Hey ladies, I need a bit of reassurance! Managing to worry myself probably for no reason as usual, but feeling a bit low and OH is away on a stag do until tmrw so feeling a bit cr*ppy that he is not here.
Didn't want to steal JM's thunder as it is all so exciting about Evie!!!...but I had a 28wk midwife appointment yesterday and she sent me in for a growth scan today as I was only measuring 25wks. Well, baby's size is absolutely fine, which is a huge relief, but it's laying sideways. (No wonder I've been feeling so uncomfortable

. My back aches a lot and I feel like the baby is stretching me from left to right trying to get into a space that isn't there!

). Anyway I did a silly and started googling and it sounds like a lot of babies have got their heads down by this point. I've know I've got some time yet, but what if it doesn't move down????!!

. Scared I am gonna end up with a c-section around Xmas time and I really don't want to be away from our little boy for 3 nights!

...Sorry I know there is worse that could happen, just feeling a bit apprehensive about it all...