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The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

Yeah it sounds quite tough what your going through Michelleann :flower:

Oh no, I hope he's joking & that you will still try in the next few months!

It kinda takes over your life a bit this ttc stuff!

Hope everything works out for you

Lolly x
Hi guys how you all doing?

Im fine thanks lolly, well better than fine, over the moon!!

Has af showed up yet?

I dont have sore boobies or anything just majorly bloated!!! I wonder how gemi is doing, she hasnt been back in ages xx
doing good here ta, just finished 2nd AF so hoping i might be able to recognise a pattern in my cycle :)

so pleased for you elmo!! glad you are feeling so well to :happydance:

Gemie has a scan pic as her profile pic now so think she is doing well!!

loving all the quick sucess that everyone seems to be having after cerazette...

x x x

Elmo, Glad your doing good! No af for me yet! Cycle day 31 now lol!

I'm normally 5 weeks so hopefully It'll come next week, been cramping & got sore boobs so fingers crossed for next week, I'm only 9 dpo & i done a test this morning lol bfn so I'll do another maybe on monday.

Betty, this could be your month! Seems to be the way on this thread!

Yeah i noticed Gemie's pic but i think she said she was gonna lie low for a bit as she was maybe panicking about every cramp and twinge in the early days.

Hope your doing good Gemie :flower:

Lolly x
Hiya, I've been off the pill for about 4 months now and although i've had one period and what you could call a quarter bleed i've had nothing. Early days i know but i don't know if I'm ovulating or what? i was on cerazette for over 3 years and never had a period while taking it. Now I'm TTC but so worried i've broken myself (dramatic i know, but us women do tend to worry ourselves to much don't we) please could somebody help... i'm so worried and scared. even though i have had a period does it mean i may not be ovulating still? i have been using ovulation tests but always negative.
Hey Luckyclover,

I'm afraid I can't give you any great advice as i'm only 4 weeks off the thing myself but what I can say is welcome aboard! I've read some really positive stories on this forum about people's experiance ttc after cerazette so i'm keeping my fx'd for everyone. How long was it before you had your af? the norm in here seems to be 7-8 weeks.

Elmo - good to hear your doing well xx

Lolly, hows things? I went to the gym tuesday = inspired after hearing all the exercise you do and i'm still in agony now!! that'll teach me for doing too much :) sorry to hear about the bfn, fx'd for monday xx

Pleased to hear you've had your second af betty, sounds like your well away - hope this is the cycle for you and the bfp!!

i'm still like a whale, going to the loo 20 times a day feeling rubbish and still no af - grr hurry up will you :witch: !!

Hi I am having my first AF since coming off bcp.....I had a light Af at the beginning of the month and then a 26d cycle!!! I was wondering what the kind of chances are of people falling after being on this bcp. If that makes sense?!
Pleased to hear you've had your second af betty, sounds like your well away - hope this is the cycle for you and the bfp!!

it good i had second eh... feeling so much better that i am obviously 'working' in there lol!!

my oh is away atm so hoping he will be back in time for ov... but if not then i will just need to be patient :dohh:

hang in there jax it will happen... it seems to have taken most of us 7-8 weeks and we have all felt RUBBISH whilst waiting... and stoopidly lots of pg symptoms too which is just cruel:wacko:

@want2bemum.. we have had 3 BFP's (i think) on second cycle off of cerazette in here... but everyone is different and for some of us it could be longer... remember its perfectly normal for a healthy fertile couple to take up to a year to concieve.. GL to you and i hope you get your BFP soon

x x xx
hi jax, thankyou for replying. I think i had my first AF at about 2 months, was only for a day and was barely anything to notice (apart from the pain) and my "real" AF was about 33 days later and lastest about 7 days, very heavily. I'm not sure if I'm ovulating and my main concern is that cerazette has messed my fertility chances up having read some awful posts and stories about cerazette. I think my best bet is to leave it another month and go to the doctors and see what they say. I should be due my next AF on the 10th this month so will keep you posted. Have you had many symptoms? My moods are awful, put on weight, breasts feel rocks and are killing me lol And apparently I'm so moody my boyfriend is going to start sneaking the cerazette back into my food if I don't get better soon lol x
I am nearly 20dpo (tomorrow) and still no AF I guess my blood test was negative....is there anything to "jumpstart" my AF????I NEED her back!

Luckyclover, are you using ovulation predictor kits? You will find those really help :flower:

Jax, well done on the gym! I'm not too bothered if I'm not pregnant this month as I'm off to Egypt 4 weeks on Monday so ideally I'd like to get my bfp after that lol!

Welcome to all the newbie's!

Lolly x

Was it cerazette you were on? The pill totally sucks, it's so annoying how much it messes you up :flower:

Lolly x
hi lolly, I have been using ovulation kits but they are always negative... it's becoming quite frustrating. As I've only had 2 AF it's been hard to try and work out my correct dates so i'm trying them quite randomly just incase. Fingers crossed for you, how have your symptoms been? x

I'm not to bad this month actually, took me 7 weeks to get af after stopping cerazette, on cycle day 34 & 10 dpo so I'm guessing I'll get af sometime next week :wacko:

I'm cramping and pretty exhausted so i think its on its way, its so annoying though i wish it would just hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!

how long were you on it for?

Lolly x
hey Lolly,

I was on it for 3 maybe 4 years. Never had a AF while on it, and not having much luck now either lol I think my cycle is about 33 days judging on the to AF's I've had, but that could all change this month judging by what I've been reading on here.
I've been so tired too, I keep doing pregnancy tests every other week in hope we may have actually managed to conceive (wishful thinking)

I've been really tired aswell, at about 4 o' clock i feel half dead, but having not had these period symptoms for 3 years it's hard to judge whether these sore breasts and moodiness is down to being due an AF or if I could actually be pregnant. We've been TTC lots, my poor partner must think thats all I want him for lately lol

Have you got any other children or will this be your first try, I have a 7 yr old daughter so would be lovely for her to have a little brother or sister..... Fingers crossed for everybody on here :) xx :thumbup:
Hey Luckyclover

This will be our first, We've been married 2 years now so kinda feels right. It's just so blooming frustrating to know whats actually going on inside isn't it?!
Why can't it just be straight forward!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be 11 dpo 2mor so i'll wait till Sunday & test again :wacko:

Probably wont be on 2mor so have a great wknd and I'll be back to look for updates on sunday :flower:

Lolly x
frustrating isn't the word, I've turned into a a foul mouthed little thing lately lol i think I must be like living with a mini hitler right now (poor boyfriend lol)

It's nice you've waited til it feels right :) Hope you have success really soon :)

I think i'll be going to the doctors next week for some blood tests and see what they say, the doctor weren't all that informative last time (male doctor, what would he know lol)

Definately keep up to date, who knows, may all end up pregnant together :)

xx :happydance: xx
Egypt sounds lush Lolly! Are you planning on just relaxing or sight seeing and diving? I've not been but I've heard it can be hot!! We're going to Cornwall for a week in early November just as an escape really - we would have been on our posponed honeymoon in the Maldives the past few weeks but hubby got ill and we had to cancel!

We're trying for our first too, or at least we will be if my body ever starts playing nice again!

Wishing you all a fab weekend full of fun and :dust:


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