The clomid thread- if you take clomid please join and ask questions and get answers

Hi everyone!
I'm on cd16. My OPKs have always had both lines with the top one slightly darker, so I don't know if maybe i'm one of the PCOS peeps who will always have both lines. but they are getting fainter now. So it's possible I o'd on day 14 because it was slightly darker than the other days. I've had no temperature spike though. I had a dip to 97.1 on CD14 and then the last two days have been 97.6 and 97.5. Today my stomach is hurting...not sure why. Could be because of the ridiculous heat in Ohio. Hoping that my temps go up! Or that maybe I'll ovulate late. I dunno! If you're supposed to have pos OPKs after you're preggers then it's not looking so good for me since they're fading!
I forgot to mention that i had my cd 21 bloods drawn today! I will have my results tomorrow to see if i ovulated!
Thanks teddybearPug :) i done the sane kind of thing me and oh wanted to book a hols but we didnt incase i was pregnant thats why im so glad he surprised me! I hope your results come back that you did ovulate :) xx
I had to stop taking my clomid a few days ago, bc I think it was causing me more bleeding.
Good Morning Ladies!!!
It is 7:30am here. I got confirmed ovulation with my temp chart this morning!!:) YAY!!! I can officially say (and feel like) I am 3dpo:):) My monitor is still giving me highs, but I think that the clomid messed with it because all other brand opks are negative..
Here is my chart:
My Ovulation Chart

Scerena- this will probably be the only time we talk LOL! It is 7:30am here:) Your gonna be gone a whole week! How fun!!! Your 2ww will go by in no time.. Are you going to take any hpts?? I hope I get my BFP, but I have a hard time thinking that can actually happen to me LOL

Welshgem- Good Luck!! Don’t forget to post pictures of your opks:)

Bradpittswife- Cute name and pic! LOL. Welcome to the thread!

MrsBrown- When is your next AF due?? What cd did you ovulate?? Last cycle I had a chemical pregnancy, but I tested at 8dpo and got my first faint lpositive.. You could test with a FRER rite now:) They are really sensitive! I don’t know if they would be able to see anything on your ultrasound on wed, you would be 15dpo?? I am not sure

Daopdesign- Look at my ovulation chart.. I just had confirmed ovulation with 3 high temps.
My Ovulation Chart

PrettynPink ... Next AF due 25th July ... I ovulated on CD13-18. We were :sex::sex: like we were in heat .. I took clomid on CD5-9. On the 20th I would be 15DPO ... I didnt think they would be able to see anything on the Ultrasound :nope: I was thinking about testing on the day im due ... im scared to test early just in case its a BFN ....
"Xanders_mommy- Hello and Welcome!! Can you post a picture of your FRER test:) "

Sure thing :) Thanks for the response! I don't know if the pic attached... and it's not a great quality since I took it with my phone... I took another test tonight though after waiting 4 hours and no fluids... and it positive!!! It was the compare to EPT version from family dollar and there was a definate + sign!!!! I am beside myself!!!!


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Congrats xanders mommy!

Hey girls! I'm clearly addicted at the moment so here's my pm pic. Maybe its me but looks a lil bit darker. You think?
teddybearpug, cant wait to hear the result!

xandersmommy, congrats!!!!

turboturtle, looks like its getting darker :)

Scerena, have a fun trip! I am jealous, I could really use a vaca right now!!!!

Prettynpink, that is great that you now have confirmed Ovulation on FF! I am 1DPO today (I think) Im hoping my temps will stay up and confirm O too.

I am supposed to go in for CD21 bloods but I didnt ovulate until CD18... Should I still go in on 21 like my doc said or wait to go in so that it will show I actually O'd. Im thinking I should still go in on day 21 even though it wouldnt show i have ovulated just yet, right?
teddybearpug, cant wait to hear the result!

xandersmommy, congrats!!!!

turboturtle, looks like its getting darker :)

Scerena, have a fun trip! I am jealous, I could really use a vaca right now!!!!

Prettynpink, that is great that you now have confirmed Ovulation on FF! I am 1DPO today (I think) Im hoping my temps will stay up and confirm O too.

I am supposed to go in for CD21 bloods but I didnt ovulate until CD18... Should I still go in on 21 like my doc said or wait to go in so that it will show I actually O'd. Im thinking I should still go in on day 21 even though it wouldnt show i have ovulated just yet, right?

whats the point in going in if its not going to confirm?! i ovulated on cd 18 and i went in on cd24. My doctor always tells me to come in 7 days AFTER i get my +opk and its always worked! Besides, your paying for the test right? Dont waste it!
teddybearpug, cant wait to hear the result!

xandersmommy, congrats!!!!

turboturtle, looks like its getting darker :)

Scerena, have a fun trip! I am jealous, I could really use a vaca right now!!!!

Prettynpink, that is great that you now have confirmed Ovulation on FF! I am 1DPO today (I think) Im hoping my temps will stay up and confirm O too.

I am supposed to go in for CD21 bloods but I didnt ovulate until CD18... Should I still go in on 21 like my doc said or wait to go in so that it will show I actually O'd. Im thinking I should still go in on day 21 even though it wouldnt show i have ovulated just yet, right?

whats the point in going in if its not going to confirm?! i ovulated on cd 18 and i went in on cd24. My doctor always tells me to come in 7 days AFTER i get my +opk and its always worked! Besides, your paying for the test right? Dont waste it!

my dr made it sound like if I O late like I have on CD18 then it the clomid is not working like it should. my instructions that he wrote out say to take it CD5-9 and then bd at least every other cd11-15 and to start OPK cd11 and also to come in CD21. But if i were to have followed those directions i woul dhave a next to nothing shot at being prego since I didnt O till cd18 which is why Im confused. especially since i know that it says that you will usually O 5-10 days AFTER your last pill. I just dont get his reasoning for bding 11-15..... ???
Turboturtle- definitely getting darker :)
Congrats Xanders_mommy :)

Well I'm off Girlies now I'm in the car on way to airport I will speak to all you lovely girls next Wednesday... Hope to see some bfp's when I'm back xxxx
Have a fabulous time scerena, take some time to chill and enjoy yourself! X
I am supposed to go in for CD21 bloods but I didnt ovulate until CD18... Should I still go in on 21 like my doc said or wait to go in so that it will show I actually O'd. Im thinking I should still go in on day 21 even though it wouldnt show i have ovulated just yet, right?

I think I might have a similar issue. I think I ovulated either day 14 or yesterday, 16 (had a right side pain) and will test on day 21. Will the progesterone be at all high if we did ovulate, even if its a few days after when clomid is "supposed" to work, day 14? (which, I think is bull, because I have seen tons of posts about being on clomid and ovulating successfully on many different days).
I also got a temp spike today the highest in two months of testing....YES!!!! Now it just has to stay high!
I also had my most positive opk today, which is strange, considering my temp is high.
:hi: girls i have been the gym come back niped asda now chillin weather is scrap still have a nice time scerena x x x
I'll have to post a pic of my OPK's when I'm home but I tested last night and again this morning and last night had a darkish line (the darkest so far) but still didn't look positive and then this morning the line looked slightly lighter so I think my surge must have been yesterday morning perhaps when I didn't test? We DTD Sat, Sun & yesterday and I'll try buttering up the OH for another round tonight just to be on the safe side! Can someone tell me, if I got my surge yesterday, does that mean I ov'd yesterday or could ov still be to come? xx
Hey Girls,

Hope everyone is keeping well.

Here is my story...

I just joined up - a complete newbie. I've been attracted to this website ever since DH & I decided it was the right time to try for our baby.

Been trying for +1 year. No for 11 months due to PCOS. Went to my GP who did the normal tests i.e. the blood works for DH & I, then smear, chlmydia, HSG x-ray, Ultrasound and DH had his S.A. tested too. All looked fine with the tests, my tubes are open, dh has no problems with his stuff so the only thing stopping us is my PCOS.

NHS FS told me to lose weight and come back after 5 months. The frustration was immense and I only had to lose approx 5-10kg for them to prescribe me with the meds. She only gave me provera to jump start a bleed so I can have a HSG x-ray.

Then we decided to go Privately because I didnt have paitence to wait for 5 months for the next appt.. and we all know how crucial 5 months of ovulating is!!! Private FS i saw over the weekend and he prescribed Provera for 5 days and Clomid 50g day 2-6. I really hope that even though it is our first time it works!!! We have to go back on day 21 since my af for a blood test to check for ovulation.

Day 5 of Provera is tomorrow, so only time will tell - will keep you all posted..

Am wondering once i stop provera and start spotting - do i count that as day 1? or do i wait for AF to get heavier? I am not sure when I should take Clomid..

Any ladies there to give me advice on anything? Or going through the same?

Lots of Baby dust 2u all

Welcome DV11!
I was told that the first day of the cycle is when you require a pad or tampon. So if there is just a little brown when you wipe, don't count that. Count when you actually need to protect your undies!
I did my first round of 50 mg a couple of weeks ago and am on cd17. Are you taking your temp too? You can use sites like or print a chart off the internet. It is so helpful to see the visuals of how everything is going.

Here is my chart so far... the "C" is when I took clomid. I had taken Prometrium to kick start AF.

Maybe it's none of my business but I want to tell you guys to ask for Prometrium as your progesterone instead of Provera. My best friend is a nurse midwife and she said not to take Provera. Also, 38 years ago my mom was put on Provera to "help prevent miscarriage" and my brother was born with a deformed heart and died after two days and she found out later it was b/c of Provera. NEVER take Provera if you could be pregnant! Provera is category X, while Prometrium is category B. It's probably fine to kick start AF, but not later!


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I'm so scared girls. I'm going back in tomorrow for surgery on this ovarian cyst to get it sorted. I'm scared about the surgery. I'm also going to be 9dpo tomorrow so too early to know if I'd be pregnant and worried if I was that it would cause problems. I know it needs doing though as I'm in pain and feel rubbish.
I'm scared and can't stop crying. Don't know if I can keep on with ttc, it's just causing me physical and mental heartbreak and I'm sure it's never going to work anyway. :cry:
I'm So ready to start clomid I haven't even ovulated yet this cycle so it's gonna take forever for next cycle to get here

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