I'm a newbie to expressing and it's taken me by surprise that I would be in this boat so I have a few questions I would love answers to if anyone can help.
How often do you pump? I'm doing 3-4 hourly on day and 4/5 hourly at night. I still feel engorged all the time.
Do I have to empty each breast? I have been pumping 10 mind each breast as told by hospital.
How long do you keep breast milk in fridge? I've been doing 24 hours.
Can I sterilise a few bottles at a time. Take them out and fasten them up empty and use them as and when or should I sterilse as I go along? I've been using a steam steriliser.
Is it normal for LO to cluster feed as if they are being directly breastfed?
I think that's all for now, thank you
x x
I would pump more often and for a little longer, IMO. Since babies feed every 2-3 hours (aside from cluster feeding) it is usually recommend to pump that frequent as well, so that your breasts refill as often as baby would feed. If I go to 3 hours, I'm usually uncomfortable. 2-3 hours is better. Maybe a little bit longer at night is ok but to much longer in the beginning.
Yes, you should ideally empty each breast. Not only does it train your body on how much milk to make but it gives a better ratio of fore milk to hind milk.
On average BM at room temperature is good for 4-5 hours (although you can actually go longer, sometimes up to 8 hours, 4-5 hours is the ideal time period) and BM in the fridge is good up to 4-5 days.
I don't sterilize but would imagine that you can do a few bottles at a time. I don't see why not, someone else can chime in.
I've noticed that my Son sometimes will want more food after an hour and half, rather than the 2-3 hour window but generally I get 2-3 hours after a bottle feed. My son is almost 9 weeks and I give him 4 oz at a time when I bottle feed expressed milk. He's 12 lbs.