Don't want to sound like someone who is not in touch with reality, but until she shows, you can't be 100% sure you're out...
awww girls! Stay strong! If were out this month we can start next month togetheri'm feeling indifferent today! Like af is coming but not my usual signs! Sighhhh xxxx
looks like i'm out , i caved in and tested bfn , along with that there is ewcm which i have heard happens when af is due . So expecting af anytime now
Well, 10 dpo (my ticker isn't right) real symptoms - white cm, is that normal/usual? no ideanipples kinda look darker, but could just be the light, felt nausea the past 2 mornings, but that could just be me feeling sick - there is a bad stomach bug going around work....who knows!?
I plan on testing first thing Sunday (if AF doesn't show before then) Our little guy is usual up around 7 so...will test then
hope you are all well...
Packg, untill that witch arrives your in! Xxx
Belinha, don't be so silly... We r not going to turn against you because you caved! How many of us others have considered doing a test before Sunday! Probably all of us. Your are not weak for testing Hun, if you look at it, you are a strong person! You tested knowing the chances were only 20-30% positive, you had the courage to do it. It's still early days honey. Perhaps god has given too many beautiful babies this month and next month is your turn! When it does happen; you will be completly prepared and everything will fall into place! Let's not get negative girls... The more we stress the more we harm our bodies.... We r so lucky we got each other xxxx