The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

You all are so awesome. Its good to be with an active group of sweet gals who are going through the same frustrations I am. Can't wait to see the BFPs come in!

I'm on day 2 of Provera also. I have 10 days worth. Oddly, I'm actually looking fwd to AF after 18 months. Maybe it'll jump start my cycle in combination with acu. Can't wait for Clomid!
Aw thanks Hun I feel the same :) so good to know we have all got an understanding with eachother!
And yep gets like that when ttc we enjoy getting af if we know we aren't pregnant so we can get onto our next round :)

Oddly I got a period cd40 and I don't usually get them that quick and the cycle before was brought on by provera so maybe it does help cycles?
daopdesign - oh sorry i thought it was HPT's u was taking lol
yeh im gonna start my opk's tomorrow morning :) so excited

hi to all the newbies. :) i think i posted this already but are any of you using pressed? xx
daopdesign - oh sorry i thought it was HPT's u was taking lol
yeh im gonna start my opk's tomorrow morning :) so excited

hi to all the newbies. :) i think i posted this already but are any of you using pressed? xx

I've got some Preseed bought off eBay, haven't used it just yet - going to hang on and see if I eventually get this surge and ewcm!!! keep us posted on your opk's :)
We use conceive plus :) I love it and so does oh... I don't even need to use it but we do lol as it helps the spermies apparently x
wow this thread does move fast!!

hello newbies :hi:

hi holi ! have never tried preseed but will be next cycle should this one not work! that willalso be coming with the OPKS!! lol.

afm - am 4dpo today and having some wierd twingey cramps in my lower ab to the right side, my nipples have been sensetive on and off all day and still have a lot of white creamy lotion like cm !!

scerena - not sure when i ovulated or if i am now ! ive written everything down in relation to my changes in cm daily but im still not quite clued up on the changes with my cervix etc !!

hope your all well this evening ! xx
HI annie :) this is my 6th round. uve given me hope. thanks. sorry about ur loss before.

im so scared to miscarry it seems so common. my best friend of 21 years is 5mnths pregnant atm and i see her all the time,shes glowing and so happy and i hope her baby is fine but im just so jealous :(

justwantababy - HI .we are very simialar with out CD. im CD 8 so only a few days ahead. what dosage are u on? x

Hey doll I'm just on my very first round of 50mg. Really hope it's working, but I don't have any side affects yet. How are you feeling?

I know what u mean about being scared of miscarrying...think there is an increased chance with pcos. But guess we just have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

Good luck! xx
Hi, hope you don't mind if I join in :flower:

My name is Lee-anne, but get called Annie, I'm 32 and from Australia. I was on clomid back in 2004 due to having PCOS and trying for 5 yrs to fall pregnant. I fell pregnant with my son on my 6th round , found out I was pregnant christmas day 2004, so it was a wonderful christmas present :)

My son was born in September 2005 , and after having him we tried to fall naturally on our own because I started getting periods every now and then. We had success in 2009 falling pregnant without the help of clomid but unfortunatley I miscarried at 17 weeks :cry: After that I never got a period again till December 2010.

So back in May we went to a specialist and he put me on clomid right away, the day I saw him I was already on CD10 and he told me to go home that night and start taking the clomid. I wasn't to keen seeing as it was a bit later then normal, but he said it could possibly work. Well it didn't, never ovulated. But I did get a period back on the 25th june, I have just taken my last clomid tablet tonight, took 50mg CD 2- 6. So here's hoping it works!

Glad to have found an active group, and from what I have read, you all seem like wonderful ladies and I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you all and getting to know you all better :)

Take Care xo

Welcome!! We have a bit in common Annie - I too got blessed with my son after 6 rounds of Clomid then fell pregnant naturally but lost the baby at 16 weeks. Here's hoping we can have success this time around, keep us posted, are you using opk's?

Hi all,I too rounds of 50mg in but got BFN
am now on my 3rd round of 100mg and am hoping like you ladies that I can finally get my long awaited BFP,good luck to all ladies here
Definitely gonna get preseed. The really awesome thing about waiting for the next level of meds is that i get to stock up on opks and hpt tests. I found them online super cheap. What prenatals are you all taking?
Just saying hello ladies! This thread moves to fast for me to keep up with!! I hope your all doing well! I'm on CD 6 and I have 3 more days of taking clomid. I'm already getting some ovary pains...which is alot earlier than the other months i have taken it. Anyone else get ovary pains this early? I'm still going strong with the hot flashes, but its nothing to unbearable!

Anyone else taking clomid for 7 days instead of 5? i'm on 3-9 starting on 3rd round. I got better follicles that round than i did with the 5 days. Lets hope round 4 is my lucky one!!
wow what a popular thread this is, I love how many people post on here and so quickly too! I hope its okay if I join on here. I have a few questions for you ladies!

I am starting my first round of clomid (50mg) on cycle day 5-9. I just finished Provera on monday and about an hour or so ago I went to the bathroom and had a few drops of red blood and it was slightly pink when I wiped. (TMI, but it is what it is, right) Is today Day 1 or should I wait until it is more like a full flow?

I also plan on taking Guaifenesin this cycle. I read that you should take 2 tsp 3 times a day? I also read some people saying they take it starting the day after clomid up until ovulation and others saying the take it starting the same day as clomid, any advice?

AH this all so new to me and Im anxios/excited/nervous about the side effects, whether I will actually O this cycle, if Ill be seeing a BFP soon, etc....

Good luck to all of you taking clomid!
wow what a popular thread this is, I love how many people post on here and so quickly too! I hope its okay if I join on here. I have a few questions for you ladies!

I am starting my first round of clomid (50mg) on cycle day 5-9. I just finished Provera on monday and about an hour or so ago I went to the bathroom and had a few drops of red blood and it was slightly pink when I wiped. (TMI, but it is what it is, right) Is today Day 1 or should I wait until it is more like a full flow?

I also plan on taking Guaifenesin this cycle. I read that you should take 2 tsp 3 times a day? I also read some people saying they take it starting the day after clomid up until ovulation and others saying the take it starting the same day as clomid, any advice?

AH this all so new to me and Im anxios/excited/nervous about the side effects, whether I will actually O this cycle, if Ill be seeing a BFP soon, etc....

Good luck to all of you taking clomid!

If it is only when you wipe its not considered full flow yet. You have to need a pad or tampon. Its so confusing each month to tell!! I go through this every cycle!!
wow what a popular thread this is, I love how many people post on here and so quickly too! I hope its okay if I join on here. I have a few questions for you ladies!

I am starting my first round of clomid (50mg) on cycle day 5-9. I just finished Provera on monday and about an hour or so ago I went to the bathroom and had a few drops of red blood and it was slightly pink when I wiped. (TMI, but it is what it is, right) Is today Day 1 or should I wait until it is more like a full flow?

I also plan on taking Guaifenesin this cycle. I read that you should take 2 tsp 3 times a day? I also read some people saying they take it starting the day after clomid up until ovulation and others saying the take it starting the same day as clomid, any advice?

AH this all so new to me and Im anxios/excited/nervous about the side effects, whether I will actually O this cycle, if Ill be seeing a BFP soon, etc....

Good luck to all of you taking clomid!

If it is only when you wipe its not considered full flow yet. You have to need a pad or tampon. Its so confusing each month to tell!! I go through this every cycle!!

I agree, it is way too confusing! my regular Dr said the same thing you just said but this last time I went to a dif. Dr because mine was out and I asked this question and he said to count ANYTHING as day 1. Im still leaning towards waiting for full AF and was curious what all of you have been told, too! Thanks so much for your reply!
Guys how to I post a picture ? I Wana show u all my opk from
This morning ? Xxx I'm on Cd 9 but I think it's a positive x
CD27 today ladies and I should technically be seeing AF today but no sign yet. But, because I wasn't using opk's and this is my 1st cycle with clomid then it could just be that my cycle has been lengthened. If ov happened any later than cd15 then I'm probably out cos we didnt DTD for a whole week after that.

The moral of the story is to make sure I use opk's next time!!
Morning all :)

Turboturtle- I take pregnacare conception are you taking any? Sometimes I tak the boots ones aswell they're pratically as good

Missangie- of course you can join!- welcome :) I would wait until bright red full flow Hun. I haven't take cough medicine so no advice there. Good luck with your first round and keep us updated :)

Holi- hi Hun there is a little attachment icon on the box we write on you click on that... Wow you ovulate early :) lucky x

Welshgem- do you not get monitored to see if and when you ovulate? You may just have a longer cycle or you may be on your way to your bfp :) fx'd have you tested yet?
Morning all :)

Turboturtle- I take pregnacare conception are you taking any? Sometimes I tak the boots ones aswell they're pratically as good

Missangie- of course you can join!- welcome :) I would wait until bright red full flow Hun. I haven't take cough medicine so no advice there. Good luck with your first round and keep us updated :)

Holi- hi Hun there is a little attachment icon on the box we write on you click on that... Wow you ovulate early :) lucky x

Welshgem- do you not get monitored to see if and when you ovulate? You may just have a longer cycle or you may be on your way to your bfp :) fx'd have you tested yet?

Well I had the tracking scan which was all positive - lining was good and I had 5 or 6 eggs ranging from 14mm to 20mm, the bigger ones all being on the right. Then I had my day-21 bloods which I have still not had the results back for! :wacko: They said they'd hope to have them by today so if I don't hear from them by the time my meeting is over then I'll call them. Tested this morning and got another bfn :( x
Aw Hun well you are not out until af shows- you had a nice amount of eggs and good sizes! Let us know when you get your results :) I'm starting my next cycle of clomid today- I'm going to take it during the dy instead of night this time around 11am- BRING ON ROUND 2- please give me nice lining and good eggs this time!
Yeh I click on that but it says something about posting a https link :s
I'm on my iPhone and took the picture from my phone ??

Yeh its so early that's why I'm confused lol. We bd'd last night using pressed so if I am O
I'm hoping for some luck :) has any ever got a plus opk this early . This is my first cycle on 150mg , i have O on 100 but only once .

Missangie - I also count any type of blood/brownage lol as cycle day 1 :)

Welshgem - hi :) wishing u luck ! I have my scan on Monday :) x
I don't know how to post from my iPhone either I usually wait until I get on the laptop Hun sorry, I know it's early but sone people can ovulate early- might be your high dosage? Not sure but good luck x

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