The ins and outs of exclusively expressing

I desperately need some advise and some one to keep me motivated!! While pregnant I planned on breastfeeding LO til she was at least a year old. After the first day home from the hospital I realized that BF'ing was NOT working. Between LO being a lazy nurser and not opening her mouth all the way and my having large boobs and flat/inverted nipples we weren't really getting much accomplished aside from both of us getting incredibly frustrated. I seen 2 lactation consultants who recommended I EP til Me and LO get the hang of things or for as long as I want to provide her with BM. I have a rented hospital grade double electric pump and was told to pump for 20 mins 8 to 10 times a day. To be honest I am around 7 to 8 pumps most days but I am getting between 50- 70 OUNCES a DAY!! usually I am right around 64 oz ! LO is only 2 weeks old and my freezer is full of milk, I had to make a box to put in my moms deep freezer because I have run out room! Is it normal to be producing sooo much?!!? will LO ever actually eat this much in one day? If not can't I cut back on my pumping to be closer to what her needs are? I am getting very frustrated with pumping it feels like its all I do and I feel bad when I go too long between pumps. I want to keep pumping to keep LO from being on formula but I am just so tired! I feel like I never get to go do anything bc I only feel comfortable pumping at home or at my parents; everywhere else I just feel uncomfortable and my milk wont let down! I need a cheerleader!!
Dragon- you will get some variations in milk supply, even if you can't come up with a good reason for it. Stick to your normal schedule for the day and see if it was a one time fluke or if it keeps happening. Wearing a bra or not never made a difference for me, if anything I would think a bra would be restricting and actually cause you to produce less milk. At one point my body did kind of regulate itself and I quit feeling engorged after a few hours, maybe you have hit that point? It didn't really impact my overall out put though.

Lilmrs- I would say you have a bit of an over supply! You could try to slowly space out your pumps or not quite empty them all the way. Just be careful not to swing too far the other way. The most my son (who was exclusively bottle fed after one week old) ever ate in one day was between 36-38oz. There was a point where I was wasting a lot of milk making bigger bottles than he needed, but even at that point I only ever used 48oz in a day. Pumping is hard work and I often got looks like I had a second head when I told people that I pumped exclusively. Even my son's pediatrician asked me why I wasn't just giving him formula then! But I was commited to giving him BM as long as I could. I recently started weaning myself off the pump because I have a family vacation coming up this summer and I don't want to bring my pump along, but little guy had about 90% BM for the first 5.5 months of his life and I am proud of that!
Dragon- you will get some variations in milk supply, even if you can't come up with a good reason for it. Stick to your normal schedule for the day and see if it was a one time fluke or if it keeps happening. Wearing a bra or not never made a difference for me, if anything I would think a bra would be restricting and actually cause you to produce less milk. At one point my body did kind of regulate itself and I quit feeling engorged after a few hours, maybe you have hit that point? It didn't really impact my overall out put though.

Lilmrs- I would say you have a bit of an over supply! You could try to slowly space out your pumps or not quite empty them all the way. Just be careful not to swing too far the other way. The most my son (who was exclusively bottle fed after one week old) ever ate in one day was between 36-38oz. There was a point where I was wasting a lot of milk making bigger bottles than he needed, but even at that point I only ever used 48oz in a day. Pumping is hard work and I often got looks like I had a second head when I told people that I pumped exclusively. Even my son's pediatrician asked me why I wasn't just giving him formula then! But I was commited to giving him BM as long as I could. I recently started weaning myself off the pump because I have a family vacation coming up this summer and I don't want to bring my pump along, but little guy had about 90% BM for the first 5.5 months of his life and I am proud of that!

Just added up all the milk i have frozen and it comes to a total of 407 ounces!! from 2 weeks worth of pumping plus what baby has eaten plus the milk I hae thrown away bc am super parinoid about the milk spoiling :dohh: Today I tried only pumping 5 times and not emptying my breasts and I still got 62 ounces and my boobs are still pretty heavy... I am kinda freaked out by the amount I am making ( slightly feel like a milk cow) but then again I am kinda super proud bc i was feeling really down about my inability to breastfeed without pumping and felt "defective" but obviously something is working .... maybe all this milk is why I have lost 26 pounds since having my LO 2 weeks ago (only put on 10 pounds my whole pregnancy)
:hi: just a quick question, when do the 2-3 hourly pumps become 4 hourly??? im exhausted :haha:

ohh and can anyone recommend a good pumping bra?

The 2-3 hourly pumps suck. If you're EP'ing extending to 4 hourly and STTN depends on your baby. If they eat every 2-3 hours, you pump every 2-3 hours. Once they start STTN, you can too. Follow baby's cues :D

Don't pay for a pumping bra. Get an old or cheap one and cut small holes to fit the flanges through. Ta Da!


I accidentally slept through a pumping session Saturday night, and went 7 hours between pumping. I added another pumping session and got my normal amount of milk for the day, around 50 oz.

Last night, I didn't have a clean sleep bra, so I decided to sleep braless. I pumped just before bed, and got my normal 10ish oz. When I woke up for my 2:30am session, I got 4 oz on the left and only 2.5 oz on the right! I usually get about 8-9 oz at that time. I also noticed that my breasts, especially the right, felt really empty and much that it was difficult to keep the breast shields in place.

I was a little worried, but I figured I'd end up with more at my next pump, so I put a bra on and went back to bed. When I got up at 7 and pumped again, I got 8.25 oz, which isn't TOO much lower than normal (usually around 9oz), but there was a big difference between the two sides again. 4.75 oz on the left and only 3.5 oz on the right. What the heck, why am I suddenly getting so much less on the right side?

The only thing I can think of is that I sleep on my right side, could I have hurt the supply on that side by not wearing a bra to bed? It was only about 4 hours, but I doubt skipping one pumping session could have made such an impact. What do you think? This is really freaking me out.

If I sleep on one side, even for only a few hours, yes that side is all floppy. Sleeping through a session crashed my supply in the early days but it came back. Once my supply fully established I can pick and choose when I pump and usually get around the same amount.
I also fluctuate drastically day to day. It depends on my diet (less calories = less milk), fluid intake, the way I've slept etc.

Overall, you're going to be ok. :hugs:

I desperately need some advise and some one to keep me motivated!! While pregnant I planned on breastfeeding LO til she was at least a year old. After the first day home from the hospital I realized that BF'ing was NOT working. Between LO being a lazy nurser and not opening her mouth all the way and my having large boobs and flat/inverted nipples we weren't really getting much accomplished aside from both of us getting incredibly frustrated. I seen 2 lactation consultants who recommended I EP til Me and LO get the hang of things or for as long as I want to provide her with BM. I have a rented hospital grade double electric pump and was told to pump for 20 mins 8 to 10 times a day. To be honest I am around 7 to 8 pumps most days but I am getting between 50- 70 OUNCES a DAY!! usually I am right around 64 oz ! LO is only 2 weeks old and my freezer is full of milk, I had to make a box to put in my moms deep freezer because I have run out room! Is it normal to be producing sooo much?!!? will LO ever actually eat this much in one day? If not can't I cut back on my pumping to be closer to what her needs are? I am getting very frustrated with pumping it feels like its all I do and I feel bad when I go too long between pumps. I want to keep pumping to keep LO from being on formula but I am just so tired! I feel like I never get to go do anything bc I only feel comfortable pumping at home or at my parents; everywhere else I just feel uncomfortable and my milk wont let down! I need a cheerleader!!

You have a huge oversupply. If you want to store milk, this is great. However getting baby onto the breast will be a massive issue and you might end up with a baby with very green, explosive runny poo. If you do, don't panic, it just means bubs is getting too much foremilk. Aim on dropping your supply by pumping less per session. Hopefully you'll respond to that.
Getting more hind milk into baby can be done 2 ways - pump first so you get rid of some foremilk. OR feed baby as you please and top them up with pumped hind milk. To do this, pump off most of your milk. Swap bottles towards the end and pump off hind milk (thicker, creamier stuff).

Pumping is HARD. Harder than anyone realises. You feel tied to the pump, embarrassed, restricted on places you go, restricted in your own home when you have guests etc. It gets better I promise, but not for a while yet.

If you don't want to pump long-term, freeze your excess milk. It'll last 6 months in a deep freeze. If you can get enough stock you can stop pumping and feed LO with frozen milk.

I desperately need some advise and some one to keep me motivated!! While pregnant I planned on breastfeeding LO til she was at least a year old. After the first day home from the hospital I realized that BF'ing was NOT working. Between LO being a lazy nurser and not opening her mouth all the way and my having large boobs and flat/inverted nipples we weren't really getting much accomplished aside from both of us getting incredibly frustrated. I seen 2 lactation consultants who recommended I EP til Me and LO get the hang of things or for as long as I want to provide her with BM. I have a rented hospital grade double electric pump and was told to pump for 20 mins 8 to 10 times a day. To be honest I am around 7 to 8 pumps most days but I am getting between 50- 70 OUNCES a DAY!! usually I am right around 64 oz ! LO is only 2 weeks old and my freezer is full of milk, I had to make a box to put in my moms deep freezer because I have run out room! Is it normal to be producing sooo much?!!? will LO ever actually eat this much in one day? If not can't I cut back on my pumping to be closer to what her needs are? I am getting very frustrated with pumping it feels like its all I do and I feel bad when I go too long between pumps. I want to keep pumping to keep LO from being on formula but I am just so tired! I feel like I never get to go do anything bc I only feel comfortable pumping at home or at my parents; everywhere else I just feel uncomfortable and my milk wont let down! I need a cheerleader!!

I produced like you for the first 10 or so months (about 50-60 ounces per day) and what I did with all my excess milk was donated it to moms in need. I've donated over 7000 ounces so far and it has made a world of a difference in many lives! Look on Facebook for Human Milk for Human Babies. If you live in the US, each state should have their own page. Check it out!
Just added up all the milk i have frozen and it comes to a total of 407 ounces!! from 2 weeks worth of pumping plus what baby has eaten plus the milk I hae thrown away bc am super parinoid about the milk spoiling :dohh: Today I tried only pumping 5 times and not emptying my breasts and I still got 62 ounces and my boobs are still pretty heavy... I am kinda freaked out by the amount I am making ( slightly feel like a milk cow) but then again I am kinda super proud bc i was feeling really down about my inability to breastfeed without pumping and felt "defective" but obviously something is working .... maybe all this milk is why I have lost 26 pounds since having my LO 2 weeks ago (only put on 10 pounds my whole pregnancy)

You should be proud ;)

I also felt down about not being able to BF. To the point that I told my LC's "I'd rather be dead" (they didn't take that well). It took a while, but we got there and LO only gets 1 bottle of EBM a day - her dreamfeed which Daddy does :D

As for the weight loss - that would totally explain it. If I don't eat enough chocolate (no joke) I drop too much weight and drop my supply. I'm producing around 60oz a day too - that includes pumping and feeding LO directly off the breast.
I desperately need some advise and some one to keep me motivated!! While pregnant I planned on breastfeeding LO til she was at least a year old. After the first day home from the hospital I realized that BF'ing was NOT working. Between LO being a lazy nurser and not opening her mouth all the way and my having large boobs and flat/inverted nipples we weren't really getting much accomplished aside from both of us getting incredibly frustrated. I seen 2 lactation consultants who recommended I EP til Me and LO get the hang of things or for as long as I want to provide her with BM. I have a rented hospital grade double electric pump and was told to pump for 20 mins 8 to 10 times a day. To be honest I am around 7 to 8 pumps most days but I am getting between 50- 70 OUNCES a DAY!! usually I am right around 64 oz ! LO is only 2 weeks old and my freezer is full of milk, I had to make a box to put in my moms deep freezer because I have run out room! Is it normal to be producing sooo much?!!? will LO ever actually eat this much in one day? If not can't I cut back on my pumping to be closer to what her needs are? I am getting very frustrated with pumping it feels like its all I do and I feel bad when I go too long between pumps. I want to keep pumping to keep LO from being on formula but I am just so tired! I feel like I never get to go do anything bc I only feel comfortable pumping at home or at my parents; everywhere else I just feel uncomfortable and my milk wont let down! I need a cheerleader!!

I produced like you for the first 10 or so months (about 50-60 ounces per day) and what I did with all my excess milk was donated it to moms in need. I've donated over 7000 ounces so far and it has made a world of a difference in many lives! Look on Facebook for Human Milk for Human Babies. If you live in the US, each state should have their own page. Check it out!

How did you go with your world record?

BTW LilMrs, Alaska makes a good point. LOL. I forgot about donating :dohh:. I also donate privately and to the hospital.
I desperately need some advise and some one to keep me motivated!! While pregnant I planned on breastfeeding LO til she was at least a year old. After the first day home from the hospital I realized that BF'ing was NOT working. Between LO being a lazy nurser and not opening her mouth all the way and my having large boobs and flat/inverted nipples we weren't really getting much accomplished aside from both of us getting incredibly frustrated. I seen 2 lactation consultants who recommended I EP til Me and LO get the hang of things or for as long as I want to provide her with BM. I have a rented hospital grade double electric pump and was told to pump for 20 mins 8 to 10 times a day. To be honest I am around 7 to 8 pumps most days but I am getting between 50- 70 OUNCES a DAY!! usually I am right around 64 oz ! LO is only 2 weeks old and my freezer is full of milk, I had to make a box to put in my moms deep freezer because I have run out room! Is it normal to be producing sooo much?!!? will LO ever actually eat this much in one day? If not can't I cut back on my pumping to be closer to what her needs are? I am getting very frustrated with pumping it feels like its all I do and I feel bad when I go too long between pumps. I want to keep pumping to keep LO from being on formula but I am just so tired! I feel like I never get to go do anything bc I only feel comfortable pumping at home or at my parents; everywhere else I just feel uncomfortable and my milk wont let down! I need a cheerleader!!

I produced like you for the first 10 or so months (about 50-60 ounces per day) and what I did with all my excess milk was donated it to moms in need. I've donated over 7000 ounces so far and it has made a world of a difference in many lives! Look on Facebook for Human Milk for Human Babies. If you live in the US, each state should have their own page. Check it out!

How did you go with your world record?

BTW LilMrs, Alaska makes a good point. LOL. I forgot about donating :dohh:. I also donate privately and to the hospital.

If I ever get LO to latch properly so we can nurse instead of EP i plan on donating ... if we cant then I plan on pumping as long as i can take it and then use my stock to keep LO on breast milk longer.. my goal is for her to have breast milk til 12 months
:hi: just a quick question, when do the 2-3 hourly pumps become 4 hourly??? im exhausted :haha:

ohh and can anyone recommend a good pumping bra?

The 2-3 hourly pumps suck. If you're EP'ing extending to 4 hourly and STTN depends on your baby. If they eat every 2-3 hours, you pump every 2-3 hours. Once they start STTN, you can too. Follow baby's cues :D

Don't pay for a pumping bra. Get an old or cheap one and cut small holes to fit the flanges through. Ta Da!

:haha: this just gives me images of the film mean girls! good idea though :)
Twinkie - Great job with how far you got! How are you feeling emotionally? I'm down to 5 pumps a day, and it's hard to see my supply drop. I'm down to 10-11 oz a day though. I think at this point, I'm ready for it all to be over. I am enjoying the new found freedom of not having to pump all the time though! It's nice to actually be able to cuddle DD and let her sleep on me without having to worry about needing to pump!

Mizzy - For a pumping bra, I made my own. Take a cheap sports bra, and cut holes where the nipples are. Your flanges should fit right in the holes and you can hook up the valves that way. It makes things 10x easier and is soo much cheaper then those expensive pumping bras. I've been using mine since the first month! And for pumping - I always read you should aim to pump 8-12 times a day for the first 12 weeks. It's basically supply and demand - you need to pump a lot to tell your body that you need a lot. Just like a newborn would feed a lot at the breast. You basically want to mimic a baby's feeds.

Dragonwings - wearing or not wearing a bra to bed never really made a difference to me either. I've read some women make more when they don't wear a bra to bed, but it never helped me. I doubt 1 day of a missed pump would hurt anything too much. I would try what Twinkie said - stick to your normal schedule or if you still see a decrease, try to add 1 more pump in.

LilMrs - Sounds like you definitely have an oversupply! That's a crazy amount! You should be very very proud of what you're doing. My story is similar to yours; LO was a lazy nurser and has a very tiny mouth and my breasts are huge. So all those factors caused nursing to not go well at all. I felt, and still feel, horrible that I couldn't breastfeed as it was something I wanted to do so badly. You're doing an amazing thing by pumping and still giving your LO your milk. Shows true dedication!
I missed a pump for the first time today. I usually pump every 3 hours but I thought at night I would stretch it to 3.5 or 4. Then I slept in an extra 30 minutes and my LO's feed was moved up 30 minutes at the hospital, so I would be pumping an hour before I tried to feed him, so I decided not to.

I leaked for the first time (strangely, out of my low-producing boob), and my boobs felt huge and sore. I also pumped 7.5 ounces (AFTER he fed)!!! That is huge for me, I usually get ~3.5 ounces!!
The first time I skipped a pumping session and went 6 hours, my breasts were swollen, lumpy, and painful. I soaked completely through my nursing pads, bra, and shirt, and when I took my bra off to pump, the milk started pouring out onto the floor! :haha: Even after all I'd lost through leakage, I still pumped over 14 oz. Couldn't believe it!

I think that was about 2 weeks after the twins were born. Now, I've gone as long as 9 hours, although I still get very full and leak of I go more than 5-6 hours. I think the most I've gotten in one session is 17.5 oz, but pumping every 4 hours I get about 8-9 oz each time.
The first time I skipped a pumping session and went 6 hours, my breasts were swollen, lumpy, and painful. I soaked completely through my nursing pads, bra, and shirt, and when I took my bra off to pump, the milk started pouring out onto the floor! :haha: Even after all I'd lost through leakage, I still pumped over 14 oz. Couldn't believe it!

I think that was about 2 weeks after the twins were born. Now, I've gone as long as 9 hours, although I still get very full and leak of I go more than 5-6 hours. I think the most I've gotten in one session is 17.5 oz, but pumping every 4 hours I get about 8-9 oz each time.


The most I've ever pumped was 14-15 ounces.
The first time I skipped a pumping session and went 6 hours, my breasts were swollen, lumpy, and painful. I soaked completely through my nursing pads, bra, and shirt, and when I took my bra off to pump, the milk started pouring out onto the floor! :haha: Even after all I'd lost through leakage, I still pumped over 14 oz. Couldn't believe it!

I think that was about 2 weeks after the twins were born. Now, I've gone as long as 9 hours, although I still get very full and leak of I go more than 5-6 hours. I think the most I've gotten in one session is 17.5 oz, but pumping every 4 hours I get about 8-9 oz each time.


The most I've ever pumped was 14-15 ounces.

My most is 23.5oz :blush:
I wish I had that kind of supply! The most I can get in a session is maybe 9oz. I believe I only get about 34 oz a day. I just started adding it up over the day. This is not enough to feed the girls. That's pumping every 2-3 hours as well. Any advice on how to increase my supply? It probably doesn't help that I've already started getting af.
I'm kind of frustrated. I just had a really disappointing pumping session. Only 2oz out of rightie (normally get 3+) and just 1.25oz out of leftie (closer to normal, usually get 1.5-2). Then I managed to knock the bottle from the right side off the coffee table, spill all over the couch, the floor, the coffee table, and my rented hospital pump. At that moment, DH came home from work. Fun.
My most is 23.5oz :blush:

WOW! That must have been painful!! When I get overfull and then pump, my boobs are always really sore for a while.

Honestly, at this point, it only starts getting painful for me after 7-8 hours. I started out pumping every 3 hours and got tired of it, so one day just decided to go as long as possible between pumps. I did it overnight so it wasn't too bad - woke up once in pain but went back to sleep - and ended up with a 12 hour gap between pumps. I got 23oz that time. Since then, I've been able to stretch pretty much as long as I want. It doesn't seem to bother my supply, oddly. :shrug:

I wish I had that kind of supply! The most I can get in a session is maybe 9oz. I believe I only get about 34 oz a day. I just started adding it up over the day. This is not enough to feed the girls. That's pumping every 2-3 hours as well. Any advice on how to increase my supply? It probably doesn't help that I've already started getting af.

I got AF back 30 days after my girls were born. It never messed with my supply, though I know a lot of women do have that problem. I've been averaging 60oz daily. I don't really have any advice, though, I'm sorry. :nope: My body just seems to naturally make a ton of milk, no matter what I do. I actually tried to quit after 2 weeks, because I was in so much pain, but all I managed was cutting my supply from 90oz daily to 60-70oz daily :wacko:
Thanks Shelby! I guess it's just my supply. I envy yours though. :thumbup:

I'm kind of frustrated. I just had a really disappointing pumping session. Only 2oz out of rightie (normally get 3+) and just 1.25oz out of leftie (closer to normal, usually get 1.5-2). Then I managed to knock the bottle from the right side off the coffee table, spill all over the couch, the floor, the coffee table, and my rented hospital pump. At that moment, DH came home from work. Fun.

:hugs: if you are anything like me it won't be the last time you spill I've spilled a couple bottles now. The first few times it made me really mad/sad now I just feel like a clumsy sleep deprived person.
Pumped again and it was a disappointingly low amount, but then I realized I didn't eat a very good dinner. Less calories in = less milk. Tomorrow I need to be sure and eat!!

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