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The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

Hey guys, im so sorry i havent read the thread. Iv been really unwell since sunday. Not pregnancy sickness, i dont know what it is, iv been waiting for urine results since monday to check for a UTI. I'll keep you posted, just didnt want you thinking i had abandoned you xx
Hope everything is ok Elmo xxx

Hi Jenny, welcome aboard :) I'm afraid I can't help with the opk's as I've not used them yet!! What I can say is I'm feeling your pain with coming off the damn pills! GL and have a lovely holiday!

Evening Lolly and Betty! Hope everything is good with you!

Jenny welcome to the thread :flower:

Jenny, Yeah you more or less always have two lines on opks, getting darker as you reach your peak. It's so frustrating when you first come off it but just be patient.

Elmo, Hope your ok. Get plenty rest and get yourself better :flower:

Jax, i'm doing good thanks. 2nd af has been a doddle! With any luck i wont get my next one! Fingers Crossed!

Lolly x
evening ladies,

sorry to hear your not well elmo, make sure you rest up and take it easy :(

i have nothing to report but thought id say hello anyway :)

x x xx

I'm cycle day 4 & af is gone! Woo Hoo!

Hopefully this will be my month. If i ovulate at the correct time I will find out if i get my bfp or not while I'm in Egypt! Although, I'll think I'll hold off testing till i get home if af dosn't arrive first! Certainly not a bad way to be spending my second 2ww!

Where about is everyone else in there cycles?

Lolly x
fx'd that the :witch: takes a holiday soon Lolly! Really hope you get that BFP this cycle!

Like Betty i've nothing to report either :( 5 weeks and a day now since coming off.

Yes i want a sunshine holiday in my 2ww when i get one :) sounds ideal Lolly!
Firstly i have to apologise as im about to have a rant..... I need to get it off my chest :(

Im so fed up of feeling like s**t i cant believe that this stupid cerezette pill can make us feel so rotten after stopping it.

I stopped taking it on the 1st so i have been off it 10 days today and i just cant cope anymore! It has even crossed my mind to start taking it again just to get rid of the horrid symptoms it is giving me :(! The stomach ache/cramp is driving me insane it feels constantly like my period is about to start but it WONT!! I have aldo got bad trapped wind, loose bowels, peeing all the time, slight lower back ache and last couple of days my legs have been aching like crazy, its a really dull constant ache!!!

I hate not feeling normal i know im not ill coz top half of me feels fine and i dont feel ill, its the lower half of my body that is being affected.

Sorry for the negitive rant but im hoping to feel better after i get it all off my chest.

On the pluss side i am going on my holiday Monday so i have something to look forward to, although the worry af is arrivi8ng is stressing me out about that too :(

I think i just need to go back to bed and wake up on the right side lol

Jenny xx
Morning Jenny,

Sorry to hear your having a tough time with the come down, i'm experiencing exactly the same and it's nice in a way to know i'm not alone. The peeing all the time really got to me and i've also had the back ache and aches all over. I've also gained 4lbs in weight which no matter what I do will not go and I look like a whale - bloated really badly! in the last week i've got really painful swollen boobs, which is something i've not had in years! I'm wondering what else my body has in store before af comes...!

so rant away! :)

and have a lovely holiday xxx
Thank you, i feel so much better knowing im not the only one suffering i just dont know why its so bad, i have only been on cerezette for about 3 months and its had such an effect!!! I would never have taken it if i had known the side effects of stopping it!

Ok time for some PMA!!!! cant keep stressing about it. Going to take an ibruprofin i think to ease it all :)

Jenny xx

Aw Jenny, You have every right to have a rant! That pill is the devil & we all felt like crap coming off it but it will ease, it took 7 weeks for my af to arrive after i stopped. Don't even think about going back on it!!!!!!!

keep up the positive thoughts & enjoy your holiday!

How long have you been off it now Jax?

Lolly x
Whoop whoop!

Af started this am, thought I was going to cry I was so excited! Oh thinks I've lost the plot! Also lost 2lbs of my cerazette weight gain! I'm sooo relieved - thought I'd stuffed my body up forever! So it's been 5 weeks and 2 days so sooner that I expected.

How are you lolly? Is it sunny where you are? I'm sat out in the garden eating my breakfast - it's so warm! How many cd's are you now? I'm so excited that this is cd1 for me!!!

Love and :dust: to everyone! Xx
Woo Hoo :happydance::happydance:

You must be soooooo relieved! Thats excellent news!

Yeah it was gorgeous yesterday! I'm in Scotland so we need to make the most of the good weather lol!

I'm now CD 6 & going to start my OPK'S at the weekend just so i don't miss out this month! I really hope it's my month! I don't think i'll be that lucky but you never know!

Hope everyone is well :flower:

Lolly x
How exciting Lolly!! I've got everything crossed for your bfp this month! I've ordered some cheapy opk's to get the hang of everything this month!

I've been to the gym again tonight so hoping I get bitten by the fit-bug!

:happydance: yay jax thats great news... such a relief when it happens eh!! the 4 pounds you gained may well have been pre af gain and it will all go once she does! us women get the joys of weight fluctuation on af time! sucks to be us somethimes eh!!

Jenny, try not to stress it will ease off and like lolly said we have all been through it so can sympathise how your feeling, you will feel soooooo much better soon!!

i still have nothing to report, confused about ov atm... cant work out when i should or if i have lol... i have an app on my ipod that says tomorrow but i have been testing for a few days getting faint lines and today it was stark white so not sure whats going on :wacko: its tough getting to grips with all this huh!!

x xx x
Thanks Betty! I still can't believe it today! It's been so long that I couldn't even tell that the weight gain was af related...!

Hold on in there Jenny! I have to say I feel so much better today than I did a week ago, so maybe your not long off either?

Good Luck with the Ov Betty, I've not used the opk's yet and i've also got an iphone app (is yours the fertilityfriend one?) which I can only guess with! This month is all about learning for me so have a BBT and cheapy opk's on the way :)

Fx'd crossed for us all xxx
i have never used them either untill now, sorta wanted to see if iphone was right.... lol just confused me no end!!.... i know the line has to be the same as or darker than the control to be + but i was getting faint lines then nothing so who knows lol, i cant track BBT as i never get up at the same time reg through the week :dohh: so wouldnt work for me!

my app is imensies, i got it yonks ago but it seems to be pretty good :thumbup: my cycles pre contarception were 28 days so hoping i settle back into that, my first full cycle off cerazette was 33 days :wacko:

or maybe il get a:bfp: and it wont matter hee hee!!!

how is everyone else doing this eve???

x x xx
I've got my fingers crossed for your BFP betty then the OPK's can remain a mystery!

My af is tailing off, which is a lot sooner than my old ones used to but i'm guessing 3 days is good for the first one. I'm hoping mine will be a long cycle, as FF predicted my Ov day to be the weekend we're away camping and i'd rather miss that one! my af was never regular so i've nothing to compare.

So are all you ladies hoping for your BFP before xmas?? I'd like to think i'd be that lucky but i'm not going to push it.

How's things with you Lolly?


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