The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

K abbie answered in the exact same way I was going to, I used to opk the day I stopped bleeding to pos opk.... I did it this was because my cycles were :wacko: but usually I would ov around cd 20.....

Thanks for your congratulations it's sunk in a bit more now just can't wait for my scan!!!

Anna jiggy can def cause it! Try to enjoy your hol and relax!

Lolly best of luck honey, I so so so have everything crossed you getthe green light and you can be my bump buddy!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:

X x x x
Anna - Sorry I missed your post. Don't worry about the brown spotting. I had it too - I was scared to death! It was from BD though - your cervix is really sensitive at the mo so it is easily irritated!

Welcome kc, it took 8 weeks for me, and i have had the leep twice, and after the 2nd had 2 wait 4 weeks to have sex, it was the following cycle i got my bfp after trying for 7 months, so i think the break did us good in some ways and wasnt thinking about it as much! good luck!

Lolly i hope tomorrow brings good news!

Samie i love the name :D

Anna try not to worry brown discharge is what is most common

Abbi i didnt go to my antenatal in the end lol, my boyfriend will come to birth plan so will find out what he needs to know there, as i think it would have only been beneficial to him anyway, as ive read so much etc. and really didnt fancy it for 3 hours on a saturday morning!

Aw I see! I am dreading all day on Saturday. Hope I feel better by then cos it will be even worse if I am still poorly. Hoping it isn't a cringefest though - I have a feeling it will be! ;) x
You are all very good at reassuring others, i think this is the friendliest thread i have found! You are all lovely and helpful and thoughtful to others.
I feel a bit better now as Hay246 has had the same procedure twice and became pregnant after the 1st cycle. Congratulations!

Here's to lots of November BFP's!!!
Welcome KCS and good luck!

Hope everything goes well today Lolly x

For those who don't have FB i've added some pics

Had quite an unsettled night, she really didn't like being in her moses basket... strange because she didn't mind it in the evening... anyway broke my biggest rule she ended up sleeping on me in bed from 3 until nearly 9! Whoops not a habit i want to get in to!

She been ok this morning though Chris took her down while i got some sleep so time for lunch now.

Hope everyone else is ok


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Afternoon everyone, I'm struggling to keep up with our newly busy thread :haha: Well we were moaning when it was quiet weren't we Betty!!!!
Welcome kc, was 7wks for me so you shouldn't be waiting much longer.
Anna I had spotting and bleeding during my pregnancy with my daughter, was from bd, sex ban really not necessary just try not to be too vigorous if you're worried :haha:
Lolly I have everything crossed for you, fingers, toes you name it I have it crossed :haha:
Samie, saw the pics on fb, she's lovely, will have to show my Sofia :) Don't get too stressed about the co sleeping, it makes them feel secure, Ollie spends most of the night in our bed :haha:
Hay I don't think the ante natal will be of much use to you if you've read lots :)
Abbie if you're curious about the class go and see what it's like, I did go with my first pregnancy and whilst I knew the info was nice to meet other ppl :)
Betty not long to wait till you get to see your little bean :)
Sinn I would say it's af too :flower:
Rachael did you get my answer last wk?
Kix glad you had good time with your family :)
Anyone not mentioned personally :wave: hope you're well.
I'm off to get Ollie weighed in a bit will update you on his chunkiness later :haha:
Hiya KCS,

I was about 7/8 weeks for first af too - welcome to the thread!

Samie she is so gorgeous bet it feels really strange but amazing being at home with her after all the anticipation and waiting! Made up fo you!!

Abbi the class last night was ok actually - some of it I already knew and some of it I didn't (and kind of wish I still didn't)! It was 2 hours and felt really long but I was so tired going straight from work so reckon I would prefer a Sat morning to be honest. There a 4 classes in total and the other weeks sounds a bit better - one on feeding another on labour itself and pain relief etc. and we get a tour round the ward. Last one is about exercises and relaxation.

Last night was more of a general overview of everything and she had a strange baby and a knitted uterus!! ha! She was showing the group how the baby comes out and going through possible complications etc. She touched on pain relief and positions for labour and I am totally scared of an epidural now! I have no idea how I will cope with the pain until the time comes but I am really going to try and not have one as I honestly didn't realise they put a small tube in your spine I thought it was just an injection - she then went into detail about how it's difficult to push once you have had the epidural so the baby may need to be helped out with a suction device or even metal tools which she called blades and looked like salad servers?!!!! Oh my god reckon I'm going to try my best to go for water birth with gas and air.

Anyway enough rambling on! Hope everyone is ok and good luck at hopsital Lolly let us know how you get on.

p.s. Abbi I am copying your bolding of names makes it easier!! xx
:haha: Kix that's funny, they do look like salad servers!! :haha: My stepdaughter has 3 boys, I was there for the birth of the 1st two, she had an epidural with both and they had to use a ventouse (sucking tool!) on one and forceps (salad severs!) for the other. Can't say it was very pleasant. She was glad she had the epidural but personally I've never wanted or had one. Tbh I think I'm one of the biggest sissy's going (as my hubby will confirm) and I managed on gas and air and a pleasant shot of pethidine with the 1st two, spinal morphine cos of my c section on the 3rd and with Ollie only gas and air. Be open minded and have a good plan in your mind of an ideal and then think what you want if absolutely necessary and I reckon you'll be fine :)
Kix11 - i had an epidural with my son in 2010 and had the best birth i could have wished for! They warned me i would need assistance i.e ventouse/forceps if i couldn't get him out soon as i had been pushing for a while and that was all i needed to get him out quickly and safely. I didn't feel the needle/tube go in and it was bliss once it kicked in. I shall be requesting another epi with my next. Consider all options best for you though.

Beautiful little girl Samie
yeah when i do my birth plan, i am basically going to not have one in a way, as i will be open to anything really and gas and air and then see how it goes, and i just want to go with flow really and not make any plans, as it probably doesnt always go to plan anyway. want the next 7 weeks to hurry up :haha: really cannot wait to meet our little munchkin!!

honey i love lookin at updated pics of ollie hes such a cutie! :)

kix i may copy the bolding of names it is easier to see isnt it :haha:

Thanks Honey I think your definately right about being open minded and I can't even begin to imagine what contractions will feel like but I really don't want an epidural so I am hoping to cope without it!!

Didn't like the look of those salad servers one bit!! Or the suction thing - she said it can leave babies head bruised or with marks for a few weeks or an egg head!! ha!

Hay I will do the same thing just not have a plan and see how I cope when the time comes! I really like the idea of a water birth as I always feel better in water but no guarantees one of the pools will be free so can't get my heart set on that.

I had an epidural and it was amazzzzing would not had coped without it. I was still mobile could stand up, go on all fours etc and I knew I was fully with out being examined because when the head got low enough i could feel everything again so could push and need no intervention...I now have full understanding when i tell women its gonna start to burn now!

Stay open minded and have whatever you need at the time that's what i always say because too many people have birth plans set in stone and when it doesn't happen they way they wanted they feel like a failure and they are not!
that is true samie, and definitely what i plan to do.
kix my friend had a water birth and she said it was amazing and loved her birth and cant wait to do it all over again lol, she said it took pain of contractions away.

think we all cope differently too so i guess whats good for one, is not always good for another, :thumbup:

not even sure if hospital im going to has water birth option. we have to travel about 45mins maybe bit more to hospital too, but at least its mainly straight road! lol dont travel too well when im not driving! and hoping we dont get severe snow or anything this year!

Thanks for all the wishes for 2mor girls. No matter what happens I cant keep getting down about it as its doing my head in lol! If its bad news I'll deal with it next year & enjoy Xmas first. Hopefully it wont come to that.

Anna, glad your feeling better! I've been keeping a low profile so dont worry!

Lolly x x
Being in the bath really helped me in early labour and had my pelvis not been so bad I think I might have liked a water birth too it really did ease things.

Glad to see your trying not to stress over things lolly, everything will be fine x
Thanks Honey - that's what I will do. We can always sneak out in the break if we hate it!

Kix - salad servers, that is so funny! I am really not wanting an epi either but I am such a wimp. I have been reading a good book on active birthing though so I am going to try my best! Just think that 6 hours of classes is gonna be a killer. Stupid bf wanting to do it on a Saturday!! Glad you like my bolding idea! ;) xx

Hay - what hospital are you at/what county does it come under? This NHS website I found is great for maternity hospital info. Will see if yours is there!

PS:- I have bought a tens machine - hoping it helps in the early stages! xx
Kcs u said it right. This is the best forum and thread going. When we started ttc I went to a few and never had much help or felt I belonged.everyone here is fab,sammie I love Sophia's pics. Glad lolly is still hovering around. Thank u to all of u for your advice and reassure. I just want something to go right, lost a lot of my family over past few yrs so just terrified of something else being taken away! Dh convinced it's a girl possibly twins- no idea why! He kisses my tummy each night and says night night bean! He's 6ft8 looks broad and has always been hardened and tough-sometimes comes a cross as grumpy- but since we started our journey he's more soft than marge!!!!

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