The bloke's guide to pregnancy book


Mother of 2
Jun 17, 2008
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Dont think this was ever read, but we wrote a small baby name list on the inside in pencil which I've now rubbed out. £4 inc p+p

Product Description
This book takes a 'warts and all' sensible yet humorous look at the many stages of pregnancy. It explores the changes, physical and emotional, that any man can expect to see in his partner and in their relationship over the coming months. Becoming pregnant involved two people. The rearing of a child will involve two people; there is every reason that your partner's pregnancy should also involve the two of you, together. For any man that has been put off reading pregnancy books because he doesn't feel he was the intended audience or that something about the tone of these books was alien to him, yet he still has questions that need answers; then The Blokes' Guide to: Pregnancy is the book he's been looking for. As a father himself, Jon Smith realized, when his partner Lisa became pregnant that there was nothing out there that he could relate to. The Bloke's Guide to Pregnancy is the result. Jon takes a comical yet informed look at the ups and downs of life as a father to be. Guaranteed to educate you while making you laugh out loud!

This book takes a 'warts and all' sensible yet humorous look at the many stages of pregnancy. It explores the changes, physical and emotional, that any man can expect to see in his partner and in their relationship over the coming months. Becoming pregnant involved two people. The rearing of a child will involve two people; there is every reason that your partner's pregnancy should also involve the two of you, together. For any man that has been put off reading pregnancy books because he doesn't feel he was the intended audience or that something about the tone of these books was alien to him, yet he still has questions that need answers; then The Blokes' Guide to: Pregnancy is the book he's been looking for. As a father himself, Jon Smith realized, when his partner Lisa became pregnant that there was nothing out there that he could relate to. The Bloke's Guide to Pregnancy is the result. Jon takes a comical yet informed look at the ups and downs of life as a father to be. Guaranteed to educate you while making you laugh out loud!
I bought this for my hubby when I was pregnant and I think it helped him understand what was happening to me/my body. He kept surprising me by doing things to make my life easier and already knowing lingo I would use that I would never have expected him to know!

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