The Big Thread of Early Pregnancy Symptoms

implantation doesnt usually happen till 8dpo i know i didnt till around 9dpo but some woman can implant as early as 5dpo, do u temp can u pinpoint o maybe u are further dpo than you think?
Hello Everyone, I've only just signed up but have been reading the forum posts for a few days and decided tonight I'd be brave enough to post!! So hi! :happydance:

I already have one gorgeous son who is now 2 years 9 months and we've decided it's the right time to start ttc again. I'll be honest that first time round we took a risk one day (just happened to be day 15 and ovulation day I expect from the signs I was getting) and few days before I was due my af I thought I've been feeling exhausted odd what's going on - did a test and got a BFP. Whilst we were not actively trying and I'd just got a new job so I was worried about the timing, we were incredibly pleased and happy, even if a little shell-shocked! :-)

So although this will be (fingers crossed!) our second baby it is really our first time TTC and I am full of questions, excited, fearful etc and feel in need of conversation with some other friendly ladies going through the same thing.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 18 and suffered from very heavy, long and painful periods until I feel pregnant. My cycle had been 36 days. Since having my son my periods had been shorter, lighter and less painful and for nearly 2 years have not given me much trouble (other than the PMT stresses making me a bit of a moody cow for a few days!) and had been 32 days.

However over the last 6-12 months they have been getting a bit heavier and more painful. Then my feb period took what felt like forever to start - about 2 weeks late, although I wasn't really tracking at that stage so it is a guess, but it definately took ages to start. Then I had 6 days of odd brownish bleeding (sorry tmi) and then 6 days of more normal red bleeding. During it I had strange aches and pains in one side of my tummy. I was pretty stressed at work at the time so just put it down to that. Then my next one took 42 or 48 days to start (depending whether you count from brown or red stuff!), but when did start was pretty normal and nothing out of the ordinary.

However I had been to see the dr as I'd had some streaks of blood in cm at time of ovulation in both dec and feb and had been feeling very very hormonal so just felt something was wrong. Some of this could of course be down to the stress but I was still a bit concerned. Dr did a blood test at day 21 (from brown bleeding last month) and it showed I had not ovulated. :-( But things had been so irregular she said not to worry and we'd just keep an eye on it. I am booked in for another one on Monday now that I have had another period.

So when we decided to start trying this month (which we have a few times, sorry tmi, but fingers crossed!) I put the fears of not ovulating and long periods out of my mind and just thought I'd treat it as a normal month. Then Tuesday (CD16) I started feeling a bit sick, getting metallic taste in my mouth, and being so tired my eyes just wanted to close. I thought was nothing, or maybe down to ovulation, but still now CD18 I am feeling like this. It comes and goes but is definately there. I have also had flutters now and then in my tummy on CD11 had a very odd dizzy ill feeling day. I having been doing my temp but have been getting the EWCM when I would expect it. None of this has felt like an illness, more like when i was pregnant last time but obviously way to early in cycle to be getting these sort of signs.

Which is why I am worried it means something I am having problems with ovulation or something. Does anyone have any words of wisdom?! Am I going mad!? And, when we first started talking about trying we both went up and down about it depending on our mood and the mood of our son :-) but just a few weeks on I just want to be pregnant so much!

Sorry for the really long post...thanks for reading...will keep future ones shorter! :flower:

Good luck everyone who is also ttc and waiting to know if this is the lucky month.

chicken..sounds like you might possibly be pregnant! :) I'd say wait it out but it sounds to be so..I NEVER got metallic taste in mouth during ovulation and I got ewcm after ovulation a few days later and then sure enough it was when I was implanting and that is when the metallic taste it might be so! keep us posted! :) you can pm me with any other questions as well sweetheart! and good luck!
and Izzy, it's okay no one thinks you're arguing :) I just honestly don't believe this whole 5 dpo I think alot of people aren't COMPLETELY sure when they ovulate..if you get a positive on an opk you will ovulate within 24 hours later so sometimes can put them at 6 dpo..just my personal experience with them..charting is never completely accurate just when you feel the egg released and sometimes you can't feel it :\ which is why it's said to be better to bd up until and AFTER ovulation it is better :)
i actually think this thread has gone a little off track, as stated on 1st page its for the newly pregnant to post their symtoms so ttc'ers and have a look through and compare, seems to have gone more towards possible unconfirmed pregnancy symtoms...

sorry to be a pain in the a** lol maybe we could start a new sticky for people expieriencing symtoms but a pregnancy is not confirmed yet??
i actually think this thread has gone a little off track, as stated on 1st page its for the newly pregnant to post their symtoms so ttc'ers and have a look through and compare, seems to have gone more towards possible unconfirmed pregnancy symtoms...

sorry to be a pain in the a** lol maybe we could start a new sticky for people expieriencing symtoms but a pregnancy is not confirmed yet??

That sounds good Gossipgirly. Im experiencing symptoms but not confirmed yet a 11dpo and I would like that type of chat group.:hugs:
yeah that is so true gossipgirly..they need some place where they can go and compare symptoms and all. I'm still pulling for you ladies though :) and hoping all of you come back to this thread and post your :bfp:s :D
Thanks lilbabylove - will let you know how I get on and hopefully be back to report a BFP and early preg symptoms when I know if that's what they are! x
I got my BFP a week ago at 14dpo. I didn't test before then because I know the tests aren't accurate. The line came up within a minute with fmu.

Symptoms: nothing until 11dpo, had one big cramp across lower tummy for about 20 secs. Was painful! Then nothing til evening of 13dpo when I was completely exhausted, as I sometimes am before af, went to bed at 7 and stayed there.

I thought I would 'know' I was pregnant, but I didn't feel it, and tbh I don't have masses of symptoms now (fx'd it will continue!)

that's my story, hope it helps someone through the tww!
I totally agree GG. I came on here while TTC and kept getting confused with people listing symptoms that weren't confimed pregnant.

My TWW symptoms this cycle were:

Bloating, Fatigue, Frequent Urination, Gassy, Creamy CM

Bloating, Nausea, Fatigue, Gassy, Creamy CM

Bloating, Nausea, Fatigue, Skin Break-Out, Gassy, Stuffy nose, Snotty CM, Sore throat, Tearful, Sore nipples, Creamy CM

Bloating, Irritability, Nausea, Fatigue, Skin Break-Out, Gassy, Constipation, Cramps, Stuffy nose, Vivid Dreams, Snotty CM, Sore throat, Tearful, Twinges, Sore nipples, Creamy CM

Bloating, Nausea, Fatigue, Headache, Gassy, Diarrhea, Increased Appetite, Stuffy nose, Blurred vision, Vivid Dreams, Sore throat, Sore nipples, Creamy CM

Bloating, Irritability, Nausea, Fatigue, Headache, Gassy, Constipation, Forgetfull, Increased CM, Vivid Dreams, Sore nipples, Creamy CM

Bloating, Nausea, Fatigue, Skin Break-Out, Gassy, Constipation, Increased Appetite, Stuffy nose, Forgetfull, Yellow CM, Increased CM, Vivid Dreams, Snotty CM, Sore throat, Sore nipples

PMS, Bloating, Sleep Deprived, Irritability, Nausea, Fatigue, Frequent Urination, Headache, Diarrhea, Jaw pain, Forgetfull, Yellow CM, Increased CM, Vivid Dreams, Snotty CM, Tearful, Sore nipples

9dpo (day of :bfp:)
Bloating, Fatigue, Headache, Gassy, Creamy CM, Increased CM

Bloating, Nausea, Fatigue, Skin Break-Out, Gassy, Backache, Cramps, Blurred vision, Increased Smell, Yellow CM, Increased CM, Vivid Dreams, Tearful, Sore nipples, Palpitations, Creamy CM

Bloating, Irritability, Nausea, Fatigue, Frequent Urination, Gassy, Diarrhea, Backache, Stuffy nose, Enlarged breasts, Blurred vision, Increased Smell, Forgetfull, Yellow CM, Increased CM, Sweating, Vivid Dreams, Twinges, Sore nipples, Palpitations, Creamy CM

Bloating, Irritability, Nausea, Fatigue, Frequent Urination, Headache, Skin Break-Out, Gassy, Diarrhea, Backache, Dizziness, Cramps, Increased Appetite, Stuffy nose, Enlarged breasts, Blurred vision, Increased Smell, Ovary pain, Forgetfull, Yellow CM, Increased CM, Food aversion, Snotty CM, Sore throat, Clumsy, Twinges, Sore nips, Palpitations

I did NOT think I was pregnant. I have no idea why I tested and was completely blown away to get a positive at 9dpo :yipee:
I got my BFP a week ago at 14dpo. I didn't test before then because I know the tests aren't accurate. The line came up within a minute with fmu.

Symptoms: nothing until 11dpo, had one big cramp across lower tummy for about 20 secs. Was painful! Then nothing til evening of 13dpo when I was completely exhausted, as I sometimes am before af, went to bed at 7 and stayed there.

I thought I would 'know' I was pregnant, but I didn't feel it, and tbh I don't have masses of symptoms now (fx'd it will continue!)

that's my story, hope it helps someone through the tww!

Congrats! I was just coming here to say that my temps are going up but I havent really had many symptoms aside from some mild cramping and my bbs sore on and off. Today I feel nothing but my temp is highest today?? I hope I get BFP in 2 days!
I got my BFP a week ago at 14dpo. I didn't test before then because I know the tests aren't accurate. The line came up within a minute with fmu.

Symptoms: nothing until 11dpo, had one big cramp across lower tummy for about 20 secs. Was painful! Then nothing til evening of 13dpo when I was completely exhausted, as I sometimes am before af, went to bed at 7 and stayed there.

I thought I would 'know' I was pregnant, but I didn't feel it, and tbh I don't have masses of symptoms now (fx'd it will continue!)

that's my story, hope it helps someone through the tww!

Congrats! I was just coming here to say that my temps are going up but I havent really had many symptoms aside from some mild cramping and my bbs sore on and off. Today I feel nothing but my temp is highest today?? I hope I get BFP in 2 days!

So this may seem kind of stalker-ish but I come on this thread mostly to hear from you. I dont know why but you stuck out to me when I first started reading this thread and Now I come on here to see if you have gotten your BFP yet! Fingers crossed that it comes soon!! Your temp rise is AWESOME!!

Nothing is to big for God :flower:

lol sorry if that sounds weird or creepy lol! Im not meaning to I swear!
I got my BFP a week ago at 14dpo. I didn't test before then because I know the tests aren't accurate. The line came up within a minute with fmu.

Symptoms: nothing until 11dpo, had one big cramp across lower tummy for about 20 secs. Was painful! Then nothing til evening of 13dpo when I was completely exhausted, as I sometimes am before af, went to bed at 7 and stayed there.

I thought I would 'know' I was pregnant, but I didn't feel it, and tbh I don't have masses of symptoms now (fx'd it will continue!)

that's my story, hope it helps someone through the tww!

Congrats! I was just coming here to say that my temps are going up but I havent really had many symptoms aside from some mild cramping and my bbs sore on and off. Today I feel nothing but my temp is highest today?? I hope I get BFP in 2 days!

So this may seem kind of stalker-ish but I come on this thread mostly to hear from you. I dont know why but you stuck out to me when I first started reading this thread and Now I come on here to see if you have gotten your BFP yet! Fingers crossed that it comes soon!! Your temp rise is AWESOME!!

Nothing is to big for God :flower:

lol sorry if that sounds weird or creepy lol! Im not meaning to I swear!

LOL! Its not creepy. I have certain people I do that to as well. No BFP yet because I havent tested but I will test tuesday!!!:happydance: That is the day of AF. So Im waiting so I dont jinx myself. You are in my prayers too honey!!!:hugs::hugs:
I am really rooting for you too. I felt just like AF was coming so didn't think I had any symptoms either!!! Fingers crossed x
Tried reading all this thread but only got halfway through! I am on cycle 47 but something feels really diffrent this month.

Really bad wind (tmi I know!)
Feeling a little sick but not actually sick.
Bigger breasts
headaches going dizzy
Hot and cold flushs
Needing to pee more
Really horrible pain at the top of my public bone like stich

Thinks thats about it, I am going to test tomorrow 12dpo
Tried reading all this thread but only got halfway through! I am on cycle 47 but something feels really diffrent this month.

Really bad wind (tmi I know!)
Feeling a little sick but not actually sick.
Bigger breasts
headaches going dizzy
Hot and cold flushs
Needing to pee more
Really horrible pain at the top of my public bone like stich

Thinks thats about it, I am going to test tomorrow 12dpo

Good luck Yomo I had all these symptoms :D

X x x
Hi i got my bfp today at 13dpo but have been having a few symptoms since around 9dpo so thought id share with you girls.

A small amount of creamy CM
CP High
Very tired in the afternoon
Dizziness/light headed
AF type cramps


Bloated feeling
Really tired in the afternoon again
Dizziness/ light headed
AF type cramps

CP medium and firm
Tired at work and very light headed/dizzy
Couldnt get back to sleep when i woke up early
AF type cramps

Creamy CM
CP medium and firm
Skin break out
Tired in afternoon
AF type cramps

And today :bfp: :happydance: 13dpo

AF type cramps have gotten stronger and had them alot more, almost all day.
CM has increased and is creamy/lotiony.
Need to wee alot
Tired (but only had 5 hours sleep as couldnt get back to sleep after bfp lol.)

Oh and duno if this is related but been feeling really hot lately and usually im very cold and have to be wrapped up lol.

I really hope this helps xx
Tried reading all this thread but only got halfway through! I am on cycle 47 but something feels really diffrent this month.

Really bad wind (tmi I know!)
Feeling a little sick but not actually sick.
Bigger breasts
headaches going dizzy
Hot and cold flushs
Needing to pee more
Really horrible pain at the top of my public bone like stich

Thinks thats about it, I am going to test tomorrow 12dpo

Good luck Yomo I had all these symptoms :D

X x x

Thanks, I am really hoping this is the month! I am that convinced I have had a £100 bet with OH LOL

I have even got a sore on my tongue today!

How are you? xx
That's SO weird! I had an ulcer/sore thing on my tounge too last week but I didn't think anything of it til you just said that!!

I'm good thanks, V sore boobs, feel sick and v tired - but that's all good :D

Ooh I hope you win your £100 :D

Are you on Clomid? I think I saw you in Clomid Club?

x x x

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