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The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

Hiya want2bemum, fx'ed for you and your bfp xx

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend Elmo, again lots of luck for testing next week :dust:

3 weeks now since stopping the cerazette. I'm really hoping my cycles will come back by Xmas! Xx
Hi Ladies

I stopped taking Cerazette on 22nd June.

I had a bleed for 4 days on 28th June and then again 26 days later.

I have been regular since then, and using OPK's have been ovulating on CD13 each month but unfortunately no :bfp: as of yet.

Fx'd for this month tho :)

:dust: to you all

fx'd for you, good news that your af went regular fairly quickly - really hope you get your :bfp: soon xx
Hi guys!

Welcome to the newbies! :flower:

Eugh, i feel like the witch is on her way! Cramping like mad today!
Have a great break elmo! So exciting for testing!

I'm cycle day 26 today so hopefully af will come soon & I'll be regular again.

God we spend so long preventing pregnancy then when you actually want to it's so bloody difficult!

Hope everyone is having a good night!

Lolly x
Too true!!

Will you test Lolly?? I wish i knew what was happening with my af! no signs of cramping or anything yet!!

Morning Jax!

My plan is to wait quite a bit longer, I'm only 3-4 DPO so I think I'm just going to give it another week & if i dont get af by next sat then I'll do a test.

I know, it's a total nightmare waiting around isn't it?! i've only had 1 af still stopping cerazette so I'm not entirely sure when my next 1 will come, I'm thinking soon, its cd 27 for me so we'll wait & see.

I think I'd go off my head if it wasn't for this site, there's so much good info on it.

Anyway, off to work for me :growlmad:

Have a great weekend!

Lolly x
hiya Lolly,

The waiting must be really hard, i really hope the :witch: doesn't get you! Were you on Cerazette for a long time?

I feel like i'm in limbo!! I want to start counting, I want to start charting and I want to get one of those sig tickers that say how many cd you are... grrr. Just keep telling myself - patience!!

Need to get motivated to think of something else!

So what does everyone do for exercise (other than :sex: !!)?? I don't think i'm active enough and I really ought to loose some weight!

:dust: to all xxx
Hey Jax

Well, i was on depo shot for years, then on cerazette for 2 years, had a break last year & everything went back to normal then STUPIDLY went back on it in January this year!

I do alot of exercise, Step two times a week, bodypump two times a week, Body attack two times week & try to go running as much as possible. I'm a driving instructor so started doing loads of exercises when i started so i didn't put weight on sitting down all day :haha:

I'm dreading putting on weight when i get my bfp. I'm roughly 9 & half stone just now but would hate to put on loads of weight, but heyho i suppose it would be worth it!

Not really cramping as much today, i think af should be due next weekend, which means the next af will be due when I'm in Egypt :growlmad:

Have a great weekend!

Lolly x

I've got a lovely day off today!

Elmo, I'm looking forward to an update from you when you get home!

How's everyone doing?

I'm cycle day 29, cramping a little. Af due next Monday.

Lolly x

Hope your enjoying your bank holiday monday!

Wow Lolly, that really is an impressive amount of exercise - i'm office based so am sat all day too. I might go to the gym once a week if i remember, i'm useless! I'm 12st 10 so really do need to shift 2 stone to help with our chance of ttc.

I had an evening of cramps yesterday, even got the hot water bottle but no - still nothing :( hope your cramps aren't too bad this evening...sucks about getting af in egypt although you might get your bfp before then!

yes looking forward to hearing your news Elmo!

Hey my lovely ladies! Im not staying on long but will be back with a proper update tomoro.....you'll never guess what i found in the bathroom this morning?................

............my :bfp: !!! :happydance: 2 days early so very very scared but couldnt be happier!! xxx
wohoooooooooooooooooooooooooo im soooooooooooooooooo pleased xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations Elmo - so pleased for you!! thats such fantastic news xx
ooooooooooooooooohhh yay!!!!!! so cool!! piccies??




Elmo that's AMAZING! SOOOOOOOOO Happy For you!

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i was on that pill for nearly year and when i stop the pill my peroid come within 24 hours

Cd 31 for me. Wonder when af will show!

Elmo, How are you?

It's got awfully quiet in here!

Lolly x
Hey ladies,
just popped in to say dont worry or panic about having no break through bleed when coming off that pill!! i finished my last pill 2 months ago and have now had my first bleed on CD60! i did ovulate that cycle too. unfortunately with POP's they take quite a while to leave your system...i know thats no help when your TTC but just hang in there AF will show her ugly face!!
michelle xx
Thanks micheleann :flower:

It took me 7 weeks to get first af when stopping this pill.

Just wondering when the next will appear now :wacko:

Lolly x
I know what you mean! I’m now on CD4 but I have no idea how long my cycle will be this month as they are quite irregular due to having Polly Cystic Ovaries luckily not the syndrome,

My CBFM showed I ovulated last cycle which was music to my ears as its not very often I actually manage to ovulate and even if I do it doesn’t mean I release an egg!!

My partner has a low sperm count so battling it from both side at the moment. I have a scan tomorrow afternoon to review the cysts on my ovaries as its been 3 years since I was last scanned…I’m so nervous in case they say they are no better or maybe even worse  My partner is coming with me which will be nice for him as he can understand a little bit more about it!!

My partner doesn’t want to try Oct-Nov as it means we may have an Aug baby !! the reason for this is I was born 27th Aug, my son was born 6th Aug and my partner was born 4th Aug…lol a house full of Aug babies! He says it will cost him a fortune! lol

I really hope you get your BFP soon 

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