The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Hi Girls!

I'm so gutted!! I took a test yesterday at about 3pm ish at 8dpo i didn't expect anything becuase of it being so early!! So i was over the moon when i got a faint :bfp: i couldn't believe it i was soooooo happy!!!! BUT!! I've tested this morning and nothing!! :bfn: ?????????? I'm so confused!!! I know all about chemical pregnancies as i had one last cycle but the tests got gradually fainter! This one was positive yesterday and egative today!! I am only about 9 dpo today and realise i shouldn't be testing so early but i can't help it!! I have very irregular cycles my last cyle was 57 days and this one is on day 53!
I have a few symptoms Headaches, bloody and stuffy nose, really sore gums, funny taste in mouth (not metallic tho) i was sooo tired last night too! a day of diarrhea (Cant spell) i never get that!
I'm just so upset and don't know why is was positive yesterday and not today? All i can think is dodgy test because surely if it was chemical then i would still have a bit og hcg in my urine?
Sorry for long post i just need to tell someone about it!!

Also what makes it worse, i wasn't going to tell hubby about faint line because of the dissapointment last cycle with the chemical but i couldn't hold it in!! He was ecxited but warey at the same time and now i'm gonna have to tell him again!!!

hi, I'm pretty new, only ttc since earlier this month.
I have a strange question, but I have loss of appetite the last few days and food just tastes SO SO BLAND to me.
this mornings coffee - BLAND and Bitter, had to spit it out although this is my favourite coffee beans...
Ate some cheese I normally eat every morning - had to spit it out and rinse my mouth, couldn't get it down. DH said cheese tasted fine.?????
this mornings apricot jam and toast - BLAND and tasteless, tasted better three days ago
Tried some chocolate chip cookies I LoVE and snack on every day - BLAND and tasteless, no taste of chocolate anymore
..All I have been doing is drinking liters and liters of fresh orange juice (bland as well, but sour enough for me to taste and washes off the horrid taste on my tongue) and eating like 3-4 huge Oranges every morning.....

Should I see a doctor, something wrong like stomach ulcer or digestive system upset or so???
HELP! its a Saturday, I could only probably see a doctor on Monday...
Hi Ladies,

So, I finally get an official posting in this excellent thread :thumbup: got my BFP today:cloud9:

To be honest, I have probably had more symptoms in the months that it didn't happen, but thats probably because I didn't think we had managed it this month.

Symptoms have been:

Mild heartburn for the last week
AF cramps pretty much since OV(like the dragging feeling you get). Normally only get this the day AF is due
13DPO (Yesterday) in the afternoon at work, I had a hot flush and and went really spaced out, had to go for some fresh air.

Thats about it really. I had some CM, but i think I normally get this anyway.
Congrats BoBo! For all those suffering from cramps like I am I was wondering where are your cramps? I never had cramps during PMS so cramps are new to me. My cramps were in the lower abdominal area initially now they are more are my left side and today it's left side and lower left back. Does anyone else have cramps on one side only?
My normal AF cramps are like I'm being squeezed or kicked on the inside. With my BFP it was more like fingers typing. Now I just have backache.
Ok,here's a question for you ladies to see if any of you have had these symptoms.I came off BCP over a month ago and even then,AF was barely spotting if anything.Now,I've been really tired,REALLY hungry some days and not so hungry others,mood swings,nausea,and some cramping. I took a hpt a day or two after my last cycle and it came back as :bfn: so I don't know if I took it too soon but I've stopped taking my BCP before and all that did to me before was that I was an emotional basketcase.I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I just think these symptoms are odd.
Daria, I had so many symptoms in that first cycle post pill, after the initial withdrawl bleed, I even thought for a second I could be pregnant. My cycles didn't settle down in the 6 months I was off it before conceiving (we were ttc for 3 of them). I ended up using a CBFM and temping with Fertility Friend to know when I was ovulating.
Hopinmg someone can help. . . O:)

AF is four days late and :bfn: at 16dpo (now 18dpo)

After :sex: this morning, I had blood on the tissue (about the size of a 5p) but only because I was pushing it to see i.e. if I had just wiped normally I would not have seen anything.
It was very diluted and not at all red (more yellowy, oragne) but I could smell the 'fresh' smell so it isn't old blood. This was around two, two and half hours ago.

I've just been the toilet again and there wasn't anything on the tissue even when I was really dabbing to see.

I'm wondering what it could be?
The start of AF?
or something else maybe I ov'd reeeeeally late and it was implantation bleeding?
It might even be a little cut or scratch?

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?


yes.. =\ I was completely convinced I had implantation bleeding before and it turned out to be nothing at all.. and AF was late for me too and was convinced I had to get a blood test done and sure enough AF showed her evil face two days later..wicked =( haha. But, wait it out another two or three days and if nothing comes then test at about 5 days from today =) :dust: to you sweetheart! xoxo

Oh no :(
Sorry you got AF hun :hugs:
How many day were you late altogether?
I was going to test on Sunday so I'd be 20dpo and 6 days late. . .
You think that would be too soon?


oh noes this was way back when in October or November =) currently I'm having all these crazy things happening this cycle that never happened before. and I'm praying for both of our :bfp:s! =) Any news yet though sweetie? It's sunday you should test now =) and if it were ib then it might not show up on a hpt so don't get discouraged it is possible you o'd late! =) fx for you!
Ok,here's a question for you ladies to see if any of you have had these symptoms.I came off BCP over a month ago and even then,AF was barely spotting if anything.Now,I've been really tired,REALLY hungry some days and not so hungry others,mood swings,nausea,and some cramping. I took a hpt a day or two after my last cycle and it came back as :bfn: so I don't know if I took it too soon but I've stopped taking my BCP before and all that did to me before was that I was an emotional basketcase.I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I just think these symptoms are odd.

Lots of symptoms post-pill. I came off Feb 20th, I "always thought" and always had 29/30 day cycles before the pill. But I didn't want to take the chance and guessing game with FF and all the charting and temps thing, so I just got an OPK after my AF for my first month of TTC. turned out I ovulated really really LATE on day 21 (meaning I am probably having a 32- 36 day cycle this month).
If I had "assumed" I ovulate on days 14-15, would have missed BD-ing completely on DAY 21 and not have a chance this month at all....get youself an OPK,,,,
Hi Girlies

Just wondering if someone out there may be able to heLP.
We have been TTC for almost 9 months now and nothing seems to be happening.
Had a few late periods but my AF always seemed to arrive :-(
My Last period was 27th Jan 2010, which makes me just short of 3 weeks late.
I have done tests from 1 day missed, but havent done one for a week.
No major symptoms, only tingly nipples. Not stressed, Have gained a weight recently which could be a cause of missed period i guess.
I have felt emotional recently, the smallest things make me cry, but not ll the time

I know i should go to the Doctor to get a blood test done if i have another negative test.
I just wanted to know if anyone didnt get a positive till gone 6 weeks pregnant, or no symptoms at all.

Hope someone can tell me anything about there expreiences.

it's probably best that I explain my situation before reeling off my list of symptoms to you. I need your advice...
My periods have been really irregular for the last 6-7 months, ever since ttc (probably natures way of playing games with me).

Tummy - dull pain (almost like I've been doing loads of situps)
Exhausted - slept most of Saturday 20th March.*
Boobs - aching, couldn't get comfy in bed.*
Hungry - starving this weekend c/19th.*
Hunger subsided - strange feeling in gums and teeth.*
Missed period - LMP 1st Feb*
Negative HPT Monday early am 22nd March.*

So I have all the above LMP Feb 1st I think I ov around 15th and had a BFN this morning. I'm gutted, I've never experienced any of the above whilst ttc, and I was so sure this month would be my lucky month

any help would be appreciated x x x
UPDATE (caution TMI ALERT!!!).

DPO6- Did my weekend shopping, I don't take red Meat at ALL!!! Suddenly bought 600g of beef steaks of the best cut, all I had for dinner was Beef steak with orange juice, DH think I am mad, tearing at Beef steaks for two days and washing it down with orange juice. Usual taste buds have not returned, I still can't taste much.
Last night DPO7 - cramps cramps cramps. Woke up a few times to pee. creamy whitish CM last night. Pain shooting down my left leg.
This morning DPO 8 - no more cramps, tastebuds haven't returned, 4th day can't stand coffee. Had beef steak sandwich for breakfast. Took a sample for OPK since I haven't bought my HPTs yet, OPK STILL TELLS Me two dark lines!! can't believe it because I ovulated on the 15th March according to clearblue so sth is clearly wrong....
(TMI TMI!!) First morning Urine sample smelled REALLY strangely sweet this morning, never smelled anything like that in my life. Kinda like melted Wine gums with marshmellows (no, I didn't have a joint!).. and I haven't been able to do the big thing in the loo since 3 days ago although I am the very regular to the hour kinda girl...

appreciate any help ladies, this is really my first cycle TTC and probably never encountered anything like this before in my life.
Really thinking of going to the doctors (specially concerned with the sweet pee smell??), but he might think I am going crazy...
Woo-hoo i finally get to post my symptoms on here, got my :bfp: yesterday! :happydance:

O-6dpo loads of cramping, especially on day 6 think it was implantation! No spotting tho at all.

5dpo-9dpo wierd dreams, sicky feeling in tummy like nerves, really tired in day

6do- horrible cramps and really tired, thought af was going to arrive extra early!

7dpo lots of crealy white cm (sorry tmi) very irritable, shouted at hubby and my mum for no reason then burst into tears 3 times in the same day :blush:

8dpo- nothing everything gone

9dpo- still no symptoms but :bfp: in ic and frer

10dpo (today) digi says 'pregnant' 1-2 weeks! also done frer and more ic's haha:happydance::cloud9:

Good luck to everyone ttc, it took us 2 years, but will happen for everyone at the right time :dust:
Hi Girls,

Just had to say, if you are having morning sickness and nausea try Seabands, get them in the chemist, it works on acupressure points on wrist so no chemicals or pills:thumbup: I haven't had nausea for 2 days now which is a welcome relief!!:happydance: Hope it works for you
UPDATE (caution TMI ALERT!!!).

DPO6- Did my weekend shopping, I don't take red Meat at ALL!!! Suddenly bought 600g of beef steaks of the best cut, all I had for dinner was Beef steak with orange juice, DH think I am mad, tearing at Beef steaks for two days and washing it down with orange juice. Usual taste buds have not returned, I still can't taste much.
Last night DPO7 - cramps cramps cramps. Woke up a few times to pee. creamy whitish CM last night. Pain shooting down my left leg.
This morning DPO 8 - no more cramps, tastebuds haven't returned, 4th day can't stand coffee. Had beef steak sandwich for breakfast. Took a sample for OPK since I haven't bought my HPTs yet, OPK STILL TELLS Me two dark lines!! can't believe it because I ovulated on the 15th March according to clearblue so sth is clearly wrong....
(TMI TMI!!) First morning Urine sample smelled REALLY strangely sweet this morning, never smelled anything like that in my life. Kinda like melted Wine gums with marshmellows (no, I didn't have a joint!).. and I haven't been able to do the big thing in the loo since 3 days ago although I am the very regular to the hour kinda girl...

appreciate any help ladies, this is really my first cycle TTC and probably never encountered anything like this before in my life.
Really thinking of going to the doctors (specially concerned with the sweet pee smell??), but he might think I am going crazy...

I just had to post .. First, have you checked out the website ... I think you might be pregnant and are possibly picking up trace levels of hormones. Worth reading, if you get a bit bored. :)

Second, the pee thing -- I am the EXACT SAME WAY. I kept thinking back, as I sat on the pot in awe, "what in the world did I consume to make it smell this way??? Massive amounts of cotton candy with a side of asparagus? WEIRDDDDD!!!" and it hasn't gone away. I went and had a UTI test done (because I truly wanted to rule that out -- even though I have no pain whatsoever) and negative/all is good. :shrug: who the heck knows....

BEST OF LUCK TO YOU, mummyblues! I'll be checking in on your posts to see how you are moving along! :)
Hi Girlies

Just wondering if someone out there may be able to heLP.
We have been TTC for almost 9 months now and nothing seems to be happening.
Had a few late periods but my AF always seemed to arrive :-(
My Last period was 27th Jan 2010, which makes me just short of 3 weeks late.
I have done tests from 1 day missed, but havent done one for a week.
No major symptoms, only tingly nipples. Not stressed, Have gained a weight recently which could be a cause of missed period i guess.
I have felt emotional recently, the smallest things make me cry, but not ll the time

I know i should go to the Doctor to get a blood test done if i have another negative test.
I just wanted to know if anyone didnt get a positive till gone 6 weeks pregnant, or no symptoms at all.

Hope someone can tell me anything about there expreiences.


If you are three weeks late and BFN, I would say you are not pregnant. However, if you ovulated late and still caught the egg, you may be pregnant, but just really early along! I'm not an expert by any means, but I got a nice dark line just one day after I missed my period.

I have had some tingly nipples this month, when I got my BFP, but I also had them fairly regularly on BFN months, too. I am not particularly emotional either now, but some women say they are. Symptoms are so tricky to go by!

Oh, another things that really really helped me was temperature charting. Because my cycles were a bit irregular, I was able to chart and find out to the day when I ovulated, so we could get good BD timing in. Also I could tell when AF was due. When your temps stay high after AF is due, it's a great indication that you're pregnant. Which is what happened to me this month! :happydance:

I hope you are pregnant, but are just too early to pick up the hormone yet. Wishing you the best!

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