The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

I'm so scared girls. I'm going back in tomorrow for surgery on this ovarian cyst to get it sorted. I'm scared about the surgery. I'm also going to be 9dpo tomorrow so too early to know if I'd be pregnant and worried if I was that it would cause problems. I know it needs doing though as I'm in pain and feel rubbish.
I'm scared and can't stop crying. Don't know if I can keep on with ttc, it's just causing me physical and mental heartbreak and I'm sure it's never going to work anyway. :cry:

We are with you hun. Easier said than done, but try to relax and trust your body. I once read this book about talking to your body and asking it to do what you want. Mind over matter sort of deal. You are in my heart and prayers. Stay strong. You'll get your bebe soon!

Mixed emotions for me knowing one of our girls is going through so much, but I believe my opk is getting closer to positive or at least getting darker (unless my eyes r playing tricks). I'll post a pic when it dries. I'm amazingly excited for myself, but hurt for bean. ='(

I think next time I'll have to buy more opks.

The bottom two r the same time. I thought one was flaking cuz it was taking longer. Not really sure what to think of them. I did have really bad cramping this morning.
Hi everyone! sorry I haven't been on in a couple of days, hope everyone is well! I am going now to catch up on the thread! x
hi girls ! :flower:

sorry havent been about for a little while ! only a quick message while i catch up on whats been happening !!

By welshgem85 at 2011-07-19

Right, have a look at these ladies - the last OPK taken this evening is much lighter so I'm guessing I missed my surge. All of these bar the one labelled AM were tested in the evening so I think maybe my surge was in the AM of CD16? :shrug:
teddybearpug, cant wait to hear the result!

xandersmommy, congrats!!!!

turboturtle, looks like its getting darker :)

Scerena, have a fun trip! I am jealous, I could really use a vaca right now!!!!

Prettynpink, that is great that you now have confirmed Ovulation on FF! I am 1DPO today (I think) Im hoping my temps will stay up and confirm O too.

I am supposed to go in for CD21 bloods but I didnt ovulate until CD18... Should I still go in on 21 like my doc said or wait to go in so that it will show I actually O'd. Im thinking I should still go in on day 21 even though it wouldnt show i have ovulated just yet, right?

whats the point in going in if its not going to confirm?! i ovulated on cd 18 and i went in on cd24. My doctor always tells me to come in 7 days AFTER i get my +opk and its always worked! Besides, your paying for the test right? Dont waste it!

my dr made it sound like if I O late like I have on CD18 then it the clomid is not working like it should. my instructions that he wrote out say to take it CD5-9 and then bd at least every other cd11-15 and to start OPK cd11 and also to come in CD21. But if i were to have followed those directions i woul dhave a next to nothing shot at being prego since I didnt O till cd18 which is why Im confused. especially since i know that it says that you will usually O 5-10 days AFTER your last pill. I just dont get his reasoning for bding 11-15..... ???

thats really weird that he would say that! Clomid is known to make you ovulate later! Last cycle i ovulated cd19 or 20...i can't remember anymore! lol! So you can definitely ovulate later and have a good ovulation! Did you BD up til your +opk? My doctor told me to start BD'ing on CD 10 and do every other day until i get my +opk, then he said to do it that day and the day after.
Turboturtle- your opk is close! probably any day now! Dont you just hate the waiting?! lol!

welshgem-Yes, I would say cd 16 was your + also! sounds like you had your bases covered with the BD'ing! good luck, fx'd crossed!

DV11-Welcome to the thread! Lots of baby dust to you!

Beanhunter- I'm so sorry your going through this. I will be sending my thoughts and prayers for you. Hugs

Today I got my results for my progesterone test!! It was 34.2!!! The nurse said it was an excellent ovulation!! yay! Only thing that has me confused is i'm having less progesterone type symptoms than I ever had :( My boobs are barely even sore and they normally are! Today is 7dpo so i'm going to test on cd 10 or 11.
Welcome DV11!
I was told that the first day of the cycle is when you require a pad or tampon. So if there is just a little brown when you wipe, don't count that. Count when you actually need to protect your undies!
I did my first round of 50 mg a couple of weeks ago and am on cd17. Are you taking your temp too? You can use sites like or print a chart off the internet. It is so helpful to see the visuals of how everything is going.

Here is my chart so far... the "C" is when I took clomid. I had taken Prometrium to kick start AF.

Maybe it's none of my business but I want to tell you guys to ask for Prometrium as your progesterone instead of Provera. My best friend is a nurse midwife and she said not to take Provera. Also, 38 years ago my mom was put on Provera to "help prevent miscarriage" and my brother was born with a deformed heart and died after two days and she found out later it was b/c of Provera. NEVER take Provera if you could be pregnant! Provera is category X, while Prometrium is category B. It's probably fine to kick start AF, but not later!

thanks for the advice! thats good to know!:thumbup:
Hi beanhunter just wanted to say how sorry I am you're feeling like this it's totally understandable but try not to get yourself stressed out x
Thanks girls - so does the positive opk mean I ov'd yesterday (CD16) or does ov always occur the following day? I'm just confused as to whether I'm 1dpo or not? xx
Thanks girls - so does the positive opk mean I ov'd yesterday (CD16) or does ov always occur the following day? I'm just confused as to whether I'm 1dpo or not? xx

i think its 12-36 hours later? But i'm not completely sure? I would count cd 17 as ovulation and cd 18 as 1dpo...but thats just me.
Thank you ladies! Gosh, that's quite late...if AF comes this cycle on my usual 26 days then I've got a 10 day luteul phase...hope that's enough! xx
Thank you ladies! Gosh, that's quite late...if AF comes this cycle on my usual 26 days then I've got a 10 day luteul phase...hope that's enough! xx

hopefully with the later ovulation you wont start AF til later. Usually ovulation days change, not LP's. So fx'd crossed for you that AF doesn't even show!!
I do hate the waiting. What's worse is when they go from light to dark then light again. This most recent one was just as light as my first. Grr.
going to get my 21 day bloods tomorrow....fingers x'd because i really dont think i o'd :(

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