The NEVER had a BFP thread. Lets stick together ladies!

I need some opinions - so I am currently on like CD42 or something (I am not looking at my calendar, so I can't say for 100% but it's close lol) and 3 days ago I decided to start temping with my new thermometer and my first day was 97.24 at 6:55am - next day, dropped to 96.8, and this morning it was 96.78 .... the day it was 97.24, I also had that weird twingy feeling in my ovaries, and I again was thinking maybe my period was going to start - but after seeing my temp change .... is there a chance I could have ovulated?! I wish I would have been charting just a couple days prior so I could see if there was more of a difference; but I am almost thinking maybe ... just maybe I may have ovulated? I don't know ... I've never ovulated before as far as I know ..... so maybe the HSG and the metformin are helping? But I still haven't started AF and it's been a super long cycle, but sometimes that doesn't mean you won't O ... I just wanted thoughts lol Thanks ladies

What kind of thermometer are you using? I am finally temping correctly fret temping for a few months and I am kind of starting to understand my cycles. Lol

I'm using the Walgreens one - this is my 2nd one; the first one died. I don't think it was working correctly after all is said and done .... but this one sure does :)

The Walgreen ones are very faulty. I was asking because those temps you mentioned are the same temps I was getting over and over again. I then saw on here that everyone that used a Walgreens one had the same problem. It seems to choose favorite temps.
I had a rough couple days after they said they think I may have endo .... and you know what, after reading about it (ok, well my hubby obsessed himself with it all day and read everything there is to know about it) I know that's not it. So I don't know what they're talking about - but I know I don't have that. I think I had a cyst, or something else. But it's not endo. I am so sure of that, I'm not even going to think about it or consider it. Silly doctors trying to get me freaked out .... not going to work!

(let's just hope that's the case come the 20th ....LOL)

I have a question about CM though .... I don't get this stuff .... so if you feel any kind of twinges in your ovaries, if you ovulate - your CM will be a certain consistency? Right? Is that how I need to understand this? Should it be super thick, liquidy, what? Is it bad if it's really thick? Or is that how it should be? I don't think I fully understand this.

I'm on CD39. Stupid, stupid long cycles. *sigh*

Im just curious. How is it that you are positive that you do not have endo? I myself have no symptoms but I SAW the endo. They took pics of it during my surgery. Im not trying to be negative but I dont think being in denial is healthy. My cousin has it as well and within 3 months of having a lot of it removed she got pregnant. KNOWING was the best thing for her because it allowed her to be treated and get pregnant.

Because my nurse jumped to that being the cause of what happened within 30 seconds of me telling her, over the phone, of the event that lead me to call her. I had horrible cramps after sex for like 40 minutes - she said, "Well that sounds like endometriosis" after googling and reading up about it, it sounds absolutely nothing like what I had. So I think she should have just kept her mouth shut and not said anything - she could have just said that she'll write that down for the doctor and if it doesn't happen again, they'll just see me on the 20th. Because she wasn't worried about me getting in right that second. It's hardly denial - I am never in denial about anything. I go to the doctor all the time; if it's endo - they'll find it. I don't think it is. I have everything else under the sun wrong with me, and most of the time I am absolutely sure of what I have and I have no problems accepting and working around whatever pops up - in this case, I really don't think that's it.

But, if it is - I'll find out on the 20th and we will figure out a way to work around that too. I just stay positive because there's no point of being negative about it, I get bummed out and deflated from time to time - but, that's not helping make a baby so I just choose to stay positive and all that good happy stuff LOL :happydance: If it wasn't for my husband pumping me full of sunshine and glitter, I'm pretty sure I'd lock myself in a dark basement and be convinced my life was over. So, it's artificial positivity a lot of the time I think - but whatever - I'll take it LOL :happydance:

Aww, sounds like you have a wonderful hubby. I myself am a nurse and I agree that she shouldnt have said that. Thats a big one to just throw out there at someone. To be fair, and dont attack me lol, you did say "doctors". Ive had pain after sex from a cyst rupturing. Quite painful
I hope they can figure it out. I do have to say, the only reason they found out both me and my mom have it, was during surgery they saw it. Otherwise they never would have diagnosed it
I had a rough couple days after they said they think I may have endo .... and you know what, after reading about it (ok, well my hubby obsessed himself with it all day and read everything there is to know about it) I know that's not it. So I don't know what they're talking about - but I know I don't have that. I think I had a cyst, or something else. But it's not endo. I am so sure of that, I'm not even going to think about it or consider it. Silly doctors trying to get me freaked out .... not going to work!

(let's just hope that's the case come the 20th ....LOL)

I have a question about CM though .... I don't get this stuff .... so if you feel any kind of twinges in your ovaries, if you ovulate - your CM will be a certain consistency? Right? Is that how I need to understand this? Should it be super thick, liquidy, what? Is it bad if it's really thick? Or is that how it should be? I don't think I fully understand this.

I'm on CD39. Stupid, stupid long cycles. *sigh*

Im just curious. How is it that you are positive that you do not have endo? I myself have no symptoms but I SAW the endo. They took pics of it during my surgery. Im not trying to be negative but I dont think being in denial is healthy. My cousin has it as well and within 3 months of having a lot of it removed she got pregnant. KNOWING was the best thing for her because it allowed her to be treated and get pregnant.

Because my nurse jumped to that being the cause of what happened within 30 seconds of me telling her, over the phone, of the event that lead me to call her. I had horrible cramps after sex for like 40 minutes - she said, "Well that sounds like endometriosis" after googling and reading up about it, it sounds absolutely nothing like what I had. So I think she should have just kept her mouth shut and not said anything - she could have just said that she'll write that down for the doctor and if it doesn't happen again, they'll just see me on the 20th. Because she wasn't worried about me getting in right that second. It's hardly denial - I am never in denial about anything. I go to the doctor all the time; if it's endo - they'll find it. I don't think it is. I have everything else under the sun wrong with me, and most of the time I am absolutely sure of what I have and I have no problems accepting and working around whatever pops up - in this case, I really don't think that's it.

But, if it is - I'll find out on the 20th and we will figure out a way to work around that too. I just stay positive because there's no point of being negative about it, I get bummed out and deflated from time to time - but, that's not helping make a baby so I just choose to stay positive and all that good happy stuff LOL :happydance: If it wasn't for my husband pumping me full of sunshine and glitter, I'm pretty sure I'd lock myself in a dark basement and be convinced my life was over. So, it's artificial positivity a lot of the time I think - but whatever - I'll take it LOL :happydance:

Aww, sounds like you have a wonderful hubby. I myself am a nurse and I agree that she shouldnt have said that. Thats a big one to just throw out there at someone. To be fair, and dont attack me lol, you did say "doctors". Ive had pain after sex from a cyst rupturing. Quite painful
I hope they can figure it out. I do have to say, the only reason they found out both me and my mom have it, was during surgery they saw it. Otherwise they never would have diagnosed it

I did say doctors....that's habit.....most nurses I know should he doctors with as much as they know LOL I did mean nurses though...just typed doctors by accident :) but I love my nurse, I do.... I think she's just too comfortable with me sometimes and she just says whatever she's thinking because 99% of the time I never take it personally or freak out. But that time, she freaked me out haha

I'm really looking forward to my appointment, so I can figure out what in the world it was. I've never felt a cyst rupture before, but I can def say that if that's what it was - I really, really don't know how in the hell women give birth naturally because I had never felt pain down there like that. It takes a lot to topple me over in pain and man oh man that did it. I wanted to puke and scream and cry and die all at the same time. I hope I never feel that again ever.
I need some opinions - so I am currently on like CD42 or something (I am not looking at my calendar, so I can't say for 100% but it's close lol) and 3 days ago I decided to start temping with my new thermometer and my first day was 97.24 at 6:55am - next day, dropped to 96.8, and this morning it was 96.78 .... the day it was 97.24, I also had that weird twingy feeling in my ovaries, and I again was thinking maybe my period was going to start - but after seeing my temp change .... is there a chance I could have ovulated?! I wish I would have been charting just a couple days prior so I could see if there was more of a difference; but I am almost thinking maybe ... just maybe I may have ovulated? I don't know ... I've never ovulated before as far as I know ..... so maybe the HSG and the metformin are helping? But I still haven't started AF and it's been a super long cycle, but sometimes that doesn't mean you won't O ... I just wanted thoughts lol Thanks ladies

What kind of thermometer are you using? I am finally temping correctly fret temping for a few months and I am kind of starting to understand my cycles. Lol

I'm using the Walgreens one - this is my 2nd one; the first one died. I don't think it was working correctly after all is said and done .... but this one sure does :)

The Walgreen ones are very faulty. I was asking because those temps you mentioned are the same temps I was getting over and over again. I then saw on here that everyone that used a Walgreens one had the same problem. It seems to choose favorite temps.

The only reason I believe mine to be correct, is because even at the doctors office in the middle of the afternoon when I'm sick my temp is never more than like 97.9 so I never.hit the '98.6' temp scale, so the low temps for me are normal. I thought mine was broken also at first until I realized they can't be abnormal because my active-middle-of-the-day temps aren't even all that high haha
I'm feeling hopeful again, as I just spent several hours reading about the benefits of royal jelly. In fact I read pages and pages of a forum thread of ladies who were doing IUI and IVF, and after taking royal jelly for 3 months, a lot of them were getting BFPs either naturally or having successful IVFs!
Sooo that said, it's going on the long list of supplements. Like I needed something else to take lol.
Hey yall just checking in here. I am currently 6-7DPO and had a slight dip in temp this morning. I am not sure what is really going on but I am still trying to keep positive. Hope all of yall are doing well still! I have been busy with work and school (got a 96 on my first bio test!)
My period just started!!!! All by itself!!!! With no provera!!!!!! I am so excited right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I came RUNNING into the bedroom and jumped on my husband and said "HUNNNNI!!!! GUESSS WHAAAAAAAATT???" hahah He just laughed and said, "You are the biggest dork" after I told him :D ahahah

I am just tickled to death about this. Now, I am hoping it lasts only a week and that I can get a good charting this cycle :D
Ok :( Maybe it was a false alarm. I had little twinges yesterday like I was going to start, and then today earlier it was like the brownish/pink and now nothing - like it didn't even happen and I am just seeing things. *sigh*

Maybe I just got too hopeful.
Ok :( Maybe it was a false alarm. I had little twinges yesterday like I was going to start, and then today earlier it was like the brownish/pink and now nothing - like it didn't even happen and I am just seeing things. *sigh*

Maybe I just got too hopeful.

awwww.. I'm sorry! Hopefully it does show its face. :(
Ok :( Maybe it was a false alarm. I had little twinges yesterday like I was going to start, and then today earlier it was like the brownish/pink and now nothing - like it didn't even happen and I am just seeing things. *sigh*

Maybe I just got too hopeful.

it sounds like you could be spotting, which can turn into the real thing.
Just know that for charting, you are only supposed to count as CD1 when you get flow that requires a pad. Otherwise it's considered spotting.
If it helps any, I'm also getting that type of spotting - for the past few days - and am impatiently waiting to see if it will turn into the real thing. For me, I know it's a mark of low progesterone and/or luteal phase defect ( even tho I didn't ovulate this cycle), and I've started taking B 50 complex as that is supposed to help greatly with those issues.
^ I had no idea spotting could mean that!!

It's so crazy what our bodies do ... I am hoping that it starts again tomorrow. I really, really just want it to start already lol And I have a Dr appointment on the 20th and that's another follow up pap from my LEEP back at the first of the year, so I really want AF to be done and gone by then.

I swear, only women with fertility issues can truly appreciate how happy a time your period can be .... lol
^ I had no idea spotting could mean that!!

It's so crazy what our bodies do ... I am hoping that it starts again tomorrow. I really, really just want it to start already lol And I have a Dr appointment on the 20th and that's another follow up pap from my LEEP back at the first of the year, so I really want AF to be done and gone by then.

I swear, only women with fertility issues can truly appreciate how happy a time your period can be .... lol

If you know that you have PCOS there are a lot of things you can do to 'fix' yourself, without having to resort to fertilty drugs.
Charting, which you're already doing, is really really important, as it will tell you if/when you ovulate. If you do ovulate, it'll tell you if your luteal phase is long enough to sustain implantation, and if your progesterone is too low.
Case in point, spotting. Spotting can be caused by a few things, but one reason is low progesterone.

Now if you're trying to get your cycles back on track, you can try a few different things, or use them all at once.
- Vitex/agnus cactus is a gentle herb that helps balance your hormone levels. With PCOS your estrogen is dominate and your progesterone is too low, so you don't ovulate properly. Vitex helps get them back in balance.
- B vitamin complex has lots of success stories with correcting luteal phase defects, and even bringing on ovulation earlier in a cycle
- royal jelly is very good for improving egg quality. Lots of women on IVF or IUI cycles have used royal jelly and reported markedly improved follicle/ egg quality when they went for future scans.

All of these things are really useful to women with pcos/insulin resistance.
Vitex has definitely helped me, and I recommend it considering from what you've said you don't get AF often.
For the past few years I've had only two to three periods in an entire year. I started taking Vitex, and 3 weeks later I had a light AF preceded by several days of spotting!!! Now 6 weeks later, I'm starting spotting again, and expect it to turn into AF.
That is a record, and definitely something I give full credit to Vitex for! I have recently learned about royal jelly properties, and have ordered some to start using.

I hope this helps you some, I love learning and studying about fertility and hormone problems and ways to correct them.
I've.taken vitex for a long time, I only stopped when we started TTC because of it saying you shouldnnt take it when you're pregnant so I just,stopped taking it out of fear I would get pregnant and it would cause the egg not to stick or something. In such a dork. But it was the ONLY thing that made my period regular.
I've.taken vitex for a long time, I only stopped when we started TTC because of it saying you shouldnnt take it when you're pregnant so I just,stopped taking it out of fear I would get pregnant and it would cause the egg not to stick or something. In such a dork. But it was the ONLY thing that made my period regular.

Oh that's great, I'm glad Vitex works for you! You could always stop taking it at ovulation if you're concerned about it harming a developing baby.
I hope AF makes a strong showing soon for you!
Aww JLynn sorry about AF... do you usually take provera or something to start a period? I too have PCOS and just had ovarian drilling to help with the cysts... Before my surg I would take progesterone cream to start my cycle instead of provera. I would search the forums for it... its actually pretty safe and worked like a charm for me.
Aww JLynn sorry about AF... do you usually take provera or something to start a period? I too have PCOS and just had ovarian drilling to help with the cysts... Before my surg I would take progesterone cream to start my cycle instead of provera. I would search the forums for it... its actually pretty safe and worked like a charm for me.

hmm that's really interesting. I'm going to have to look into that.
Thanks everyone for the hugs! I'm feeling a little better.... I'm trying clomid this month. Crossing my fingers it helps! Plus I realized that I'll be testing this time 2 days before my husbands birthday in Oct. maybe I'll get to surprise him! We get my husbands results from the Dr Tuesday... So it's just wait and pray I guess!
Oh I also had a question for you ladies! My periods are literally two days long! Could that mean something hormonal wise is going on?

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