Bloody preggo hormones, I am sat here bawling I'm so happy for you JennJenn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the best news!!!!!!!!!!!
Been thinking about you all day - could barely wait to get online but haven't had 5 minutes until now!
Twice on "O" day too!!!! - doesn't Shettles make that a blue bump hehe?!
Thanks Miss Lucy Lu. I'm excited but trying not to focus on it in case things go south. But my DH seems to be happy and we'll just go week by week! I'm very lucky and I just hope those w/ greater struggles get their bfp soon as well. Our plan was to try for a boy...so fingers crossed it will be 2 against 3 and not 4 against 1....
I will most definitely find out the sex! Hopefully around 13 weeks. I am considered high risk so I'll go in for an early scan.