The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

I plan to bf, the rate my bbs are growing they will be bigger than the baby!! I do worry this will cause bf issues but my mum was very successful and many many other big breasted women do it!.... Will just see how the cookie crumbles I guess!

Anna I have been getting all sorts if weird aches and pains they are all totally normal with everything growing and shifting inside! And my boobs are killing me again.... Hope it's not another growth spurt :haha:

I have to say all in all I'm loving being pregnant it amazes me everyday that I have a baby growing in my belly :cloud9:

X x x
Betty my bbs are certainly not small and it's not a prob, I think bf will go well for you xx
Thanks honey, I really hope it does, it's def something I'm very keen to do, but also realistic enough that if it doesn't go to plan I will ff :)

X x x
Betty im breastfeeding and anyone who says its easy at first it lying :haha:

Its the most amazing feeling once you get past the first few days and even some people dont get that pain.
I was in hospital for 6 days after i had Lily and the staff there were so helpful when i was in pain and when i got home it went ok till i got thrush, then they thought i had mastitis and that was painful. there have been times when i have been in tears while feeding lily begging for it to be over and then when you look at their little face i just kept thinking its not their fault its hurting me. I do think alot of it is in the mind if you have your mind firmly set that you want to breastfeed you can do it no matter the pain. obv some babies dont latch or you dont have much milk etc.
its strange i have been in pain where it feels like someone is slicing your nipple off then the next day it is completely normal and fine and now its as easy as anything i am so glad i stuck to it, i have been sat in tears all day not leaving the house due to breastfeeding but i also had a lot of support off other people especially my husband you also need this.
i dont want to put you off and ill be here if you want to ask any questions or want someone to talk to cos it def helps to speak to people.

im not slating anyone who is giving formula everyone has their own opinion and mums know what is best for them and their baby :flower:


Hey everyone

AF arrived yesterday and according to fertility friend I have a luteal phase of 9 days so I'm worried now!! :-(
Amelia don't worry I had a luetal phase of 10 - 11 days and conceived on month 4. I know know it's easy for me to say now but wish I had just relaxed more as my cycles were all around 22 days after coming off cerazette and I was panicking that there wasn't long enough for baby to stick before body was braking down for next af and turns out I was worrying for nothing. Everyone is different and there is always room for error with fertility friend or any sort of ovulation tracker. Best thing I did was go on hol hav a few wines and relax..... came home pregnant!

Fingers crossed baby is here by the end of the week still getting intense braxton hicks contractions that eventually fade away it's really weird. Last night I timed then again and they were exactly every 10 minutes for 2 hours 30 mins and were really uncomfy with period pains then just stopped. Had loads again this morning but no pattern. Did anyone else get this?

I have midwife appt tommorow anyone know what will happen at this appt? Will they do an internal? Or membrane sweep or will this be after due date? Just wondering as will be only 2 days before due date.
Hay - so glad things are going well. Don't beat yourself up about not bf'ing as long as he is happy and healthy that is all that matters. I know what you mean about keep looking at him, I do the same with Jake, I can't even watch the tv properly because I keep missing what is going on as I get distracted by him. They are just amazing!

Betty - I wouldn't worry about the size of your boobs, I don't think it has any bearing on your ability to breast feed. I have never had big boobs so I worried that I wouldn't have enough milk (what a stupid thing to think ;)) I actually think I have too much as Jake often splutters when he gets his first mouthful! haha! I recommend giving it a go, it is tough because feeding is all on you but at the same time I kind of like that I am the only one that can feed him, it's like we have this special bond. I love seeing him feed too, he looks so happy, Honey is right, it is amazing. Honey has loads of experience so you won't be on your own! Also, enjoy every second of your pregnancy, I miss my bump so much!

Amelia - agnus castus liquid drops is meat to be great for extending the luteal phase. Are you sure you o date was correct?

Kix - looking forward to hearing from you!

I am doing pretty well, loving being a Mommy - Jake was weighed last week at 3 weeks + 3 days and he was 8lbs 13oz! Just short of 2lbs heavier than birth - I thought he was getting chubby! haha! Really pleased though as he has reflux and I was worried it might affect his weight gain! He is on infant gaviscon but it is such a nightmare to give him and I don't think it is taking any of the gas pains away. I just want him to be comfortable! :D

Someone went over on a red light on Saturday and crashed into my bf, he is ok but it has really scared me. I was worried enough about taking Jake out in the car and now I feel even worse, so many idiots on the road!! I just want to wrap him up in cotton wool ;)

Hope everyone is well! Added some pictures of Jakey - he does those kissy lips a lot!! xx


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Kix - sorry we posted at same time! I didn't have an internal before I was due but then I had him at 39+4 so I'm not sure. I think they normally wait until due date for a sweep but I guess you could ask for one! I didn't experience any braxton hicks like that so can't help you there, must be a sign that baby is nearly ready though! Not long now!! :D xx
I didnt mean so set off a bf/ff thing ..... and I didn't mean I couldn't breast feed because of big boobs I just had to push to boob from her face so she could breath when she was small.

Anyway not gonna mention nothing more because I hate the whole bf ff issue, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't no matter your intentions, support or anything else even if your perfect its not always the way.

The best decision I made was to ff just wish the pressure didn't make me feel so bad I stopped

Samie - So sorry! I hadn't even seen your comment about big boobs - I just had to go back through and find what you said. My post must have sounded really bitchy - I honestly didn't realise I was just trying to stop Betty worrying! I know what you mean about smothering, I don't even have big boobs and Jake is sometimes so hungry that he buries his whole face in! I have to try and push my boob out of the way of his nose so that he can breathe! Haha!

Don't worry abbi! Honestly I didn't take offence I have just seen 2 sides to feeding the good and bad.

My reply was a bit harsh but I feel strongly about it but I won't say more because I'm sure ill get shot down lol
Oh good - I wasn't sure what you meant and then I saw you previous comment and thought you must have been thinking I was making a dig! I completely agree with you, there is a huge amount of pressure to bf and it's not fair as it is hard going and doesn't work for everyone, it doesn't work for me half of the time! Haha! Glad you aren't annoyed with me - really didn't mean to sound like a bitch! ;)

Whichever way a baby is fed the most important thing is that they ARE fed, whatever means as long as mother and baby are happy thats what counts. Almost more important to children is to be smothered in love and Samie im sure you are doing that :) Aside from that you expressed for first few weeks which meant she had the colostrum which is best bit. Never feel guilty, you did an amazing thing for her :) I told my sister to stop because she was getting so stressed with it, it was making her unwell, different strokes for different folks :)
Betty good advice from rachael and abbi, can be excrutiating at times, wont pretend its easy, any help i can be im here. Sorry girls apostrophes but cant be bothered as tablet makes it akward!
Aww ladies, sorry I didnt mean to start any kind of debate! It's such a major issue and I think the best thing that anyone can do is see if it works for you!

My sister is a massive example of like Samie said she had all the determination and support but both my niece and nephew had I vertex bottom lips and because she had sections with both her milk supply wasn't enough straight away to support their needs!

Samie Please don't feel like you have to keep quiet, I love the fact your here to offer us advise both as a mummy and a mw! :hugs:

Thanks for all putting my mind rest about the size if my boobs! was worried I might suffocate my poor baby!

Samie can I ask is it normal to go from 16-25 weeks without an appointment?

I have consultant tomorrow to chat about the pcos!

X x x
We posted at the same time honey and samie!

Samie honey is right as long as mum and baby are healthy it doesn't matter! That's what formula is for! I have ff kittens in the past and that frowned apon in the 'breeding world' but if a kitten is behind in weight because if a big litter etc then it's fair to them to help them out!

I agree that bf is a massive subject with some very strong opinions for and against but the fundamental fact is as long as baby gains weight and is healthy what does it matter where the food comes from!

And like honey said as long as baby is loved thats the main thing!

X x x
I didn't mean keep quiet completely you can't shut me up lol just on the bf front :winkwink:

We do visits at 22 weeks to review your blood results then 26 weeks so sounds like you might be missing one...
Oh I see :blush: well glad your not gonna shut up :haha:

Looks like I am missing one eh! When should I have bloods done? Sorry to keep asking you questions.... Tell me to buzz off if im annoying ya :haha:

X x x
im not seeing my mw at docs until 24 weeks. i think i last saw her at 14 maybe. I do get to see my diabetic midwife if i want so it does help. Im at clinic friday and kinda hoping they bump up bp tablets as I'm still getting a few headaches. Might ask about iron levels as some nurses at work have commented i looked pale and maybe lacking on iron.
Cant believe next wednesday I have 20 week scan.
Im sure i felt movements yesterday but still unsure. xx
They are the blood results from when you booked like your blood group and HIV screen etc unless you already had them... Next bloods are usually 30 weeks then 36 weeks for hb check.
Ah ok well she gave me blood results at 16 wk app so maybe it's all good then!

What's a hb check samie?

Pink can't believe your scan is so soon! How exciting!! Ours isn't too far away now very very exciting! Are you finding out the sex?

X x x

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