The ins and outs of exclusively expressing

I honestly don't know. I had the depo shot after the mirena was taken out (that was in January) and I've been bleeding nonstop since then. So I haven't had much sex recently. :blush:
I have some pain during sex, too. It feels like it could be my cervix, or it could be stretching (we don't DTD all that often these days and I apparently just shrink with disuse :haha:). I found that if I focus on relaxing completely, it gets much better. If I'm at all tense, it doesn't work.

In your case, Shelby, I might recommend positions that result in shallower penetration...that way your cervix doesn't get bumped.
I have some pain during sex, too. It feels like it could be my cervix, or it could be stretching (we don't DTD all that often these days and I apparently just shrink with disuse :haha:). I found that if I focus on relaxing completely, it gets much better. If I'm at all tense, it doesn't work.

In your case, Shelby, I might recommend positions that result in shallower penetration...that way your cervix doesn't get bumped.

You know, after a year you're classed as a "born again virgin" :haha:
You know, after a year you're classed as a "born again virgin" :haha:

:rofl: I sure hope we don't go that long! However, we did go about 5 months from when I was about 5 months pregnant until 2 months after delivery...and we actually had to stop because (TMI), he absolutely would not fit.

I'm feeling confused. I never know what to tell people when they ask if the twins are breastfed...there's really no simple answer. I pump 6 times a day, I nurse directly maybe 2-3 times a week (mostly for comfort or a quick snack, neither of them latch well enough for a full feed), my girl gets 1/2 tsp of formula powder for every 45ml of EBM, and my boy gets 10oz of pure formula a day/the rest pure EBM. I also can't really say their exclusively breastmilk fed, because of the formula I have to give them. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I HATE that I have to give them any formula at all...I make enough milk for both of them, but the doctor says it's absolutely necessary to supplement until they're 8 months. ARGH :growlmad:

So when people ask, I usually say, "mostly" or "it's complicated" :haha:
Hi ladies! I finally stopped expressing last Tuesday and finished weaning off domperidone a couple of days after that. I'm already getting crampy AF like feelings. How quickly did AF return for those who have also stopped?

I'm also surprised that I am still making milk. I have no idea how much and am sure it's a small amount. The first couple of days after I stopped pumping I had to hand express quite a bit to get any lumps out. But even now if I put pressure on my boobs in a certain way they leak (like last night all over my bed) and I can still squirt milk out pretty far. I thought I'd be dried up by now especially with my low supply. How long might this last for!?!
I got my first full PP AF last month. I had dropped to 4 pumps a day, and it finally came back with a vengenance. I would say it might come back soon for you. I'm starting to wean off, dropped to 3 pumps today and will probably be done in a few weeks. Hope AF is easy on you! The first for me was like pure hell. Wicked wicked cramping and heavy bleeding.
I got my first AF today and I am still pumping 5 times a day. SOO annoyed. I can't wait to be done with the pump. My babies eat so much now they are supplemented with over 1/2 formula at this point. I pump about 32-36 oz of milk a day and they each eat about 36 oz a day. I have gained weight despite cutting out junk food, and now its not even keeping my period away. I have to wonder if 16 oz of BM each a day is that beneficial to them. Is it worth it?? I guess it saves some money. Our formula is $30 a can ($25 if I buy it online) and we go through a can every six days as it is. If I stop pumping, we will go from $150 a month on formula to $300.

OK rant over. I am particularly irritable today.
Thanks ladies. Nothing yet aside from the crampiness and a lot more CM (sorry for the TMI) than I've had in ages. I almost wish it would come to get it over with.
san fran - :hugs: I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I would say that 16 oz a day of BM is DEFINITELY worth it! Any amount is beneficial for them! I read somewhere that as little as 4 oz a day of BM is beneficial.

mona - I would say the I got what I thought was my first AF 2 months ago. It was normal, no cramping, or heavy bleeding. I thought "hey that wasn't so bad." I heard the first one royally sucks. The 2nd though, was the worst thing ever. I'm hoping they'll get lighter as I completely wean off the pump.
I feel like that is how this "period" is for me. No real cramping, pretty light, but a couple heavier moments. And its almost over. I have a feeling the next one wont be so nice.
So I was trying to breastfeed my LO and he refused the breast completely. In the end we went onto formula until I got home from the hospital and I was eping the majority of his feeds. However when we went on holiday after 3 weeks my pump broke and even though I tried hand expressing every time (was away for 8 days and it broke on day 2 while in a different country) my milk vanished. S I ordered the medela symphony and have been trying constantly to get my milk back. Was finally getting up to an ounce each breast but only n the last pump at night and the rest of e times were drops. I have tried fenugreek, more milk plus, water, more food, oatmeal but its just not getting anywhere and I got my first af (6weeks pp) 2 days ago and my milk has just vanished. Can't get more than about 5 Mls for the whole day. Yet my dr refuses to prescribe me domperidone as the 'book' advises not to use for lactating women. It's so frustrating. It's bad enough that nothing about my labour went well and then LO refusing the breast no matter how hard we tried and who we consulted. But now the go won't even help me try and get my supply back. I was doing so well with my pump before it broke :-(

The irony is that I cut holes in my bra to keep the flanges in place but when I cuddled LO tonight my nip was sticking out and he blooming latched on all by himself while I was trying to get him to sleep. The one time there is zero milk! :-(

I'm too scared to just buy it over the counter as have been having problems with my blood pressure since birth so really want GPs help :-(
So I was trying to breastfeed my LO and he refused the breast completely. In the end we went onto formula until I got home from the hospital and I was eping the majority of his feeds. However when we went on holiday after 3 weeks my pump broke and even though I tried hand expressing every time (was away for 8 days and it broke on day 2 while in a different country) my milk vanished. S I ordered the medela symphony and have been trying constantly to get my milk back. Was finally getting up to an ounce each breast but only n the last pump at night and the rest of e times were drops. I have tried fenugreek, more milk plus, water, more food, oatmeal but its just not getting anywhere and I got my first af (6weeks pp) 2 days ago and my milk has just vanished. Can't get more than about 5 Mls for the whole day. Yet my dr refuses to prescribe me domperidone as the 'book' advises not to use for lactating women. It's so frustrating. It's bad enough that nothing about my labour went well and then LO refusing the breast no matter how hard we tried and who we consulted. But now the go won't even help me try and get my supply back. I was doing so well with my pump before it broke :-(

The irony is that I cut holes in my bra to keep the flanges in place but when I cuddled LO tonight my nip was sticking out and he blooming latched on all by himself while I was trying to get him to sleep. The one time there is zero milk! :-(

I'm too scared to just buy it over the counter as have been having problems with my blood pressure since birth so really want GPs help :-(

:hugs: That sounds really frustrating. I'm sorry I can't be of much help, but I have seen a member on here who successfully re-lactated. Maybe try posting in the breast feeding section with a re-lactating title if you haven't already. My initial thought is to offer the breast whenever LO is hungry. Babies are much better at stimulating milk than the pump. He wont get much and you will still have to give him formula after, but maybe it would help??
Thought I'd join, LO is 12 days and really struggles to latch so am pumping every feed and exclusively feeding expressed by bottle. Not sure how long I'll last when DH goes back to work Tuesday. I'm soooooo tired!
Thought I'd join, LO is 12 days and really struggles to latch so am pumping every feed and exclusively feeding expressed by bottle. Not sure how long I'll last when DH goes back to work Tuesday. I'm soooooo tired!


It's hard and requires some dedication, hon. If you want to do it, you definitely can :hugs:

We'll be here for support, k? Also - don't beat yourself up if you can't maintain it! Pumping is a proverbial bitch.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. It gets easier, quicker, less frequent and far less painful. Set yourself timing goals. Short ones. Strive for those and no further until you reach them. It makes it much more bearable.
So I was trying to breastfeed my LO and he refused the breast completely. In the end we went onto formula until I got home from the hospital and I was eping the majority of his feeds. However when we went on holiday after 3 weeks my pump broke and even though I tried hand expressing every time (was away for 8 days and it broke on day 2 while in a different country) my milk vanished. S I ordered the medela symphony and have been trying constantly to get my milk back. Was finally getting up to an ounce each breast but only n the last pump at night and the rest of e times were drops. I have tried fenugreek, more milk plus, water, more food, oatmeal but its just not getting anywhere and I got my first af (6weeks pp) 2 days ago and my milk has just vanished. Can't get more than about 5 Mls for the whole day. Yet my dr refuses to prescribe me domperidone as the 'book' advises not to use for lactating women. It's so frustrating. It's bad enough that nothing about my labour went well and then LO refusing the breast no matter how hard we tried and who we consulted. But now the go won't even help me try and get my supply back. I was doing so well with my pump before it broke :-(

The irony is that I cut holes in my bra to keep the flanges in place but when I cuddled LO tonight my nip was sticking out and he blooming latched on all by himself while I was trying to get him to sleep. The one time there is zero milk! :-(

I'm too scared to just buy it over the counter as have been having problems with my blood pressure since birth so really want GPs help :-(

How are you going? :hugs:
After 7 weeks of exclusively pumping I FINALLY got LO to latch and she now nurses exclusively during the day and gets pumped milk in bottle at night
After 7 weeks of exclusively pumping I FINALLY got LO to latch and she now nurses exclusively during the day and gets pumped milk in bottle at night

CONGRATULATIONS! It's an amazing feeling, isn't it? :hugs:
I have also been able to get my 7 week old to latch today. But my supply plummeted as mentioned above so still expressing but latching him too from now on and will pump after! Until I feel comfortable with him getting enough milk.
My latest problem is that I an only get milk out with serious compressions and my breast are bruised to death from it but nipples are fine. Is my milk to thick?

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