I hope it's okay if I join here. I could really use some support and probably some advice. I apologize in advance; this may get a little long.
My twin girls were born two weeks ago at 29+5. I suffered from incompetent cervix during my pregnancy (diagnosed at 18w) and preterm labor from 21w. We always expected them to be early. We of course hoped to make it to 32 or 34 weeks, but our girls are doing very well and I couldn't be more thankful.
They began eating on their second day of life, at less than 24 hours old. I started pumping the night they were born. My first two pumping sessions awarded me with a total of 4oz. After that, I had 24 hours of absolutely nothing. I continued pumping, and two days after the girls were born, my milk came in. Since the girls are still in the NICU and will remain there for another month at least, I am pumping exclusively for now.
I have been pumping 7-9 times a day for 15-40 minutes each time (depending on the time of day - mornings usually take the longest), and I get 70-85oz per day. I currently have 500oz in my freezer and approximately 40oz in the freezer at the NICU.
Some days, I have a really hard time with this. Part of me resents the pump. I hate so many parts of this and most of the time, I really want to quit. But I want to be stronger than this. I want to give my babies breasmilk and I don't want to throw away the chance of feeding them at the breast when they come home. I know they may not ever take to the breast, as they will be given bottles in the NICU when they are old enough, but I want to be able to try.
I never expected this to be so hard. Will there be a point where it just becomes part of my day and I don't think much about it? Will the awful nipple pain ever go away? How do I say sane? Does it get easier?