*The Loo-La Ladies*

sorry I knocked right back out this morning :sleep: but I did make the buttons PLEASE let me know if you don't like them you will NOT hurt my feelings haha if you have any suggestions on a different one please let me know :D



awwww josy i want the sticker :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
i took the purple one :) thank you very much, i love the clothes on them and the rattler :) but, is it possible you could make a pink backround instead of blue or purple plleeeaaasssseee ( im pink obsessed :haha: ( for me, others can keep the blue or purple ) if you cant its cool i like the purple one and if you can there is no rush :) these are awesome though, thank you :hugs: xxx

god i sound really ungrateful or something :haha: im not, i really love them honestly :flower: i just love the colour pink :kiss: everything else on them are great and the blue and pink are lovely too so like i said if you cant, dont worry about it, :hugs: xxx
ur not out!! are you silly? haha. U dtd plenty the sperm will live inside for up to 5 days. In fact because I only BD before ovulation and not on the day of I did a research and people swear thats how you get a boy lol cause they swim slower but live longer so they'll be waiting for your egg to release

josy lol you have it the other way around :hugs: , its like the hare and the tortoise story, think of the girl sperm to be the tortoise and the boy sperm to be the hare the boy sperm are faster and therefor die quicker they're waiting on the egg long before the girl sperm reach it, the girl sperm take their time, thats why they say to have sex on the day of Ovulation and the day after as the boy sperm die quicker and are a lot faster than the girl sperm whereas if you want a girl to have sex on the days leading up to ovulation but not on ovulation

daisy i hope this bit of info helps you

(taken from babyhopes.com)

Determining when you ovulate is vital when you are learning how to conceive a boy. Shettles recommends that you have sex as early as 24 hours before ovulation to no more than 12 hours past ovulation in order to increase your chances of conceiving a boy. Having sex too far in advance to ovulation will dramatically decrease your chances of conceiving a boy. The timing of intercourse in relation to ovulation is a vital factor in increasing your chances of having a boy.

Shettles suggests three specific ways in which to do this.

1) Charting Cervical Mucus
Dr Shettes goes into full detail on how to chart your cervical mucus in Part Three of his book, How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby. You can download a blank CM chart in two different formats: PDF or Excel Spreadsheet.

With this method of determining when you ovulate, you access your cervical mucus on a daily basis. Right before you ovulate, your cervical mucus should be very watery and very elastic. It’s consistency should be that of raw egg white. Charting for more than a month before you attempt to conceive a boy is recommended so you can be CERTAIN that you are ovulating on a specific day.

Pdf Format
Excel Spreadsheet Format
2) Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Charting
Shettles also suggests that you use BBT charting along with charting your cervical mucus in order to gain as much information as possible in order to pinpoint when exactly you are ovulating. He goes into full detail on how to accurately chart your BBT in Part Three of his book. You can download a blank BBT chart in two different formats: PDF or Excel Spreadsheet. This chart also includes an area to record your Cervical Mucus assessments.

In order to chart your basal body temperature ( BBT ), you will need to purchase a basal thermometer. Before you get up each morning, you will take your temperature before you do ANYTHING. Any activity can lead to innacurate temperature readings. At the time of ovulation, you will see a spike in your temperature which will indicate that you have already ovulated. Considering that you need to have sex as close to ovulation as possible in order to increase your chances of having a boy, you will need to chart at least two months before you can make good use of the information that your charting reveals.

3) Using Ovulation Predictor Kits
The final way Shettles recommends for finding out the exact time you are ovulating is by using ovulation predictor kits. These kits detect when your body has released LH (Luteinizing Hormone), a precursor to ovulation. Dr. Shettles suggests testing twice a day in to make sure you catch the surge as early as possible. He recommends testing once between 11am and 3 pm and then again between 5pm and 10pm. When all factors are considered, ovulation will most likely occur about 24 hours after the time when you get a positive result for the lh surge on your ovulation predictor kit. Dr. Shettles offers indepth explanations on how to interpret the ovulation predictor kits in his book so be sure to read all the information he provides.

Store bought ovulation predictor kits can cost quite a bit, but we offer them here at BabyHopes.com for a very reasonable price. You can read the product specification of our ovulation predictor kits on our product desription page.

Frequency and Timing of Intercourse:
Shettles says in order to increase the chances of having a boy, you should have sex no earlier than 24 hours before ovulation to 12 hours after ovulation.

Intercourse closer to ovulation the faster but less robust Y (boy) sperm. The cervical mucus present at ovulation is less acidic and “slippery” enough to help the Y (boy) sperm reach the egg more quickly.

Sexual Position:
Shettles suggests that if you are trying to conceive a boy, deep penetration from your partner, preferably with the “doggy style” position, will deposit the sperm closer to the cervix giving the more aggressive and quicker moving “boy” sperm a head start to fertilizating the egg first.

Sex and Orgasms:
When trying to conceive a boy, Shettles suggests that orgasms during sex are a good thing as the body produces substances after orgasm that makes the vaginal environment more alkaline, which favors the “boy” sperm.

The contractions which accompany an orgasm help move the sperm up and into the cervix, giving the “boy” sperm an extra chance at being available when your egg is available for fertilization.

Considerations for the Men:
Have your partner wear boxers. Wearing tight fitting underwear increases the heat levels around the testes and can, in turn, lower the sperm count. Wearing loose fitting underwear helps keep the testes cooler.

Have your partner drink a caffeinated beverage right before sex. This makes the Y-Sperm more active.

this is just some info on if you want to conceive a boy and i know you have 2 wonderful girls, but your just so happy and bouncy that whatever the gender is, you will be thrilled :hugs: chin up hun xxxxxxx :hugs:
some more info on ttc a boy from justmommies.com

If you are trying to get pregnant with a boy there are some things you can do to improve your chances. You may have heard of the Shettles method for trying to conceive a specific gender. If you are interested in trying to conceive a boy, you may want to check out the book How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby by Dr. Landrum Shettles, M.D., Ph.D. The Shettles method is said to be about 80-90% effective for conceiving a boy when followed correctly.

Male sperm vs. female sperm
You probably know that the gender of your baby is determined by your partner’s sperm. Male sperm (Y chromosomes) are smaller and faster than female sperm (X chromosomes). They can get to the egg faster than the female sperm can but they are also more fragile.

When to have sex if you would like to conceive a boy
If you would like to conceive a boy, you will want to have intercourse as close to the time of ovulation as possible. Ideally, you will want to have intercourse on the day you ovulate.

Ovulation Kits and conceiving a boy
Using an ovulation prediction kit can be very helpful if you are trying to get pregnant with a boy. Try testing with it twice a day so that you can know precisely when you are about to ovulate. Ovulation kits work by detecting a surge in luteinizing hormone ( LH). You should see an LH surge about 12- 48 hours before you ovulate. You will want to wait to have sex until about 12 hours after you see your LH surge with an OPK.

When not to have sex if you want to conceive a boy
If you want to try to conceive a boy you will want to abstain from having sex or use a barrier method as soon as you start seeing fertile cervical mucous. Girl sperm are slower and more resilient. If you have intercourse before you ovulate you may increase your chances of having a girl. The closer you time intercourse to the day of ovulation the more likely your chances are of having a boy.

Drawbacks to trying to conceive a specific gender
Using the Shettles method is not a guarantee that you will conceive a boy and you may become frustrated if you do not get pregnant right away. By limiting the days you have sex to just the day of ovulation you may decrease your chances of getting pregnant. Consequently, if you are having problems achieving pregnancy, you may not want to attempt gender selection methods. The more days that you can have intercourse while you have fertile cervical mucous, the higher your chances of getting pregnant.
lol if you are ttc a girl and you get pg this cycle, it may just be a boy since you only do it on ovulation :lol: xxxx

and thank you for making a pink one for me :hugs::hugs:
Oh i dont really care what it is lol id love a girl cause the girl clothes r so cute but im a huge soccer fan so a lil boy i can put in the kits n stuff would be amazing haha
haha i dont mind what i had so long as its healthy but wheni do become pg, me and bf decided we would find out what were having if we can :lol: xxx
Yea i want to find out too just to be fully prepared and stuff :)
yeah it will be neat

LADIES....i seen a shooting star tonight, 2 of them :dance: bf told me to make a wish, cant tell you what it is but you have a good guess :winkwink: then he kissed me :kiss: it was like something out of the movies :dance: xxx
im really excited about this month, im not feeling anything, not een sure if i ovulated lol but if i did ive no symptoms, i dont think i did yet ?? but anyway im feeling positive :) xxx
Thanks ladies,You all will never know how good you make me feel so after I sat and cryed and was mad @ DH and he mad @ me I sat here thinking WAIT! I have a good DH and 2 daughters WHY am I being so selfish?
So I went and took a long shower and did more thinking,Then went with the dog for a walk when I came back DH STILL wasnt talking to me,I let him cool off and went to the store and grabbed a 6 pack,Were not big drinkers so well the 2 I had and the 4 he had were enough we talked and he said he felt bad feeling like he let me down and I told him I felt bad as I have been having him BD all week when the ovulation tests werent pos so we laughed and listened to some music for almost 3 hours..It was really nice.We came in as there was a chill and I wanted to change into my night wear usually loose fitting shorts and a tank top as it gets hot in our room sometimes,Well as I was changing DH REALLY shocked me he said LETS GO! I said where? i was seriously having a DUHH moment he said I want to make love to you and for the 1st tme ALL week that is what we did,And captin winky stood proud so I didnt break him or deflate DH testicals after all
I tested again this evening and says I am no longer ovulating but the beer could of weakened my urine as I did go a few times,I didnt get drunk but I was alittle buzzed LOL
DH is asleep,The girls and I went for ice cream and played yahtzee for a bit and I am having som e weird cramps like AF is here or coming,Guess it could be all the BD we have done LOL...I just want to say thanks ladies for all your insight and the info you gathered for me.The signatures look awesome now can someone tell me how I use it? I am unsure how to place it in my actual signature LOL....Hugs ladies and I think I will test again tomarrow to see what the tests looks like I mean it was SOOO pos today almost ALL the dye was @ the test line I was devastated thinking OMG we are going to miss it but I think we may of caught an egg and if not well there is always next month even though I would LOVE a November baby,My moms bday is Nov 6th and weird I had a Cheri reading last month and she said she seen November as being the month I find out or conceive or give birth,I dont hold alot of stock in what they say but it is fun and keeps me going @ times. (((((((((hugs))))))))))
yeah it will be neat

LADIES....i seen a shooting star tonight, 2 of them :dance: bf told me to make a wish, cant tell you what it is but you have a good guess :winkwink: then he kissed me :kiss: it was like something out of the movies :dance: xxx

:hugs: Awww that is so awesome and romantic!!! Love is in the air :hugs:
im really excited about this month, im not feeling anything, not een sure if i ovulated lol but if i did ive no symptoms, i dont think i did yet ?? but anyway im feeling positive :) xxx

Your chart is looking good hun FX for us all :hugs:
yes daisy you do have a lovely family and im sure if you were to add another little girl that would be lovely but a boy would be better :hugs: im glad you DH started it last night, it feels so much better knowing we're not pressuring them into it, altough mine NEVER starts it :growlmad: we didnt do it last night and i didnt do an opk yesterday, really wish i had as my temp was way up this moorning, could you ladies take a peek please :flower: and last night with the big shooting star, i had butterflies in my belly :dance: it was like when i first met him <3 xxxx
daisy here are the links for josy's pics for us (just take the space out at the end between the G and ] when you put it in your siggy)



https://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s263/josy0710/Image2-1.png[/IMG ]



https://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s263/josy0710/Image3-1.png[/IMG ]
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Ladies, have any of you seen this thread ?


i have mixed feelings on this and tbh, I mean NO offence to people who own them/collect them but i dont know weather to feel sad about these, or traumatised by them, some people get these dolls because they have no kids, or cant have kids and some ladies get them custom made to look like their little angel who may have been born asleep, i just feel sad when i see them dolls, what are your opinions on them, they are the weight of a new born and look real life :-k i think i would honestly be freaked out by them, but im just looking for opinions on them, and like i said i mean NO offence to people who own them or collect them, i just think the dolls are scary :dohh: xxx
Hi ladies,

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!:happydance:, This is such a great thread, and name, thanks sarah!!!!:hugs:.
Daisy, im hoping for a boy too, i have three girls, and a boy would make us complete, but saying that, i wouldnt really mind if its a girl as long as either is healthy.:flower:.
That information you gave sarah, was really excellent, i heard of it b4, but reading all that info, gives me a recap on what i need to do, come on 'O' im waiting:coffee:
thanks for putting the flasher icon to my name, not sure what to make of it, but it makes me crease up lol!!!!, so i like it girl.:haha:.
It was my 37th birthday yetsterday, didnt do much, as DH, had to go to his cousins wedding. I didnt go as i decided that i rather stay at home, and celabrate my b-day, with the girls instead. DH did make it up to me, with a sweet little cake, and a candle, when he got home last night, lots of flowers, and a stunning necklace. Also a wicked night of :sex:, god i was satified, to the max:winkwink:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Ladies, have any of you seen this thread ?


i have mixed feelings on this and tbh, I mean NO offence to people who own them/collect them but i dont know weather to feel sad about these, or traumatised by them, some people get these dolls because they have no kids, or cant have kids and some ladies get them custom made to look like their little angel who may have been born asleep, i just feel sad when i see them dolls, what are your opinions on them, they are the weight of a new born and look real life :-k i think i would honestly be freaked out by them, but im just looking for opinions on them, and like i said i mean NO offence to people who own them or collect them, i just think the dolls are scary :dohh: xxx
SARAH i watched a doc on tv about this, about couple of weeks back, the women really treat the dolls as real babies, they buy them cots, clothes, buggys, and car seats. They even change there dappers, even if there is nothing to change. One lady went all the way to florida to collect hers, and her own mother went along with her, and they both were so excited, when collected her. I thought they lost the plot:wacko:. I mean i can see lady being excited, cos she never had kids, BUT HER MOTHER:dohh:, Oh come on, please!!!!!

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