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The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*


Looks like I'm in my first 2ww :happydance:

Just done a clearblue digi ov test & it came up with a smiley face! We :sex:the last 2 nights, i had no idea lol.

I'm on cycle day 23 which actually sounds about right as normally in the past my cycles have been 5 weeks, but, the the last time i got o positive i got my af the next lol so we'll wait & see. i dont feel like I'm gonna get af.

Do you think i should have sex tonight or have we done enough?

Lolly x
Definitly do it tonight too hun! You ovulate like the next day after you get a positive test i think! I would do it tonight too just to be sure :) Oooh this has all changed fast hasnt it! So exciting, were actually in our 2ww together! :)
That's so exciting for you both! Fx'd for you xx

Just a waiting game for me, feel bloated, achy and look enormous today, i'm guessing thats just the come down from the cerazette :(
I know It's so exciting!

I'm not holding out to much hope to a get a BFP soon, these things just don't happen to me lol! It's just so good to know that everything is back to normal & that I'm ovulating again. I guess we'll know in 2 weeks time!

Elmo how many dpo are you? If i got a positive yesterday will i just take today as 1dpo or should i test again?

Jaxblackmore, It's just a waiting game. How long have you been off it? it took me 7 weeks to get first af. Thats me been off it 10 weeks altogether now. Were you on it for a long time?

Hope everyone else is good!

Lolly x
still have everything crossed for you LollyLou xx

3 weeks off it now, I was on it for over 2 years, implanon for 3 before that and Depo for 5 years before that again. No af for 10 years!!! Never thought i'd be begging for it to come back!!

lots of :dust: to you all!

The first time i stopped cerazette i got af after 5 weeks so you might just have a few to go!

I was on Depo too for about 5 years! Its the DEVIL!

I just get so confused with all this, who would've thought it'd be so hard to get pregnant! :haha:

So my clear Blue ov test is negative today, should that be the case, negative Monday 11am, Positive Tuesday 11am, Negative today??? :wacko:

Lolly x
Lolly you get a positive when you get your surge and you usually ovulate so many hours after your surge, i think its like 12 to 36 hours or something like that? so if i were you i would keep bd'ing and tomoro i would say that you are 1 - 2 dpo

Im saying i am 6 - 7 dpo but i really think i am 7 because i actually had ovulation pains on day 15.

If you play it on the low side i.e 1-2 days rather than 2-3 days then you know you are not testing too early when the time comes :) xx
Thanks Elmo :flower:

Oh well we'll wait & see, I'm so bloody impatient lol I'm gonna hate the 2ww but I'm really busy with work so hopefully that will keep me occupied!

It's very quiet these days in here!


Not that I'm bored of you Elmo lol :haha::haha::haha: There just used to be loads of us & now just a couple.

What can we chat about to kill time in 2ww............How about..........Names? have you thought about any you like??

Lolly x
Aw wow names!! Fun!! Yea lets get some convos going in here. There used to be a few of us didnt there and now there only seems to really be us and 2 others!

Oh well we will entertain oursleves :)

My absolute favorite for a boy is River but my OH doesnt like it. Im pretty determined to get my own way though lol as i didnt when i was having my son and ended up with a name that im still not over the moon with lol He is called Tyler and im beginning to find it a little bit chavy, i prefer it for a girl actually lol

My OH wants to call a girl Rain (not sure on spelling yet)

We sound like a right pair of hippies dont we lol were not. But i do want something fairly unusual though. I wont be going as far as apple of anything like that lol x
it's been so long since i've had af or a cycle i've forgotten what its like, not sure how i'm going to cope with all this counting etc you all make it sound easy but i'm already confused!!! So the tww is the time from ov till testing/af??

Rain is a pretty name, Elmo, not one i've heard of before. I've loads of ideas for girls and not many for boys. Really like Emilia, Poppy, Isla and Annabel...but I change my mind all the time!!

good luck to both of you xx
Yes thats right Jax, see, You learning already! :haha:

It all becomes easyish lol after a while! :wacko:

Oooh i love all those names!

I think for us it's Thomas for a boy & Lilianna , freya or Eva for a girl.

I really feel like I'm gonna get af. Like MAJORLY! Must mean that i ov very late in cycle, It will be 4 weeks on Monday since i had last so would maybe be about right. Christ, why do i ov so late!!!!!!!!!! We'll wait & see what 2mor brings but I'm off to bed with a cup if tea & 2 paracetemol :haha:

Night Girls

Lolly x
Hello Ladies...

just wanted to add my bit, i was also 7 weeks off before first af... i was also on depo for 2 yrs i was taken off because basically it was making my hormone levels super low :wacko: because of this it took me 18mths to get first af (so 7 weeks after cerazette not so bad lol!!)

i am now on CD1 of af number 2!! a little later than i expected by about a week but not so bad i guess as i obviously did ov mid cycle so signs are good!

loving the name game by the way.. and loving the names ...

we are really undecided on names i think we will prob come up with a few for each sex and just see which one we keep going back to :thumbup:

hope you are all well ladies:flower:

x x x
Hi Betty!

Wow thats great that your on your 2nd af! How long was this cycle?

I don't feel quite so bad this morning but really really sore boobs so looks like :witch: is on her way which will mean I've kinda went back to being regular but usually I'm 5 weeks. Could my boobs just be sore from ovulating?

Anyway, I'm off to the gym

Have a good day!

Lolly x
Lolly.......maybe your pregnant!! It sure does sound that way?? Could you be? If there is a chance then i think you should test!!!

Betty wow 18 months is such a painful wait for you, im glad your on to 2nd AF getting some normality ready for that egg coming to stay for 9 months :)

Jax i love those names, the only one im not too struck on is emilia just because i already have a family member with that name.

Lolly i love lilliana and Eva, i was suggesting Eva to Ben the other day but as usual he wasnt keen!

I also like Brook for a girl or Quin (i was watching one tree hill last night lol ) i always pick out names when im watching stuff.

Well ladies this morning i was woken once again busting for a wee and an hour later i am busting again!! :happydance: im so scared to be let down this month, i have really built it up! x
Hi Betty! Good to hear you weren't waiting too long for af! No sign of anything here other than feeling rubbish as back to work!!

How funny, Eva is another name I have considered!

Hope your all having good Thursdays :) xx
Evening all!

Elmo, I bloody wish ha! There's no way im preggers, I only ovulated on Tuesday. Think I'll be getting a visit from the witch next week, Which I'm not actually that bothered about as it's 5 weeks till egypt woop woop!

If nothing happens by next weekend I'll do a test :wacko:

Anyway just a flying visit from me tonight, got 101 things to do, Prob be on 2mor night for longer.

Hope everyone is well

Speak soon

Lolly x
Oh, actually just before i go

Elmo, how many dpo are you? this is getting kinda exciting for you????

Thats a good sign right bursting for a pee?

Lolly x
hey Lolly, this was a 35 day cycle:wacko: not 'normal' for me but then i havent allowed my body to be 'normal' for years so i guess its a lot to expect it in a few short months... at least i have got second af in a kinda ok range so its all looking good eh!!

Elmo the depo wait was a few years ago now... my doc was worried as bloods comfirmed my hormone levels were the same as a menopausal woman!!!... i was pretty scared but good job it was a while before i was ready for babies, wouldnt have coped if it were now!! im currently on CD2 on second af after stoppin cerazette!:happydance:
signs are looking good for you too!! cant wait till your 2ww isover and you can test away!!

Jax, work is always rubbish esp if you have had time off lol!! are you waiting for 1st af? if so how long has it been now??

night night off to bed now :flower:

x x x
Right ladies, just stopping my on my threads to let you all know that were going away to my mums for the bank holiday and i wont be back until wednesday when AF is due! Today is CD 23 and im 9dpo! I havnt decided yet whether to wait until i get home and test on thursday morning or wether to take my tests with me to my mums and test sooner! I cant decide!

Have a great weekend girls and dont miss me too much ;)

I might be able to get on for a while at some point while im up there.

Lots of love xx
Hi ladies, I was on this pill.....ahh I hate it! I came off in June didn't have a AF in July and the 5th Aug I had a bleed for a day...so I should be on next wk. So waiting to see! I want my period so I know I am having a proper one but I don't because I want the BFP..... We started TTC at the beginning of this week so hi!

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