DH didn't quite get it when I explained.
Though, I know my mom understood completely because she's been a mom. I think this is an area where it may just come down to DH being a guy. So I'm just going to try to go "above and beyond" and do whatever extra I can.
That's relieving to hear about work! I was really hoping that'd be the case. I honestly feel that it will be the case for me. I almost feel like it's the light at the end of the tunnel. My biggest challenge eping right now is taking care of LO during the day while pumping. It's been trial and error on how to do both.
At work I have the conference room twice a day for 30 minutes. I'm going to try and get a short session in on my lunch. Though I realized I need to come up with a back up pumping location in the event that the conference room is occupied during my scheduled time. Sometimes it's occupied for the entire day, so I know we need to come up with a back up plan. I wish I had thought of it sooner, but I'll bring it up on my first day back.
I feel awful saying this, but I just look forward to the fact that I can pump in peace! I'll have some busy work I can work on.
I think hardest part for me will be getting in 1 session in during the middle of the night. Hopefully once everything gets established enough, I can hopefully drop that one.
Right now I'm just feeling overwhelmed. The thought of gathering and taking everything. I'll have my hands full (thankfully DH will be taking LO to daycare - I pick her up). I'll have to take my freestyle so I can pump on the way there (and possibly after work if I have somewhere else I have to go - like an appt or whatever). Then I'll have the Symphony for during work hours.
I want to get a plan in place for number of bottles needed, how I'm going to store them, etc. I think once I get a rough idea for this it'll make it a little easier. I'm sure I'll get into routine rather quickly.
Btw seaweed eater, have you tried those fenugreek bars yet? I saw your post on them and decided to get some myself. I tried my first one last night and second one day (I got the chocolate and the peanut butter).