The ins and outs of exclusively expressing

thanks ladies in comment to the above i so hope i can be like you and pump away and supply breast milk for as long as possible, i think there forgetting that they where asked to see me to help me with a new position that wouldnt hurt, but due to time ticking away on last shift on a friday they didnt bother and said instead of sending someone would call me monday, to see how id got on over the weekend, so if the breast feeding support would have supported me that friday i may still now be on the boob. i cant understand the issue when its breast milk hes having and its breast milk they recommend. My baba was getting covered not only in breastmilk at feeds but my tears and i just couldnt feed him like that thats not what i wanted feed time to be like, it needs to be enjoyable for both.

thats amazing how much some women express i manage about 5 / 6 oz every 7 or 8 times a day expressing.

Thanks for your comments ladies has made me more determind to stick to what i feel and just ignore them:flower:

That's actually a lot you're expressing there! I was getting around that much but I dropped a pump and get a bit less now but it's still plenty for my ds cos he doesn't take much per day but it's enough for him cos he's gaining fine. It's probably high calorie cos of all the choc I eat lol. Is he having all you pump or are you freezing some?
That's actually a lot you're expressing there! I was getting around that much but I dropped a pump and get a bit less now but it's still plenty for my ds cos he doesn't take much per day but it's enough for him cos he's gaining fine. It's probably high calorie cos of all the choc I eat lol. Is he having all you pump or are you freezing some?[/QUOTE]

lol i seem to have loads it doesnt drip out its more like turning a tap on, when i used to breast feed he would cough and splutter because too much was comming out than he could swallow. i pumped once a day in the last week i was bf and freezing as it wasnt my intention to be doing it this way it hadnt crossed my mind, so put some away for oh if and when i was away. but because it changed so suddenly i used what i froze and im pumping a bottle while theres 1 or 2 in fridge and just giving it him from fridge so it is like meeting supply on demand . he does finish of all i pump too. i hope you dont mind me asking but do you know from experience if theres anything in the -eating spicy food i.e curry can make them fretful through the milk? its all i used to eat near enough and havent had one since having him for that reason.
I think there needs to be Exclusivly Expressing Champions Coz this stuf aint easy..
I believe some of those who have champion blinkies are or were EEers, whether they are those active on the forum now though I am not so sure; as someone who co-moderates the whole champion thing I can assure you that there is no difference to us whether someone EEs, BFs or FFs now as long as they BF their baby or babies (either directly or via expressing) for a total of three months. All are welcome to become champions xx
Just wanting to know...does your pump suck your nipples really far into the pump nozzle? I have the Avent one and took the rubber piece off the end as it wasnt letting me pump enough but it sucks my nipples in and they are huge when Im done :blush: is this normal? plus why am I only getting 3oz in half an hour?!
Just wanting to know...does your pump suck your nipples really far into the pump nozzle? I have the Avent one and took the rubber piece off the end as it wasnt letting me pump enough but it sucks my nipples in and they are huge when Im done :blush: is this normal? plus why am I only getting 3oz in half an hour?!

This could be a fit issue. Try a smaller shield that might help the milk suction too.
Just wanting to know...does your pump suck your nipples really far into the pump nozzle? I have the Avent one and took the rubber piece off the end as it wasnt letting me pump enough but it sucks my nipples in and they are huge when Im done :blush: is this normal? plus why am I only getting 3oz in half an hour?!

If you put too much of the boob into the pump it does that, but sometimes after prolonged expressing your nipples do become huge but this is temporary and nothing to worry about. Plus the rubber piece is very helpful as it massages the breast thus stimulating supply which is a good thing. How many times are you expressing? as you need to express more to keep supply up there are also natural things that increase supply such as oatmeal.
mumytobe- that happenes to me and i have the same one . and also took the rubber bit of my supply hasnt been effected x
Well i've done my last bottles for the milk bank as ds was 6 months old on Friday and they don't take you past 6 months at Birmingham. I'm now wondering if I can drop to two pumps a day?! At the moment I only pump 3 times a day, before the kids get up in the morning, after the school run around 4pm and before bed and I get at least a litre a day which is plenty for my ds so it would be ok if my supply went down a bit but i'm worried it will dry up completely! I don't know if any long term pumpers read this who have dropped to twice a day who can tell me what effect it had on their supply?
Not major but noticeable drop in supply, try and if you see it dropping add one more pump, the night one is usually most productive.
When I switched to twice a day I was getting about 4-5 oz day. This worked fine because LO was over a year old and drinking 3%.
Hey ladies... my LO is now 6 weeks old. She's decreased the number of feedings she takes per day, but increased the amount she's drinking. Almost all of the literature I've read on exclusive pumping recommends not reducing your pump sessions until 12 weeks and supply is supposedly established. That said, I'd like to drop some pumps to mimic LO's feeding habits. It's tough being tied to the pump every 2 hours.

I'm currently pumping 8 times per day for 15-20 minutes. If I reduce to 6 and pump for 20-30 minutes, would that be okay? I've also read that you're good as long as you get in 120 minutes per day.

Hello ladies

I shall be moving in here. Does anyone have any experience of exclusively pumping with a fantastic milk supply? I know it will be hard work but only want to aim for 3-4 weeks to get my little man past his due date with the best start.

Colustrum was in abundance from the moment of birth and I now have breasts full of milk and able to hand express 1oz from either side in 5mins. Milk was like this was DD as well and never dropped despite mixed feeding so I don't think I will have any supply issues to keep going for the month.

LO was born at 36 weeks and is quite badly jaundiced and sleepy and doesn't have a good suck reflex. He latched his first night but didn't have the strength to suck and is now so sleepy he can barely suck out of a bottle either :-( I've decided I don't want to go through the 8 hours a night cluster feeding I had with DD (and I had a foremilk/hindmilk inbalance with overproduction causing colic and reflux to deal with too) even if I do manage to get him to eventually latch.

I don't have any equipment at all! No breastpump, bags etc. And I can't afford an electric pump until next week at least. I will hand express 1oz either side 3 hourly tonight.

So tomorrow I'm going to go and get the Avent manual pump (great reviews?) and some breastmilk storage bags and start pumping every 3 hours. LO only feeds 1oz every 3hours (and that's a struggle!) but I was just going to pump at each feed, freeze the excess and then when I feel I've done enough I will have a bit of a supply to keep me going. There's a breastfeeding support group on locally tomorrow so going to take LO along and see how they can help.

I'm not sure how confident I feel as I have a 20month old too and my OH is a bit of a nervous wreck just now and completely useless so pretty much doing baby, toddler, housework and visitor on my own just now but just going to take it one day at a time. xx
What you've described sounds like a great plan! Having a pump will help and your toddler will get used to mommy pumping the milk. Mine tries to help me with all the pump parts!
Hi girls!

I am only 8 weeks pregnant with No2 but would really like to exclusively express this time round. I can't straight breastfeed as I will be studying and working so won't always be around.

Is it really difficult? Does it take a lot of time? Obviously breast milk is best for my baby and I really want to try but if it is difficult and will take up a lot of time I am wondering if I would be best to go formula again?
Hi girls!

I am only 8 weeks pregnant with No2 but would really like to exclusively express this time round. I can't straight breastfeed as I will be studying and working so won't always be around.

Is it really difficult? Does it take a lot of time? Obviously breast milk is best for my baby and I really want to try but if it is difficult and will take up a lot of time I am wondering if I would be best to go formula again?

I won't lie - it's super time consuming! In order to get my supply up, I had to pump 8-10 times per day for 15-20 minutes. I tried not to go more than 2 hours during the day and 4 hours at night without pumping for the first 6 weeks. I now pump 7 times per day, but anything less really messes with my milk production. From what I understand, this schedule is necessary for the first 12 weeks to establish supply.

If I were able to feed LO directly from the breast, I would. At least for her first three months of life. The tough part is that while you're pumping, you can really spend quality time with LO. You can't hold them or wear them. For me, that's hard.
Hello ladies

I shall be moving in here. Does anyone have any experience of exclusively pumping with a fantastic milk supply? I know it will be hard work but only want to aim for 3-4 weeks to get my little man past his due date with the best start.

Colustrum was in abundance from the moment of birth and I now have breasts full of milk and able to hand express 1oz from either side in 5mins. Milk was like this was DD as well and never dropped despite mixed feeding so I don't think I will have any supply issues to keep going for the month.

LO was born at 36 weeks and is quite badly jaundiced and sleepy and doesn't have a good suck reflex. He latched his first night but didn't have the strength to suck and is now so sleepy he can barely suck out of a bottle either :-( I've decided I don't want to go through the 8 hours a night cluster feeding I had with DD (and I had a foremilk/hindmilk inbalance with overproduction causing colic and reflux to deal with too) even if I do manage to get him to eventually latch.

I don't have any equipment at all! No breastpump, bags etc. And I can't afford an electric pump until next week at least. I will hand express 1oz either side 3 hourly tonight.

So tomorrow I'm going to go and get the Avent manual pump (great reviews?) and some breastmilk storage bags and start pumping every 3 hours. LO only feeds 1oz every 3hours (and that's a struggle!) but I was just going to pump at each feed, freeze the excess and then when I feel I've done enough I will have a bit of a supply to keep me going. There's a breastfeeding support group on locally tomorrow so going to take LO along and see how they can help.

I'm not sure how confident I feel as I have a 20month old too and my OH is a bit of a nervous wreck just now and completely useless so pretty much doing baby, toddler, housework and visitor on my own just now but just going to take it one day at a time. xx

CONGRATD ON YOUR baby i have an oversupply :) I HAVE BEEN EXCLUSIVLY PUMPING WITH A MANUEL PUMP FOR 5 MONTHS and hand expressed for a week! your idea sounds great and i have that exact ppump you are getting and it works great for me . weldone on how much your gettin ul do great ppl say you cant do it exclusivly with a manuel and keep your supply ABSULUTE RUBBISH.. it isnt the case for everyone as im still going and havent used an electric since week 1 x
Hi girls!

I am only 8 weeks pregnant with No2 but would really like to exclusively express this time round. I can't straight breastfeed as I will be studying and working so won't always be around.

Is it really difficult? Does it take a lot of time? Obviously breast milk is best for my baby and I really want to try but if it is difficult and will take up a lot of time I am wondering if I would be best to go formula again?

I won't lie - it's super time consuming! In order to get my supply up, I had to pump 8-10 times per day for 15-20 minutes. I tried not to go more than 2 hours during the day and 4 hours at night without pumping for the first 6 weeks. I now pump 7 times per day, but anything less really messes with my milk production. From what I understand, this schedule is necessary for the first 12 weeks to establish supply.

If I were able to feed LO directly from the breast, I would. At least for her first three months of life. The tough part is that while you're pumping, you can really spend quality time with LO. You can't hold them or wear them. For me, that's hard.

I agree it is tough but i didnt feel like i wasnt spending time with my lo i have been doing it 5 months. i put her between my legs when i am pumping and she watches me or i put her on my bed with me and talk to her and giggle with her.and i pump when shes sleeping etc. when you get used to it and settle into it it fits easier into your routinr. i find it booring mostly but not hard i am just very lazy to pump sometimes. but i for sure feel its the best route x

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