xxx
Magic pg dust for all the ttc's xx :hugs: :dust:
Hi there,

We have been TTC since Aug 09 and although I build my head with syptoms each month, there seems to be quite a few more this month.

I am not sure how many DPO I am but for the past few days I have had:
mild cramping/twinges near my ovaries, mostly on the left but sometimes right and centre,
dull ache above my pelvic bone and also tops of thighs (feels like i'm squeezing them almost),
Heartburn, on and off
Sore teeth at first (seems to have gone now)
Spots on forehead (could be :witch: due!!)
One of my BB has viens on and on the other the area around the nip seems to have darkened and just around the nip is v.dark, also nips are sticking out more than usual
BB's wern't sore at first, but they are now if I poke them (probably just bruised through all the poking though!)

Could of course just all be in my head, but I'll have to wait until around 26th to see.

Good luck everone!! :dust:
Oooh and tired too, couldn't keep my eyes open at work today (was very boring though!!)
Symptoms started few days after ovualtion!! I had stomach cramps, felt sick 24/7 but NEVER was, was constantly tired, craved toothpaste & potatoes from the word go, terrible heartburn/indigestion from 3 weeks right up until 38 weeks... and palpitations too!
hi girls well i finally get to post here. hoping for a sticky bean. this is for all the girls like me that have read every post on this thread. i got my :bfp: yesterday i,m 5 weeks 1day. every month i thought i had symptoms but wasnt pregnant. this month we were in france last week and i had no symptoms until i had a brown pink discharge which i thought was my af starting but then nothing. so i had an feeling this month was different that was on cycle day 25 the only other symptoms i,ve had feeling jitter and quesy no sore boobs just starting to feel that now i,ve got cramps sort of like af cramps but all this is after my af was due so it doesnt mean that your out if you have no symptoms they sometime dont start till after 4 weeks so keep the faith:hugs:
hi girls well i finally get to post here. hoping for a sticky bean. this is for all the girls like me that have read every post on this thread. i got my :bfp: yesterday i,m 5 weeks 1day. every month i thought i had symptoms but wasnt pregnant. this month we were in france last week and i had no symptoms until i had a brown pink discharge which i thought was my af starting but then nothing. so i had an feeling this month was different that was on cycle day 25 the only other symptoms i,ve had feeling jitter and quesy no sore boobs just starting to feel that now i,ve got cramps sort of like af cramps but all this is after my af was due so it doesnt mean that your out if you have no symptoms they sometime dont start till after 4 weeks so keep the faith:hugs:

Congratulations Mel!!
Here goes my first post! :hi:

Hello All! I have spent the last 2 hours reading loads of posts and feeling very well educated now! well a bit more than 2 hours ago anyway! Its nice to feel "normal"

I am currently 5 dpo and my symptoms have been:

1-2 dpo - nothing - just an odd feeling
3-4 dpo - lethargic, funny feelings in my abdomen and on my left side where i imagine my ovary would be, and feeling the need to pee lots, feels like there is pulling right behind my belly button
5 dpo (today) - feel crappy, dizziness, slight nausea after eating and totally no appetite, piercing headache on left temple, yawning all day despite getting my usual 8 hours :sleep: last night, watery mouth, cold nose and raised blue veins on hands (unusual), tacky cm, peed about 8 times today! some heartburn on and off all day. gentle twinging/ pulling/tugging in tummy/abdomen continues.

No sore bbs at all, but plan to check them out tonight!

Trying not to get too carried away yet... only been trying since I had implanon removed last November. DH not sure whats going on, just doing what he's told :sex: and falling asleep whilst i watch tv upside down with my legs in the air (TMI?!!)

Congrats to all the BFPs out there, how wonderful and to all the TTC's our time will come xxx
Magic pg dust for all the ttc's xx :hugs: :dust:

OHHH Sweetie... You have some Very Definate Signs... When are you going to test?? I see Another BFP coming... :dust:

Heres to everyone getting there BFP this month... :hugs: :dust:

Congrats Mel... Heres to a Happy and Healthy 9 months...
Here goes i havent done this before just in case it would be a bad omen, but do feel different this month:
1-2 dpo - sore nipples, cramping on left low down,

3-4 dpo - ewcm, sore nipples, sore boobs, headachy,cramping still on left low down,

5 dpo - ewcm, nipples sore, boobs painful, swollen belly firm to touch, cramping on
and off on both sides, sore hip area, nausea around meal times, headachy
6 dpo - cm not so much, sore nipples really really sore boobs, headachy, belly still
swollen, cramping , hip area sore on and off, crap sleep, nausea at meal
times and cannot finish a meal, dry lips , stuffy nose, peeing for england, and
so tired

7 dpo - all same as above but with one difference, i now get a burning stingy
sensation in my boobs- OUCH , so tired too
8 dpo - all same as above, burning stinging sensation in my boobs is worse today,
and my headache is worse today , am so tired , have had tugging feeling
in belly on and off about an inch away from belly button on left.

Well that its up to today, i am on a 24 day cycle and ovulated on cd11 so am now 8dpo, and this 2ww is agony cant wait to test and find out.

well thanks for reading
Before my BFP, all I had was a stuffy nose..from 1 dpo till now 10dpo. And it's irritating! I had to breathe thru my mouth since my nose is blocked and everytime I tried to breathe thru my nose, i made this disgusting snorting noises.

After BFP, just sore boobs and mild cramps.
Before my BFP, all I had was a stuffy nose..from 1 dpo till now 10dpo. And it's irritating! I had to breathe thru my mouth since my nose is blocked and everytime I tried to breathe thru my nose, i made this disgusting snorting noises.

After BFP, just sore boobs and mild cramps.

Aww thank you and CONGRATULATIONS :happydance: :happydance:
hope i can join you in a couple of weeks i am testing on the 15th thats if my period (due on 12th ) dont get me first.
Hi all! I am in the 2WW and about 6dpo today. Im feeling no PMA this cycle so please pray for me. i try not to symptom spot so I dont know what Im feeling. Just hoping that by next week, I have a nice BFP and the rest of you all have one as well. Im emotional, that I can tell you, and Im not sure if its a symptom or not or just sad that after 11 months, i still have no BFP!:nope:

Babydust to all!:hugs:
Hi girls, i got my :bfp: last night and it was really strong. I just wanted to say that this month i had hardly any symptoms, i only tested because i was a couple of days late and to feed my poas habit lol, i was shocked when it was positive!!! The lastcouple of days i have felt ever so slightly sick and thats it, i've had more symptoms on the months i haven't been pregnant. Good luck to you all.x
hi all!
I am around 7dpo although i do not actual chart i am just going by ov sypmtoms!
i have had terrible heartburn through last night and still a bit achey today.
is this a sign?
Im so eager for the next week-10days to go by so i can test!!!

hi girls, im 7DPO and due next wed. my symptoms are;
1) very very very tired constantly
2) nausea on and off but there
3) spots :-/
4) very moody
5) peeing more

fxd for :bfp:s

hi girls, im 7DPO and due next wed. my symptoms are;
1) very very very tired constantly
2) nausea on and off but there
3) spots :-/
4) very moody
5) peeing more

fxd for :bfp:s


Hiya! We are due for AF on the same day. Im not really experiencing any symptoms:shrug:. I dont know if thats a good or bad thing. Good luck to you.

@Kellis: Congrats! No symptoms? Maybe Im in the same boat. How many DPO were you when you tested?
Hi ladies I hoping to get my :BFP: this cycle. I haven't been actively trying no longer than 2 months. My symptoms look very promising or I'm a :loopy: :fool: lol. Since my cycles are 21 days I need to wait until the week after my cycle to test to get a more accurate result. So I'm not testing until then, at least I'm going to try not to. But here's what I got going on.

1/21/2010 CD 1 :witch:
1/22/2010 CD 2 :witch:
1/23/2010 CD 3 :witch:
1/24/2010 CD 4 :sex:
1/25/2010 CD 5 :sex:
1/26/2010 CD 6 :sex:
1/27/2010 CD 7 1 dpo no bd nothing

1/28/2010 CD 8 2 dpo no bd crampy and dizzy when got out of bed

1/29/2010 CD 9 3 dpo no bd crampy and tired

1/30/2010 CD 10 4 dpo :sex: tired, craves ice, crampy, brown tinge when wiped

1/31/2010 CD 11 5 dpo no bd tired, feel bloated

2/1/2010 CD 12 6 dpo :sex: tired and headache

2/2/2010 CD 13 7 dpo no bd tired and headache, pants snug, bb tingly; dreamt I was pg and could see the baby moving in stomach

2/3/2010 CD 14 8 dpo :sex: very little cm; no headaches; energy kind of balanced; dull feeling in lower abdomen(bathroom:445am; 650am; 845am; 1032am; 1210pm; 23opn; 410pm); sex drive HIGH; Tested :bfn:

2/4/2010 CD 15 9 dpo no bd woke up with MAJOR headache; morning exhausted; slight dull lower abdomen pain; craved McD's Big Breakfast; button down shirt bought last month too tight on bb's but still not pain in bb; potty runs every 2-3 hrs; midday exhausted; headaches late afternoon; legs feel asleep whiling sitting on couch
2/5/2010 CD 16 10 dpo :sex: bbs sore; a lot of cm (when wipe and on panties); tested :bfn:

2/6/2010 CD 17 11 dpo no bd tired, bbs sore; a lot of cm; runny nose; potty runs; gassy; tested :bfn:

2/7/2010 CD 18 12 dpo no bd head cold; a lot of cm; gassy; tested :bfn:

2/8/2010 CD 19 13 dpo :sex: cp high kinda soft but still has firmness to it; a lot of cm; eating everything in site; head cold; after evening shower checked and cp low; tested :bfn:

2/9/2010 CD 20 14 dpo no bd slight nausea; head cold; gums extremely sore; sick after eating food ok when snacking; cp easy to reach; headache tested :bfn:

2/10/2010 CD 21 15 dpo cp extremely high can't reach it; cm still present; tired; headache tested :bfn:

The :witch: is due tomorow i need a lot of :dust: so she wont come. Does this sound promising guys?

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