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The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

Yeah thats a good idea, Mines was exactly 7 days after i stopped, Hopefully we all just have a couple of cycles then get our BFPS! Ooooooh its so exciting!

Betty, where about are you on your cycle?

Lolly x
hey Lolly,

i am CD 16 today, my OH is away atm so we have missed the opportunity this month:cry:, being apart has made him more excited about TTC because we have been talking alot about it so now im soooo happy that he is so excited about it too!!

how about you where abouts in your cycle are you??

its all soooooooo exciting i can hardly contain it hee hee especially with these lovely ladies getting their :bfp:!!!!!!

x x x
aw thats a shame you missed it this month :flower:

Yeah its very exciting isn't it?! We talk about it ALL the time, even what names we would pick lol! :haha:

I'm on cycle day 6, gonna just keep track of things these next 2 months and try in October, can't wait!!!!!
i know sucks a little but its good in a way as i will have an idea if my cycle will be back to some sort of normality if af comes when i expect her to...

we have been talking about names too and i think we have decided but we are gonna keep them secret for a while in case we change our minds :haha:

thats fab you will try in oct and by tracking for 2 mths you will be in tune and know whats happening sooooo well that you will catch that eggy :happydance:

x x x x

Very quiet in here ladies!

Hows everyone getting on?

Lolly x
Not much going on my end... just waiting for af to visit ...or not depending if my cycle is back or not hee hee!!

will keep you updated as to what happens!!!

how about you Lolly??

x x x
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say a big thank you for this thread, I have just read through it.

I`m on cerazette, have been for 21 months. I`m wtt and hopefully will be moving over to ttc in the middle of may next yr. I was unsure of when to come off the pill, was thinking about Christmas, but then I wondered if it was to soon. But think after reading this than I will keep to that, as then gives my body a chance to sort it`s self out. So thank you everyone for all the info.

Sending you all loads of baby dust. Take care xx
Hey Topsy your welcome, good luck when it comes to it and your welcome to stay with us, Lolly isnt trying just yet either :)

Hey girls, Actually if i remember rightly its 3 bfps as there was another one at the beginning of the thread!

How you all been? Its really quietened down in here, i think there might just be a few of us now! Dont know where they went!! Im CD 7 and using cbfm now. Cant wait to get back in the 2ww as stressful as it can be its all going to be so so so worth it xx
Hi Elmo & Betty!

Yeah i think its just us now :haha:

I'm good! Af was actually not that bad, it was the few days before it that was murder! & weeks till Egypt woo hoo! Ive got a big night out this Sat too with my friends so i cant wait!

Lolly x
I'm still around to check how you girls are doing :hugs:

Can't wait to see your :bfp: announcements! xx
Having a bit of a down day to be honest, i know we will only be going into 4th cycle if i dont get bfp this month but me and OH are already beginning to find it really tough. Were worrying, what if something is wrong :'( x
Aw Elmo :flower:

i know, it's rubbish sometimes, but you have to stay positive. Its not been that long, although i know it will seem like a lifetime to you both. Its hard when you want something really bad, but you just have to remember it will happen. If it doesn't happen this month just think of all the fun you will have next month trying!

We're putting it off for while, husband is setting up a new business & after a long chat we have decided to delay it until next summer. Just means my body will have fully recovered from cerazette! Also, im 30 in March so means we can go away on holiday again then! Think we maybe just rushed into this a bit & got carried away. I will still be popping in though, I'm addicted to this & want to see how everyone is getting on!

Lolly x
aw Elmo, i know its an easy thing to say and a hard thing to do but try not to worry, i know ppl say it all the time and i woud feel the same as you but you know we are all here should you need to vent!!

Gemie soooo glad you are sticking around to keep an eye, would be weird without ya seeing as you started this and got us all together!!

welcome Topsy, you are more than welcome to join us in the madness that is coming off cerazette lol!, as you will have seen it seems to not be to bad we have had 3 bfp's and most of us have had af about 7-8 weeks after stopping!

Lolly, glad you are excited about egypt, where abouts are you going? good luck with the starting of the new business! please dont leave us here stick around and chat with us :flower:

x x x x
Oh don't worry I'm not leaving! :flower:

I'm going to Sharm in October, Cant wait! If the business takes off i should be back here trying next Spring :happydance:

Welcome to Topsy! :flower:

Elmo, how you doing?

Hope you doing good Gemmie.

Lolly x
Hi girls, im fine now lol dont know what the problem was the other day!

I got a high yesterday and today on my cbfm :) so i hope peak is just around the corner!!

Lolly glad you are feeling happy and focused and waiting to ttc, and i hope you'll still pop by to see how were doing!

Its been very quiet in here, is anyone still out there??! x
Hi girls. hope your all ok.
Im not ttc yet but am on cerazette and hate it. I am off to docs tomorrow . Hoping to change this stupid pill. I hate it. its makes me so moody and i dont like the idea of having no af. Just hope when i switch it goes ok xx

Sorry I've not been in for a while!

Elmo, thats great! Exciting stuff!

How's everyone doing???

Lolly x
I got my peak!! wohooo i got my peak!! :happydance: So excited to dtd tonight :p xx

Elmo thats great! Very exciting!

Lolly x:dust::dust::dust:

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