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The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

hey ladies... and welcome to the new ladies :wave:

i would just like to say that we have to relax and let our bodies mend themselves... frustrating as it is and believe me i know... as some of you alreday know i was on depo for 2 yrs before cerazette and my doc took me off because it was forcing my hormone levels so low it was like my body was in an induced menopause!!!!!!!:nope:..... after stopping this i didnt have af for 18mths!!! needless to say i was VERY frightened i had 'broken' myself but the body is an amazing thing and it does all come right we just have to pateint and wait it out... i was soooo relieved to get af 7 weeks after stopping cerazette and i have just had my second so looks like im gonnabe ok as far as the witch is concerned!! just gotta get to grips with when everything happens in my cycle as ive spent best part of 10 yrs without one hee hee!!

x x x
Egypt sounds lush Lolly! Are you planning on just relaxing or sight seeing and diving? I've not been but I've heard it can be hot!! We're going to Cornwall for a week in early November just as an escape really - we would have been on our posponed honeymoon in the Maldives the past few weeks but hubby got ill and we had to cancel!

We're trying for our first too, or at least we will be if my body ever starts playing nice again!

Wishing you all a fab weekend full of fun and :dust:


Aw Jax thats a shame about your husband & honeymoon. Is he ok Now?

Yeah at the moment its 40 degrees! Cannot wait! I love the sun!
Total relaxing holiday with the girls, a gorgeous 5 star hotel, so we're just gonna take it easy for a week!

Betty, your right, relaxing is very important! Just waiting on my 2nd af & its now been 5 weeks so god knows whats happening!

Anyway, have a great weekend everybody!

Lolly x

I'm new but have been reading up on your success stories after cerazette.
I stoppped taking cerazette after 3 years and no af at end of April and af didn't rear her ugly head till July 30th. I was due a week last friday but nothing as of yet.
Its great to read about the successes here after all I've read about this pill!
There's hope out there.
Congrats Elmo and Good Luck Lolly ;)

welcome welshfairy,

i wouldnt worry about yourcycle not being right... my first was 33 days... before i was a regular 28 days on the dot...

i notice you are wtt... any idea when the ttc starts??

x x x
Yeah. Wtt. I think I would like to lose a little more weight before trying.
And also gives my body chance to recover from cerazette.
Evening all! Hi WelshFairy! I'm also hoping that some sucess rubs off onto me, so far I'm 30 days of the cerazette and no sign of af!

Thanks Lolly, he's loads better now thanks - had a cyst removed from his lower back and the first op went bad so had to re op! Loving the sound of the 5 star hotel!! Nothing better than chilling with the girls! Maybe at this rate af will miss egypt too!

Ugh Monday tomorrow :( weekend went too fast again!!
Yeah. Wtt. I think I would like to lose a little more weight before trying.
And also gives my body chance to recover from cerazette.

im trying to lose some weight too... :thumbup:

i have a fair way to reach my 'ideal' but hoping ill get my :bfp: first then ill have an excuse for being chubby lol!!!

GL keep us posted on your progress :)

x x x
Yeah. Wtt. I think I would like to lose a little more weight before trying.
And also gives my body chance to recover from cerazette.

im trying to lose some weight too... :thumbup:

i have a fair way to reach my 'ideal' but hoping ill get my :bfp: first then ill have an excuse for being chubby lol!!!

GL keep us posted on your progress :)

x x x

Yeah of course. I think i need to wait a bit tho, mainly to let the cerazette out my system. At moment I'm a week and 3 days overdue and there was the odd occasion we weren't preventing but tested today and got a :bfn:. If it happens now I don't mind but just wish i'd never taken cerazette.
Oh well. :wacko:

Its nice to confide in someone whos going thro the same tho.

Welcome Welshfairy :flower:

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

I'm now cycle day 36 no af turned up yet! done my last test on Saturday & negative so i dunno whats going on! Boobs are aching & yesterday morning i fainted. Which tbh i used to faint all the time when i was younger & i did have really bad dizzy spells 5 weeks ago a few days before af arrived so hopefully this week it will show!

4 weeks today till Egypt!

Lolly x
Hi my lovelies! Just popping in to see if I've missed anything b/c I'm nosey :haha:

I have been lying low for a while b/c I've been reading and stressing... frist tri section is a very scary place :wacko:
But I'm doing very good. We had our private early scan last week and saw a bubas heart beat :cloud9: so I'm trying to stress less now... so hard though!

So without reading all through the thread, anymore :bfp:'s???
How are you all? xxx
Yeah. Wtt. I think I would like to lose a little more weight before trying.
And also gives my body chance to recover from cerazette.

im trying to lose some weight too... :thumbup:

i have a fair way to reach my 'ideal' but hoping ill get my :bfp: first then ill have an excuse for being chubby lol!!!

GL keep us posted on your progress :)

x x x

Yeah of course. I think i need to wait a bit tho, mainly to let the cerazette out my system. At moment I'm a week and 3 days overdue and there was the odd occasion we weren't preventing but tested today and got a :bfn:. If it happens now I don't mind but just wish i'd never taken cerazette.
Oh well. :wacko:

Its nice to confide in someone whos going thro the same tho.


its def great to speak to others going through it for advise on symptoms etc im very glad i found this forum and all the lovely ladies on it too!!:flower:

x x x x
Hi my lovelies! Just popping in to see if I've missed anything b/c I'm nosey :haha:

I have been lying low for a while b/c I've been reading and stressing... frist tri section is a very scary place :wacko:
But I'm doing very good. We had our private early scan last week and saw a bubas heart beat :cloud9: so I'm trying to stress less now... so hard though!

So without reading all through the thread, anymore :bfp:'s???
How are you all? xxx

hello, glad you dropped by...

i dont have :bfp: yet but oh missed ov last cycle :dohh: he was working hard tho so its ok hee hee!!

glad you are feeling better, i think you are doing right not reading to much as it will cause stress you simply dont need!! you heard a strong hb and saw your bubbs thats soooooo cool!!

pop back and se us again soon
x x xx

So good to hear from you! Glad the scan went well!

No BFP for me yet, its 5 weeks since my last af so god knows whats going on! I'm still hoping for my Christmas bfp though!

Hows everyone else doing?

Lolly x

Very quiet in here!

2nd af has arrived on cycle day 39 woo hoo!

With any luck i wont get a 3rd af!

Hows everyone else?

Lolly x
I took cerazette for just over 6 months and came off it about 3 months ago, gt my period back about 3/4 weeks later and decided to start TTC #2 this month.

Sorry to hear the :witch: got you lolly but at least you now know your in the game again :)

Things much the same with me, it's so frustrating waiting!! It's been 33 days now since I stopped taking it. I need reminding what af symptoms are!!

Hello welshwarrior, good luck ttc #2! :dust: to you! Xx
I took cerazette for just over 6 months and came off it about 3 months ago, gt my period back about 3/4 weeks later and decided to start TTC #2 this month.

welcome:wave: Gl TTC no 2!! keep us posted!!

good to hear you have had 2nd af lolly... at least its progress and you can go to egypt now and truly enjoy it then have that xmas :bfp:!!

x x x
hey xx i came off cerazette about 8 days ago, started bleeding the next day and havent stopped yet!!!!! is this called a withdrawal bleed or something? most posts i have read say no periods after stopping so im not really sure hiow common this is.

if it is a normal bleed then will i ovulate or what lolol im so confused (for a change) xx

Good luck with Number 2 Welshwarior:flower:

Lizzypie, I'm not sure tbh, Try ovulation predictor kits when you sop bleedeing.

Betty & Jax, I'm just so glad its finally here! Over 5 weeks for 2nd af so its not too bad! Just hope this is my month & i wont get it again!

Elmo, how are you doing?

Lolly x
Hello all,

I am over the moon i have found this thread!!

I stopped taking my cerezette too 8 days ago. I have had no withdrawal bleed but i am getting all the symptoms you are describing and its a pain in the arse. The abdomin tenderness is the worst a constant dull ache :(

We have started trying already just incase we are lucky enough to catch first cycle but im not holding my breath.

I have a question for you about opk's I have been doing them the last 5 days and i got very very faint lines on the first 2 but the last 3 days i have had dark lines not quite as dark as the control line but not getting darker or lighter??? Im really confused lol.
Do you always get a line?? or will you only get a line faint or dark at anytime of the month??

I kenw i was pg with my daughter coz i was using the opk's and i was getting the lines every day after my peak!! Im clutching at straws but it is far too early for me to do a pg test and i wouldnt even know how long to leave it before doing one anyway lol

On the positive stress free side of things me and my hubby are going on our holidy to spain on monday!!! I cant wait I just want to relax.... oh..... and did i say we are going child free!! whooooo first time ever away without the children lol

Jenny xx

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