The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

thanks for your replies. the first signs of AF started at 4ish yesterday in the late afternoon. by 9 it was full flow and I need a tampon, so I think I am going to count it as CD1 since in the past if i have had spotting it has just been when I wiped and usually dark brown and this was red. I am still unsure as to whether that is technically cd1 or not since it happened in the evening? Where is the rule book for this sort of thing? :) But if I am taking it a day early by counting yesterday as CD1 then at least Im taking the clomid 4-8 which some people do instead of 6-10 since I havent heard of anyone doing that. I hope that makes sense.
How annoying - just phoned the fertility clinic to see if I could get my Day-21 blood results and initially when I phoned, they were closed for lunch so just called back to be greeted by the voicemail saying it's emergency calls only in the afternoon and to ring back on Monday! Grrr!

ahhh I have had that happen before too, so annoying!!! :hugs:
Hi missangie! Welcome. Wish I had answers for ya, but I'm not very skilled yet. These ladies are great with answers for ya. Good luck! Things sound great for ya so far.

Scerena - I've heard of Pregnacare. May pick some up later when I'm closer to really trying. I am just taking the vitafusion for now. I like the gummies and its one less pill. =) Good luck to you hun. Fx for this round.

Holi - Good luck sweetie. You are so close. Don't worry, once the baby is asleep the dog won't mind. Get dancing! Fx!

Lily - How are you hunny? Good luck with that line. Hopefully soon you'll get that sneaky little egg and have your BFP. Fx! =)

welshgem - Ouch on the reaction. I'm just like you very sensitive to a lot of things. Absolutely no latex down there for me. I pay heavily if I do. =( I'm thinking I may have to take cough syrup providing there's no drug interactions. Very funny on the whole tube of lube. That would be an interesting night for sure.

I hope I got everyone. As for me still on the Provera for this round - no Clomid =(. Waiting to get my Thyroid balanced again. Anyone ever had spotting with the Provera on D3? I can't decide if its from my procedure still or these crazy girly hormones. Baby dust to all you beautiful women!
Lily- hey Hun! My first dose of 100mg thought I'd have bad side effects- nothing at all yet- but it's only day one so far lol. Nearly your time to start :)

Hey! thats good no bad side affects for you as of yet, at least we have the weekend now and don't have to worry about fitting work into our busy ttc lifestyles! lol x

Hey Scerena - I'll take clomid 50mg pill number 4 today (CD5) and my last one tomorrow. Roll on ovulation!!!

Wish I had some side affects - just to make me think it's working! Almost wish I'd started myself on 100mg now!! Booked my Day 21 blood test (actually cd22 as cd21 is a Sunday) today though so at leats feel like I'm doing something.

And Lily7 - nearly half way through Provera for you now isn't it? I finished mine on the Friday and got AF on the Monday so hopefully you won't have to wait long!! xxx

Oh roll on ovulation for you! are you having a scan and cd21 bloods? or the cd21 bloods on their own? I hope it works for you..fx!

Yes I am on day 3 of 7 - and today is nearly over so nearly day 4 - woohoo!! I hope my AF comes as quickly after the last one as yours did xx
Hi girlies :)

Turboturtle- yes I really rate pregnacare theyre good stuff! And thats hun good luck to you too :) I hope ths round is it for us both!

Lily7- Yes I love the weekend! Its good no side effects yet- but I remember on my 50mg it took a day or two lol! Bet you are on count down hun!

Hello Ladies! :hi:

I haven't been on in a couple of days and with this fast thread, I hope I can get caught up on the reading!!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I had my procedures yesterday morning and it was nothing like I expected! I was under general anesthesia so I didn't have to worry about pain during the procedures, but I expected a lot of pain and discomfort after and heavy bleeding. But I really only have mild cramping, light bleeding, sleepiness and a little bit of pressure! That's it! I was so shocked! Nothing a heating pad and some ibuprofen couldn't handle.:thumbup:

I got the best news of all:)
Both of my tubes are clear:happydance:
The "spot" that they saw in my ultrasound was no longer there:happydance:
No polyps or fibroids:happydance:
Everything looks healthy and ready for a baby:happydance:

I start clomid tomorrow! Anyone else starting around then??
Prettynpink- so so glad everything is fine and that you're not in pain :hugs:

I started my second round today so I'm only a day ahead of you Hun :) xxx
That is great news prettyinpink! Exciting times. I'm glad you had an easier than expected procedure also. Less stress for ttc! =)
Woop woop prettynpink! You should feel v smug with your great tubes!! Was it a hsg you had?

I'm taking my last clomid tomorrow so I'm a few days ahead of u, and you Scerena. Surely someone on this thread has gotta get a bfp this month.....form an orderly queue girls!!

Oh roll on ovulation for you! are you having a scan and cd21 bloods? or the cd21 bloods on their own? I hope it works for you..fx!

Hey chick just cd21 bloods for me. Got my clomid from GP not fs (after consultant diagnosed pcos). Kind of wish I was being scanned tho so I knew what was going on, but just chuffed when I finally got clomid I wasn't going to complain!
Hey you pushed in justwantababy lol!- I hope this queue gives us babies in turn :) I agree someone has to have a bfp this month :)
welshgem- Thank you!! It is truly amazing!

scerena- Thanks you!! and YAY!! We are going to be so close:) are you taking it cd 3-7 also? How long are your usual cycles on clomid?

TurboTurtle80- Thank you!! Yes, it was very exciting and makes TTC a lot less stressful lol. I feel a huge relief not having to worry about ectopic pregnancy!

Justwantababy- Thank you!! Yes, I had an HSC and HSG. YAY!! A few days ahead of us means I can look at what your experiencing to see what is gonna happen next for me:) lol I agree, one of us has got to get a BFP!! I hope more than one of us does!!

I feel so relieved!! I was so worried about my tubes being blocked and my doctor finding something else wrong that would turn into more bad news! I am on :cloud9: rite now! My doctor made me an appt for July 28th and said hopefully we will be doing an ultrasound and seeing a little bean!!:) But I am thinking in my head, one month... yea rite!! Wishful thinking rite.....:dohh:
Prettynpink- your tubes are spring cleaned now :) you could get your bfp this month now!
And yep we are 1 day apart we can symptom spot together :)
My last cycle I didn't ovulate that's why I have been upped to 100mg and my cycle was 40days or something which I good for me as it can take months for af to show sometimes- it was a natural ag instead of induced which I prefer :)
What time are you taking you pill tomorrow?- and sorry I forgot are you taking 50mg?
Sorry yes cd3-7 as that's when they said my cyst would be gone by but usually cd2-6 Hun x
Well prettynpink this was why I asked....isn't it true that you're normally particularly fertile in the couple of months after an hsg? Yippeeeee! Plenty of :sex: ing for you this month then!!
scerena- haha :rofl:spring cleaned!! never thought of it like that lol I can't wait to symptom spot with you!:)
So your not sure when your next af will be do?? I am not either! lol We will really be in this together!
I think I am going to take it with dinner cause I usually get a really upset stomach if I don't take meds with food.. So I think I am gonna say 6pm.. You took yours in the morning rite? Nope, I am on 100mg.. I thought doctor would start me out on 50mg, but he said most women don't ovulate on 50mg so were just gonna skip it and go to 100mg... What do you think about that??
That's great :) I didn't ovulate on 50mg so good choice!
Nope haven't a clue when af will be but hopefully I at least ovulate on this round and then I should have a rough idea wen af is due...
Yh I took it in the morning this round 11am with a snack- last round I took it in the evening at 7pm...
Glad I have someone to talk to who is going to be so close in cycles as me- I have a good feeling you're going to get a bfp very soon! X
Justwantababy- Yes! I have heard that too! Even my doctor mentioned that to me because he said because they are 'flushed' clean. I am trying not get my hopes up too high though, because it is only first round of clomid.. And seeing all of you who have had several rounds of clomid makes me think, no way is it going to happen round one for me.

scerena- I hope you ovulate this month!! I bet you 100mg will do the trick:) Are you usuing opks, monitor or temping?? Did you prefer taking it in the morning or evening??

FINGERS and TOES crossed that we all get our BFPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not sure when I prefer after this round I'll let u knw :)
I use opk's and was going to temp but forgot to take my temps for 2 days now lol, what about you?
My fs told me not to buy a monitor as it would be a waste of money as they're keeping track of my cycle- with scans and bloods etc...
I hope 100mg does it for us both and goodluck to all the Girlies on this thread :)

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