well ladies any symptoms going down?????
almost 8dpo!! already started planning my next plan of attack if this one happens to fail (hopefully it will not be required fx'd)
You can tell by us all diving in how needed this section was!
Am 9dpo today, testing tomorrow if can persuade DH to return the tests he confiscated on Wednesday! Symptoms - cramping, stabbing pains in both breasts esp nipples, and more cm than have had for ages!
Wish me luck girls!
If no joy this cycle (having used mooncup) then next month will use preseed and mooncup, and if no joy then will try preseed and mooncup and opks. Phew!
Dumb question whats 2ww???
9 DPO here and dying to know yes or no!! No real symptoms other than tender nips and a dull cramping every once in a while for the past few days..
im due on sunday please please dont come!!!
im due on sunday please please dont come!!!
here let me do a little dance...... ....... here is a little spell...************** and some repellent>>>>>>>>>>>....... fx it all works and you get you