Anyone else pumping for a baby in nicu? My little one is4 weeks old today and went to nicu at 2 days old with breathing probs. Turns out he has a heart problem and possible genetic condition that means we've been there ever since. In between the stress, having a toddler at home and boob pain I'm struggling to express even 6 times a day. And whilst my little one is ill I know it's the best for him.
However we now have other issues as it looks like he has reflux due to his condition as there are feeding problems related to it. They are supplementing his feeds with formula and adding fab icon as the want him back up to birth weight as he lost 16% in the first week. He was breastfeeding on demand at first but he had a major setback and went on a ventilator at 2 weeks old. So he is now tube fed every 2 hours and I'm finding it hard to keep up. My nipples an areolas are sore and starting to crack despite lanolin cream being liberally applied, I'm exhausted from the constant trips to hospital and not even feeling like I can g up in the night as I'm so tired.
Not looking for answers as such but just wanted somewhere to vent really. Thanks for listening xxx
Wow, I absolutely feel for you. My daughter was in the NICU for more than a month. She also had breathing problems, was on the ventilator, was tube fed etc etc. In my case, she is my first born, so I didn't have to worry about another little one. I used to pump at least every 3 hours. Initially, she was totally sedated and on IV fluids, so I had BM frozen from those days. This really helped with the stress of keeping up with the demand. I also rented a hospital pump for home, which really helped, and would pump regularly even when at the hospital.
I would say, just keep pumping as much as you can, but don't beat yourself about it. The stress of having a baby in the NICU itself affects supply. I tried to read a book or browse while pumping, it really helped with the supply, so I wasnt watching every drop and worrying if it was enough. If you need to supplement, that is ok too, so long as he is getting some BM. Also, check your pump settings and make sure its not too high. You should feel comfortable while pumping, ur nipples should not be hurting. Check the size of your phlange that its not too small or big. I really recommend that you try renting a hospital pump for a month and see if it helps supply.
I hope your little one comes home soon to you. My daughter came home with a feeding tube. Those days of round the clock pumping, feeding through the tube, washing etc etc was hard. But you learn to get through it.
PM me if you want any support or help. Good luck.