Great thread!
Interestingly, the most hurtful comment I have had so far in this TTC rollercoaster was adoption-related, but not intended for us. It still hurt like hell though. Let me explain:
My husband and I have been dealing with female factor infertility for a while now. We may be able to do IUI, which we would love to try up to a few times, but we would struggle to afford IVF (no insurance coverage). So if IVF becomes our only option, we may have to forego that entirely and keep trying on our own for another while (possibly with medication) hoping for a miracle, and if that still doesn't work, we really want to look into adoption. For us we think it's the right choice, and we feel called to foster care. A personal decision and I fully understand adoption (foster care or private or international) is not an option for everyone and I don't get how people do NOT get that.
On to the hurtful comment, or rather, discussion:
A couple weeks ago, my mother in law invited us for dinner at her place on a Saturday night. She had also invited a friendly couple of hers who we also know very well (my husband and the couple's first son are childhood friends). It was just the 5 of us - me and DH, my mother in law, and the other couple. I should also say that none of them knows about our fertility struggles or our thoughts about possible adoption later. So at some point the other lady mentions a friend of hers who had adopted children through foster care, completely randomly, as part of another discussion we were having. As soon as my MIL hears the words 'foster care' she goes 'oh my God!' in a way as if to say 'is she crazy? what was she thinking? why would anyone want to do that?' - that sort of thing

. And the more the friend goes on about the foster care babies and how some of them were born addicted to drugs etc. the more my MIL keeps looking and acting disgusted/surprised/shocked that anyone would want to to get into this mess that are foster care kids

. Then the other lady mentions that she's thought about fostering kids a few times (she has three grown up sons and their first grand kid on the way), but that her husband is not crazy about the idea, and my mother in law rushes to tell the husband '(friend's name), wait for your own'

. I cannot begin to describe the feelings that went through my head during that short conversation. I was in a pretty good mood all night and those 2-3 minutes completely ruined it. All I wanted was to get up and leave asap. I didn't even want to look at my MIL at that point, this is how hurt I was. She's generally a good and caring person, but sometimes she's so insensitive and immature, and she just doesn't think before reacting. She couldn't imagine that she may have been hurting/offending anyone, but she didn't have to act so negatively about foster care adoption - what's so horrible about it anyway?Ugh!

Of course MIL never had a problem getting pregnant to either my husband or her daughter well into her 30s, so she couldn't have known the dilemmas of infertility. That took me several days to get over. I was really mad at her for days after that night
The irony of that night? The other couple are expecting their first grand child in a few months, as I mentioned. They had only announced it recently and that was the first time we were seeing them after the announcement (the pregnant couple lives in another state). I went the whole day stressing about how excited they were going to be about their daughter in law's pregnancy, how they wouldn't shut up about it, unknowingly adding insult to injury for me and DH etc. etc. I went prepared for a tough and emotional evening

. Well, guess what - the baby on the way was miraculously only brought up very briefly, and then the subject moved on to other things and it was never discussed again. I couldn't believe how smoothly the night was going, up until the end when my own mother in law unknowingly had all those stupid reactions about foster care adoption, completely and unexpectedly ruining my mood...

I did only manage to say 'you never know what happens sometimes' and MIL agreed, but I bet she had no idea what I was really implying and what she was agreeing to

I do think though that her friend might have gotten what I meant. She's smarter than my MIL