The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Thanks daopdesign :flower:

yes we do have a bit in common. :) yep, will be using opks. I actually just got some off ebay from the UK, lol. I used internet cheapies before and they worked well.
Hiya Annie!
And great news Scerena! I'm Cd4 today, third pill of clomid tonight. No side affects yet....not sure if that means it's not working?! Never thought I would WANT hot flushes!

This is such a fast thread....hello to everyone new here :wave: xx
HI annie :) this is my 6th round. uve given me hope. thanks. sorry about ur loss before.

im so scared to miscarry it seems so common. my best friend of 21 years is 5mnths pregnant atm and i see her all the time,shes glowing and so happy and i hope her baby is fine but im just so jealous :(

justwantababy - HI .we are very simialar with out CD. im CD 8 so only a few days ahead. what dosage are u on? x
Great news scerena! Welcome Annie and to any other new ladies to the thread! This thread moves so fast! Hope everyone has a nice day!
I'm CD 15 just poas and it's still a faint neg! Praying the line gets darker!!! My cervix feels really soft could this be a good sign?
Hey All, i am starting first round of clomid, 50mg saturday and i am so excited, we have waited almost a year and now we finally have hope (as i found out i have pcos) i am taking it along with metformin.....
......hope cd21 bloods show i ovualted, we are going to bd every day after my last pill!! wooooooooooo lol
daopdesign - if u dont mind me asking , why are you testing so early in ur cycle? xx
Holi2459 - Never give up hope! I know, easier said then done. I know those jealous feelings all to well your talking about with seeing your friend pregnant, I remember feeling so depressed and didn't like being around pregnant women when we were trying for our first, watched my sister have 5 children and SIL have 3 before my husband and I even had one. Was over the moon for them all, but it hurt.
Even now TTC #2 I get those jealous feelings, which is wrong I suppose, but instead of the "relax it will happen" , and "it will happen if it's meant to be" comments from the first time TTC, I now get " why can't you be happy with one child" or " if you can't have anymore, least you have one" which is true, I am over the moon and I am blessed to have had my son, but I have the desire for more children. I feel my family isn't complete, if that makes sense?. And wow, sorry for the babble!. Good luck with your cycle!!!

daopdesign - will keep my fingers crossed your line gets darker!! :winkwink: and yep, a soft cervix is a good sign!.

Danielle_jone - Hi! I too have PCOS and just started metformin a week ago. do you suffer side effects from metformin?? best of luck with your clomid cycle!.

Well it's 11:21pm here, time for bed I think... anyone here on facebook?
Aussie - yeh i completely get u. my friend who is pregnant is like ' it will happen if u dont try and just forget u r ' im like well i cant forget about it when i take medication and have to tests like everyday lol
she had only been with her bf for 3 months when she got pregnant and since she found out(which when she was i was with her, i brought her the test ) her and her bf have moved in together set up the nursery and i go round her house and it just makes me so sad. ive lived with my bf 18mnths. been together 2 years 5 months. and weve been TTC over 18mnths also. it just angers me some ppl dont realise how hard it is. it come easy to them so they think it will others. but i feel so hopeful. ive recently had a HSG so i know my tubes r clear and fine. and started this cycle on 150mg of clomid has made me feel something will happen.

BTW i also have PCOS. so all PCOS. Hi! :)
daopdesign - if u dont mind me asking , why are you testing so early in ur cycle? xx

This is my first time using OPK's and according to research you should start testing from CD8!! My last pill was on Friday and they say you should OV 5-10 days after the last pill (which makes me day 5 today) but last time I took Clomid my cycles were 35 days long and I must have ovulated late then:shrug: I wasn't using OPK's then so I couldn't definitely tell you but they say 14 days after OV AF arrives. I'm also becoming way to addicted to poas LOL
Hey girls! Sorry been busy today but will be able to chat properly in a few hours!

Holi- thanks hun we will be a few days apart so we can do the ttw together also :)

daopdeisgn- thanks hun I thought I wouldnt be on my next round of clomid this round but I am so I am happy :) And ive heard around 2pm is the best time to do opk's :)

Annie- welcome we are happy to have you on the thread a number of girls have pcos on this thread including myself so we know what youre going through- congrats with your first clomid baby! lets bring clomid baby number 2 for you soon!

Lily & justwantababy- thank you im so happy :) How are you both today?

danielle jone- WELCOME! good luck on your first round :) I too have pcos, You will be a day behind me so we can share what symptoms etc we get :)


Hi Scerena, I am fine thanks, second day taking provera, I just want it to hurry up so i can take my clomid and get to it! lol

Good Luck with starting your clomid tomorrow! what mg are you on again? x
Aw Hun I know when you tKe provera it feels like ages doesn't it but don't worry next week hopefully you will start your clomid :)

And I'm on 100mg as 50mg didn't work for me... So hoping this round does, I'm going in for my usual cd12 scan and then she said if my follicles are still small she wants me back for another scan after that as she thinks i may be ovulating late and just incase I need help in making the follicles release the egg/eggs but hopefully they do it on their own with the higher dosage x
yes I just remembered you were on 100 this time after I posted it! sorry there are just so many people on this thread it is hard to keep track! Hopefully the higher dose will do the trick for you this time and thanks, i know you know what it feels like, hopefully not be long! (never thought I would be wishing the witch to show her ugly face!)

I just can't wait until we all get our dreams coming true and are blessed with our little bundles of joy! Its quite heart wrenching on the down days when you sit back and contemplate the thought of never having any and it just being us and our significant others! We just want a baby!!!
Hey girls, quick question...

I've taken Clomid 50mg for 3 cycles. I'm being sent to get an HSG done on July 8th (cd10)... But won't be given Clomid this cycle #4!!! Have any of you gone through that? Or been taken off of clomid for one cycle? If so, did you still ovulate?

Thankx in advance girls. :hugs:
That's ok Hun I'm the same I forget who is on what
Mg etc
Aw it does feel long doesn't it- how long are you taking provera for again?

I'm sure we will all get our dreams of a healthy happy baby soon I just hope that it does t take any if us my much longer as we have all been on long journeys already... It is sad having days where we feel low and we have them no matter what people say but we have all got eachother now to have a rant too :)
Hi Augustluvers I have had a hsg but I started clomid after that. I should imagine if you ovulate normally on your own you should do? Or if you don't you still might as I hear in some ladies after taking clomid for a while their cycles are better x
yes I know you are completly right! I have a 7 day course, this is day 2! lol

draaaaaaagggginnnnggg in! xx
Hey August, sorry no advice, I haven't even started yet, starting soon though, good luck x
Aw Hun u know it drags but that's why you have got us to talk to or rant if you like :)

So 5 more days to go until ur last tablet... Mad isn't it when you ttc if you know you're not pregnant you wish for af lol! People would think we was mad if they're not ttc lol!

How old are you if you don't mind me asking?xx

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