The Ectopic Thread

melanie82 & buffy :hugs: it is difficult but like melanie82 said the other girls who have gone on do give us hope. Buffy are you guys ttc? I'm hoping I don't have to wait that long, but I haven't even reached that road yet, still working through the ectopic.

Hey hon,
Yes we're trying to conceive again. For me I just wanted to start as soon as possible, but we were told to wait for 2 normal periods to occur before we started trying again so it was last October before we were safe to try again -around 10 weeks after my operation. They say it's safest to wait a while if you've had surgery. The time I fell pregnant with my ectopic we had been trying for well over a year - probably near to a year and a half, so I was devastated when it wasn't a normal healthy pregnancy. I'm hoping i don't have such a long wait this time, but so far I am onto my 8th month of ttc since the ectopic, so it's taking a while again I think. I have a holiday abroad to look forward to at the end of this month, which is helping to take my mind off trying for a bit. It was starting to become an unhealthy obsession and every month when :witch: arrived i was getting really down :cry: Once i get back though I'm worried i'll be back to being an obsessive nutter again. I may book an appointment with my doctor after the holiday just to have a chat about things and get checked out to see whether everything is as it should be and if there is any reason why it seems to take me forever to get pregnant!

Here is hoping for a healthy pregnancy soon for me and everyone else here!! :hug: xxx
Friday was horrible mazza. My back hurt ALOT and i'm not sure if it was connected to the drug or what. Felt more like my organs, I was thinking maybe my kidneys were having an adverse effect. I followed up with my dr today and shes not sure what to make of it but told me to take some motrin & keep her posted...don't you love doctors. Otherwise i'm not in lower pain, had some moments last week, but today feeling good, still passing stuff and my numbers have dropped a good bit once again. I'm hoping in the next 3 weeks we'll be close to zero. ....oh, I just realized I forgot to ask her how long we should wait to ttc...wanted to get her take on things. darn.
I wondered if I can jump in here for some better understanding. i really hope you dont mind.

A friend of mine has just had an ectopic. i am gutted for her. I have had miscarriages before but I don't quite fully understand what happens once you are diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy?
Someone i know mentioned the try and do things medically, failing that, they will have to remove the tube. how do they do things medically?

I just want to understand a little for my friend. I hope someone can help, and I hope you arent offended.
One option, if it hasn't ruptured is a drug called methotrexate sodium which dissolves the pregnancy essentially and saves her an operation and the chance of loosing her tube. Thats what i'm dealing with now. It took 2 shots for it to work in my case and what they do is monitor the hormone level until it goes down to about 0 and the hope is after that everything will function well. It is a long process, its been about 3 weeks for me already and i'm still not down to zero, but that also varies depending on how high the hormones level were and how much the body responds to the drug. Hope that helps and feel free to ask any other questions. You can google the drug for more info 2. Her gyn should provide her more info, tell her don't be afraid to ask questions, and definitly do her own research.
Thanks bklove. :hug:

Shes been signed off and I wont see her for a while now, but i am really concerned about her. I did text her to let her know I was there for her. i'm sure I wont be the first she wants to speak to by the time she gets back and sees my ever growing belly, but I want to understand and be there for her either way. :hugs:

BKlove I truely hope you will recover asap. I cannot comprehend how you are feeling. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm gald you are trying to be supportive of her. Its better to have a friend than go through this alone...but there will be times she wants to be alone and times when all you can do is give her a hug, or try to make her comfortable. Kudos to you for being a good friend.
Hope you ladies are doing well. I finally got under 1000 on the HCG levels, hoping for 0 on the next go round. This has really been a horrible experience, wouldn't wish this on anyone. I did have another random day of pain, which came on a day when I was finally feeling good! Its just been alot, and it sucks to still have to wait to ttc. I think its been a little over a month already and I have about 4 more months to go before ttc again:( I guess on the flip side i'm glad I didn't need any surgery, but the shot was definitly no walk in the park.
I have had two ectopics, both in left tube, 1st one operated on and tube was saved, 2nd one tube had to be removed as it ruptured. After 1st AF's went back to 'normal' after about three cycles, after this one however which was in January my AF's have been getting further and further apart so although we are TTC again it has made things very difficult. I am waiting to have my bloods done and am being sent in for scans to check everything else although the surgeon who did my op said the right tube looked fine.

I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through, words can't describe the pain I know. There are some great support sites and bnb is excellent also, lots of people who can identify with how you are feeling. Take care xx
hey ladies, im just introducing myself to the group as i just had my ectopic pregnancy 8 days ago and had to go thru a Laparoscopic surgery to remove my pregnancy....i lost my right tube along with it...

my doc just called this morning and asked me to make an appointment next week to check my hcg level....we also want to start TTC again as soon as my body is ready.....we are thinking after 2 normal period.

im hoping to hear more sucess stories here to give me more hope and encouragement when we are ready to ttc again :)
:hugs: kiwi_gal. You will definintly find support on here, but I am sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. Its great to hear you are still very determined to keep trying. I think waiting 2 cycles is recommended, and sounds like a good amount of time to give the body a chance to heal (or so they say:) I'm waiting for my levels to go down to 0, I imagine your levels will go down quickly? I should be there, waiting for my last results to come back, and will then be waiting out 2 cycles but for further tests, some time after that we'll be ttc again. Anyway, :hugs: and I really wish you strength, peace and happiness.
thank you so much waiting for my doctor to confirm my appointment for this week, he said he will do a blood test to find out about my hcg hoping its already down to zero but i wouldn't know for sure until the blood test is done :)

the fear of reoccurring EP will probably be there when we start ttc again but i will try not to let that discourage us for trying again.....we will keep positive thoughts and hopefully will not have to wait long before we can share a good news here ;)

i hope your test result will show zero level and any further test you have to do will show good result so that you'll get the all clear to ttc soon! take care & stay strong :hugs:
Thanks kiwi_gal. Keep me posted on how things go. I dropped down to 598 from 927 but still not zero! Definitly tired of waiting...well not even that but the pains i've had going through this process.
i know what you mean bklove....i know i haven't been waiting for long but im very impatient by nature and even waiting 2 cycles feels like a lifetime right now :blush:

how are you feeling lately? have you body settle down a bit in terms of symptoms from the shot?

i got my blood test yesterday and i have to call them for the result next hoping my hcg will be low but i can't be sure until i hear the result.

i went to get a relaxation massage last tuesday and eventho the masseuse was really gentle on my lower back i started bleeding again afterwards....
I had to have emergency surgery over the weekend to remove the tube. Apparently I was bleeding out and didn't know it. So that sucked a bit, but i'm glad it worked out how it did. And I can't stress enough to stay behind your doctor with following up. I should've had more ultrasounds to see what was going on after the shot. So thank God i'm fairly ok now, just trying to physically get back up to par and every day has gotten better. sucks to loose the tube though.

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