!!The Milky Mommy Weightloss Thread!!

btw i love your lo's hair colour. my youngest 3 are red heads but its more strawberry blonde nowhere near as dark as that, its lovely
I've always felt kind of awkward trying to do something in front of the TV... workout, yoga, whatever. :shrug: Maybe it takes getting used to.

Doing my weigh in today, if that's okay! 204 this morning. :sigh: I wish this would go down faster! :brat:

And I'll probably undo a few weeks worth of loss tomorrow. It's my b-day and I will no doubt overindulge. :dohh:
FsMummy- Ohh I used to do tae bo too! I could swear I had a tae bo DVD before...Billy Blanks boot camp or something like that, I think I'll have to dig to see if I have it still. And thanks about Emma's hair!! It's one of the few things she inherited from me. Do you have red hair as well? I hope all my babies end up with it. :cloud9:

TL- That's a lb. loss right? I gotta look at the front page to check, but that's still awesome! I've been reading that losing it slow and steady is the best way because you're less likely to gain it all back that way. If that makes sense. :D Off to update the front post. :flower:
Does anyone feel completely stupid doing DVD workouts in front of the tv? I did a few 10 minute workouts last night off of netflix because it was raining and I couldn't walk outside. And they were fairly fun but at the same time, I felt like a complete moron. I know for a fact that I don't look the same as the lady on the TV. :rofl: Her moves are so perfect and I'm swinging limbs in all directions trying to keep up because I've never done it before so have no clue what she's doing. It also doesn't help that I'm tall and my living room has a ceiling fan so every time I have to lift my arms for a move, I punch the ceiling fan by accident. :dohh::rofl::rofl:
I do!
I do a DVD workout every day, except for the days OH is hope. I just know he'd bust a gut laughing at how stupid I look!!
I am almost embarrassed to do it in front of Emma.. LOL!! She just sits watching me with a confused look on her face.

And this convo reminds me of a review I read on amazon for this workout DVD. I'm going to copy and paste because it made me laugh SO hard reading it. I gotta go find it...

Okay..This is a review left by an M. Cruz for the Pussycat Doll Fitness DVD :rofl::
It's Monday, January 4th. First day back at work. All day long I am mentally psyching myself up to workout because, let's face it, if I loved working out I wouldn't resort to buying a Pussycat Dolls (PCD) Workout DVD at 1:38 am in the morning on Amazon.com. I would be asleep and wake up to take a nice walk. But no. I hate exercise, but love dancing.

It's 5 pm, I drive home, change into workout clothes, take the dog outside, and I put the DVD in.

The cheesy music starts and they show close-ups of the PCD girls and they're all sex-ified. Lovely. This DVD is made for 14 year old boys. I am kind of standing there waiting for the darn intro to finish. Robin Antin is apparently the "creator" (or pimp, your call) of the PCD group and she's going on and on about how great this video is. If you do it daily, you'll look like them in no time!
During this intro all I can think about is 1 thing:

This was probably a waste of $8.

But, I am still optimistic, and I even have a water bottle nearby because clearly to look like them, you gotta work out HARD. Sweat, get sore, be outta breath.

The first part of the workout (a term they use loosely, you'll see why) is set to their popular song "Don't Cha".

It starts off, and Robin is the one giving the instructions and it's easy. If you can walk forward 3 steps and place your hand on your hips on step 4, you've got 1/4 of the darn routine down. If you can do so while trying to act sexy, you've got another 1/4 of it down.

I'm doing it, and I keep thinking to myself that I am not remotely sweaty. Not even out of breath. I look at my dog and he's doing the routine because it's that easy.

At this point I also realize that none of the girls look familiar and this is because it's the PCD from the burlesque show and not PCD the um "singing" group (wink, wink). But this doesn't bother me any, because they all look the same to me. Nicole, the lead "singer", does come out during the 3rd routine to the song "Buttons" if that matters to you or your husband.

It takes about 15 minutes for Robin to teach you the routine, and during these 15 minutes she also mentions a bajillion times that once you do this DVD you'll really start to see results and get better at the dances. Really? Seriously? If you did this DVD everyday you'd be BORED TO TEARS like another reviewer said. Finally, it's time for you to perform the routine from start to finish. How long is the routine? Oh, roughly 30 seconds long. I'll even summarize it for you:

<cue the music>

Bow chicka bow wow.

Walk 3 steps, place hands on hips on 4. Shake your hips while doing so. Leave lips slightly open to look sexy.

Do a casual wave of the arm while "hot like me" is playing.

Bend down to the left and right, run your hands up your thighs, slap your butt cheeks once on each side. (yes, butt cheeks- make sure you slap both- no cheating! This is EXERCISE!)

Bend down again and on random beats pop your chest out- this will happen 3 times. Pop what your momma gave ya.

Do some random kickboxing like moves. If it helps, pretend your kicking your PCD DVD into the trash. It helps.

<cue music still playing but the routine you learned is over>

What to do now? The girls on the DVD are practicing their pole moves, I guess I'll do that.

Oh wait, here we go AGAIN.

Walk 3 steps, place hands on hips on 4. Shake your hips while doing so. Leave lips slightly open to look sexy.

Do a casual wave of the arm while "hot like me" is playing.

I think you get the point. You do the "routine" about 5+ times during the song and in between each set you just freestyle some stripper moves hoping your husband/boyfriend/child doesn't walk into the door to see you swinging your hair around while you're in sweatpants.

Not being too impressed with the first routine, I did decide to move onto the next routine. Maybe they get progressively harder, I thought to myself.

Up next, burlesque. More stripper moves.

Robin starts off the segment by telling you to get a boa or a men's tie. I don't have a boa, and my hubby does have a lot of ties, but they're zipper ties. Not gonna work. I finally found a suitable replacement...a pashmina.

The beautiful, magenta pashmina given to me by a friend/co-worker for Christmas. It is gorgeous.

The burlesque routine starts off and you hold the boa/pashmina over your head and move your hips from side-to-side. Then, you turn to the right and rub the pashmina over your chest and lift your leg up and rub it on your leg, too. Alright. You're supposed to do all that in like 3 seconds. FAST. They look all hot doing it, and I almost broke the coffee table trying to do it fast and getting my foot caught in the pashmina.

And this next move nearly caused a HUGE problem.

You take the boa (or my pashmina, which is considerably larger/heavier than a boa) and you swing it to the left and right. It basically slaps down onto the floor and you snap it back up and repeat on the opposite side. I did this forgetting that there is an obstacle to all this.

It's called a ceiling fan. The noise and movement my ceiling fan made when I whipped my pashmina up into it nearly made me shart myself. But after I consoled my dog, I went back to the routine. I decided to just not do the whipping/swinging of the pashmina, and I'd be good, right?


After you rub the boa against your girls, your legs, whip it left and right without killing yourself or your animals, you're supposed to turn to the left, slap the boa onto the floor so that it GOES BETWEEN YOUR LEGS and you grab it with one hand behind/near your butt so you can like rub it between your crotch and look all silly and sexy.

I watched the PCD do this, and I looked at my pashmina, and I want to say I called it quits.

But I didn't.

I tried it once. JUST ONCE.

Okay, twice.

And I couldn't grab it behind my butt fast enough because I am like, ya know, FAT. And my butt is FAT, too. And so are my arms. Ugh.

I whipped my pashmina onto the floor so that it went between my legs and it was just ewww. No way I was going to rub my pashmina into my nether regions like I am trying to hump it or something.


The third routine is set to their song "Buttons" but the only button I pushed was stop on the DVD player. I have tried a ton of workout DVDs, and I have to say this was the most awful one. It's not hard, you could cause bodily harm to humans/animals, and it's a waste of $8. Well, more if you don't have a boa and have to buy one.

Bottom line, don't buy it.

Bottom line #2, don't look at me funny when you see me wear my magenta pashmina.
I cant be bothered with workout vids :rofl:

I really havent done much this week :(

Had a pj day today, not eaten badly but just had a small choccie bar. Had 6 hob nobs last night :(
:lol: wish it was!

I just ate some chips (fries) :( this week is not going well!
You said that last week and you still lost over 2 lbs. :D Don't beat yourself up. Go do a workout DVD and make yourself look and feel like a fool. :haha:
I am almost embarrassed to do it in front of Emma.. LOL!! She just sits watching me with a confused look on her face.

And this convo reminds me of a review I read on amazon for this workout DVD. I'm going to copy and paste because it made me laugh SO hard reading it. I gotta go find it...

Okay..This is a review left by an M. Cruz for the Pussycat Doll Fitness DVD :rofl::
It's Monday, January 4th. First day back at work. All day long I am mentally psyching myself up to workout because, let's face it, if I loved working out I wouldn't resort to buying a Pussycat Dolls (PCD) Workout DVD at 1:38 am in the morning on Amazon.com. I would be asleep and wake up to take a nice walk. But no. I hate exercise, but love dancing.

It's 5 pm, I drive home, change into workout clothes, take the dog outside, and I put the DVD in.

The cheesy music starts and they show close-ups of the PCD girls and they're all sex-ified. Lovely. This DVD is made for 14 year old boys. I am kind of standing there waiting for the darn intro to finish. Robin Antin is apparently the "creator" (or pimp, your call) of the PCD group and she's going on and on about how great this video is. If you do it daily, you'll look like them in no time!
During this intro all I can think about is 1 thing:

This was probably a waste of $8.

But, I am still optimistic, and I even have a water bottle nearby because clearly to look like them, you gotta work out HARD. Sweat, get sore, be outta breath.

The first part of the workout (a term they use loosely, you'll see why) is set to their popular song "Don't Cha".

It starts off, and Robin is the one giving the instructions and it's easy. If you can walk forward 3 steps and place your hand on your hips on step 4, you've got 1/4 of the darn routine down. If you can do so while trying to act sexy, you've got another 1/4 of it down.

I'm doing it, and I keep thinking to myself that I am not remotely sweaty. Not even out of breath. I look at my dog and he's doing the routine because it's that easy.

At this point I also realize that none of the girls look familiar and this is because it's the PCD from the burlesque show and not PCD the um "singing" group (wink, wink). But this doesn't bother me any, because they all look the same to me. Nicole, the lead "singer", does come out during the 3rd routine to the song "Buttons" if that matters to you or your husband.

It takes about 15 minutes for Robin to teach you the routine, and during these 15 minutes she also mentions a bajillion times that once you do this DVD you'll really start to see results and get better at the dances. Really? Seriously? If you did this DVD everyday you'd be BORED TO TEARS like another reviewer said. Finally, it's time for you to perform the routine from start to finish. How long is the routine? Oh, roughly 30 seconds long. I'll even summarize it for you:

<cue the music>

Bow chicka bow wow.

Walk 3 steps, place hands on hips on 4. Shake your hips while doing so. Leave lips slightly open to look sexy.

Do a casual wave of the arm while "hot like me" is playing.

Bend down to the left and right, run your hands up your thighs, slap your butt cheeks once on each side. (yes, butt cheeks- make sure you slap both- no cheating! This is EXERCISE!)

Bend down again and on random beats pop your chest out- this will happen 3 times. Pop what your momma gave ya.

Do some random kickboxing like moves. If it helps, pretend your kicking your PCD DVD into the trash. It helps.

<cue music still playing but the routine you learned is over>

What to do now? The girls on the DVD are practicing their pole moves, I guess I'll do that.

Oh wait, here we go AGAIN.

Walk 3 steps, place hands on hips on 4. Shake your hips while doing so. Leave lips slightly open to look sexy.

Do a casual wave of the arm while "hot like me" is playing.

I think you get the point. You do the "routine" about 5+ times during the song and in between each set you just freestyle some stripper moves hoping your husband/boyfriend/child doesn't walk into the door to see you swinging your hair around while you're in sweatpants.

Not being too impressed with the first routine, I did decide to move onto the next routine. Maybe they get progressively harder, I thought to myself.

Up next, burlesque. More stripper moves.

Robin starts off the segment by telling you to get a boa or a men's tie. I don't have a boa, and my hubby does have a lot of ties, but they're zipper ties. Not gonna work. I finally found a suitable replacement...a pashmina.

The beautiful, magenta pashmina given to me by a friend/co-worker for Christmas. It is gorgeous.

The burlesque routine starts off and you hold the boa/pashmina over your head and move your hips from side-to-side. Then, you turn to the right and rub the pashmina over your chest and lift your leg up and rub it on your leg, too. Alright. You're supposed to do all that in like 3 seconds. FAST. They look all hot doing it, and I almost broke the coffee table trying to do it fast and getting my foot caught in the pashmina.

And this next move nearly caused a HUGE problem.

You take the boa (or my pashmina, which is considerably larger/heavier than a boa) and you swing it to the left and right. It basically slaps down onto the floor and you snap it back up and repeat on the opposite side. I did this forgetting that there is an obstacle to all this.

It's called a ceiling fan. The noise and movement my ceiling fan made when I whipped my pashmina up into it nearly made me shart myself. But after I consoled my dog, I went back to the routine. I decided to just not do the whipping/swinging of the pashmina, and I'd be good, right?


After you rub the boa against your girls, your legs, whip it left and right without killing yourself or your animals, you're supposed to turn to the left, slap the boa onto the floor so that it GOES BETWEEN YOUR LEGS and you grab it with one hand behind/near your butt so you can like rub it between your crotch and look all silly and sexy.

I watched the PCD do this, and I looked at my pashmina, and I want to say I called it quits.

But I didn't.

I tried it once. JUST ONCE.

Okay, twice.

And I couldn't grab it behind my butt fast enough because I am like, ya know, FAT. And my butt is FAT, too. And so are my arms. Ugh.

I whipped my pashmina onto the floor so that it went between my legs and it was just ewww. No way I was going to rub my pashmina into my nether regions like I am trying to hump it or something.


The third routine is set to their song "Buttons" but the only button I pushed was stop on the DVD player. I have tried a ton of workout DVDs, and I have to say this was the most awful one. It's not hard, you could cause bodily harm to humans/animals, and it's a waste of $8. Well, more if you don't have a boa and have to buy one.

Bottom line, don't buy it.

Bottom line #2, don't look at me funny when you see me wear my magenta pashmina.

I was laughing so hard I almost peed myself reading that! But that pretty much sums up quite a few workout DVDs I've tried. Anyone ever hear of the Carmen Electra "striptease" workout DVDs? Those were about the same!
Hob nobs with cream cheese on them.... Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm :munch:
uuuummmmmmmmm ........... ********* Hob nobssssssss ********** .......... uuuuuuummmmmmmm. Just after I had Erin, my DH would buy the dark choc ones as a treat for me. Only problems is, I would eat the whole pack in one go!!! Not such a good idea!

Ikwym about the DVD workouts! Although, I felt much better doing one of the Davina McCall ones as she is such a loon herself, it seems to make me feel better. I was laughing at the same time and moving like an idiot! Might have to get it back out!
Cleckner :haha::haha::haha:

3lb down for me ladies :thumbup:

Good luck milky mummies!!
Redrose thats great :)

I had a chip sandwich last night :nope:

Now am really fancying choc hob nobs again :rofl:

WILL i be good today? Need to go food shopping really as nothing healthy in now, just convenience stuff!
i have been hiding from here ladies. have had a bit of a miserable time- two colds and then this week have allowed my biscuits with tea habit to resurface.

so barely any walking, as i havnt felt well and now i think im around the 191lb margin.

i feel more motivated today!

how is everyone?
:shock: Well my hard work this week has paid off. I worked my ass off to not gain during AF. I am down to 219!!! Which means I had a 3.4 lb loss this week. :wacko: I am hoping I maintain this because it's almost too hard to believe. :dance:

Off to update the front post!! Redrose- you did awesome too!! Congrats hun!! :yipee:
Congratulations to the ladies who lost! Great job!
I managed to maintain *again* this week.
It surprised the hell out of me though, because I had a crap week and only worked out once!! I did keep up with the healthy eating though, so that must have helped!

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